The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By: Shirley Linder, Quill Editor
First Special Meeting 7/20
Stronghurst- The Stronghust Village Board held two special meetings last week for the purpose of discussing borrowing money to build a new water tower.
On Monday, July 20th the village board met with Security Savings loan officers, Aaron Leary and Randy McElwee. Leary said Security Savings is interested in loaning the money and he presented the trustees with a sealed envelope regarding percentage rates and proposals to be opened following the next special board meeting.
No specific amount of money was discussed as the trustees did not know the exact cost of the project nor had they discussed the amount to be put down or how many years they were looking at in paying the loan back.
On a motion by David Vancil, seconded by Mike Bohnenkamp, the board voted to go into executive session at 7:35 p.m. for the purpose of personnel.
Five minutes later, the board re-entered open session at 7:40 p.m.
Vancil made a motion to hire Trustee Betty Waterman as part time office help at $8.50 per hour, with Spiker seconding the motion. The motion passed unanimously with Betty Waterman abstaining.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
In attendance were:
Mayor Gary Root;
Trustees: Brendan Schaley, Mike Bohnenkamp, Betty Waterman, Jim Spiker, and David Vancil, (Amanda Kane absent);
Employees: Lou Ann Nortrup, Ronnie Gittings, Deputy Lynn Hoyt;
Guests: Aaron Leary, Randy McElwee, Albert Renken, and Shirley Linder.
Second Special Meeting 7/22
On Wednesday, July 22nd the board held a second special meeting and met with Charles Schumacher, President and C.E.O. of the Bank of Stronghurst, who stated the Bank of Stronghurst was also willing to loan the village money. However, without more specifics on dollar amounts he could not give any figures.
Ronnie Gittings had been in contact with MSA and the estimated cost of the project, without any bids being let as yet, was 1.143 million dollars.
Schumacher said he and Aaron Leary (also present) had agreed, that since this is a community project, the two banks were willing to work together in loaning the money and discussed some ways this could be done.
Construction on the water tower would not start until 2016 and would take approximately 6 months to complete, therefore Schumacher said he could not quote an interest rate at this time since the project is a year out.
The water tower will be built on the land at the Bank of Stronghurst in return for the village keeping the lot mowed and demolishing the existing structure now on the land (the former "Humdinger restaurant that has set unused for many years).
The board agreed they need to have the MSA Engineering representative at the next board meeting to get details as to where they are at on the project.
In other business, Gittings asked for advice on the sidewalk being built on South Street, east of the school. He said the home owners (Todd W. and Pamela Stevenson) did not approve of the walk as felt it was 4-8" on their property and was also questioning if they were responsible for keeping it cleared of snow in the winter, since they did not request the walk.
Brendan Schaley, as head of the project, answered the concern by stating the sidewalk will proceed and "yes" there is an ordinance homeowners are required to keep the walks clear of debris.
Gittings also inquired about what to do about an outstanding water bill on a property that had been bought on contract but the buyer failed to pay on the loan and the original owner (Kyle and Toni Hendrickson) got the house back.
The board said the owner (the Hendricksons) was responsible for the bill because it was the same as renting a property to someone. The water will be shut off.
Gittings told the board both of the villages new generators have been installed and are working.
The board voted to enter executive session at 7:23 p.m. for the purpose of finances and re-entered open session 22 minutes later at 8:45 p.m.
The board, by general consent, agreed to use both banks in financing the water tower, making Security Savings Bank the lead bank.
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
In attendance was: Mayor, Gary Root; Trustees, Brendan Schaley, Mike Bohnenkamp, Amanda Kane, Jim Spiker, and David Vancil, (Betty Waterman absent); Employees, Lou Ann Nortrup, Ronnie Gittings; Guests, Aaron Leary, Charlie Schumacher, David Knutstrom, Shirley Linder.
The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, August 3rd at 7:00 p.m. at the village hall.