The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Stronghurst Booster Club
The Stronghurst Booster Club met on January 5, 2015 in the Stronghurst Fire Station. President Jim Blender called the meeting to order with members Jim Blender, Diana Taylor, Lori Taylor, Jerry Keimig, and Yvonne Knapp were present.
- The Project Spray Park-waiting to hear on grant.
- Monthly community news in the Hawk-Eye will feature Doran Insurance in the January issue, and H & H in the February issue.
- L. Taylor reported the business phone directory was finished and distributed. Have taken in $620.00. Still have a few to collect.
- Chocolate Fest-tabled until later.
- Christmas Walk-(take down) will set day and time and contact with information.
- Judy Roessler resigned from secretary per Jim Blender.
- Membership Drive-will get list and start at February meeting.
- Ron Gittings refused donation for helping.
- Will ask Ron Gittings to take sign down from the park.
- D. Taylor turned in bill for expenses for Christmas Walk in the amount of $1,496.77 to be paid.
- J. Keimig made a motion to move $1,000.00 from money market account to Christmas account. J. Blender seconded.
The next meeting is February 2, 2015.
Submitted by
Lori Taylor, Secretary