The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe City Council Creates New Water Position

by Christy Kienast, The Quill

The La Harpe City Council met for its regular meeting on Monday, February 23rd, at the La Harpe City Hall.

An amendment was passed to an ordinance pertaining to the water department which allowed for the city to have a new position: City Utility Administrator.

This new position was created to help free up the Water Superintendent (Tim Graves) so he can give more time and effort to the water plant.

The City Utility Administrator's job is to be responsible for dealing with the finances of the water department such as billing, collecting the monies for the bills, etc. The person filling this position will be appointed by the mayor with the approval of the council.

The City Utility Administrator will be giving monthly reports as well as an annual report to the council. The compensation for the new employee will be determined by the council. This new position will eliminate the two part time positions that have been doing the water bills.

Mayor Kenny Brown gave his report as follows:

Brown said the Love La Harpe MAPPING group is doing a super job. It was also said by Ryan Kienast, who is on the MAPPING group, that the group had voted to focus on three strong goals.

On Wednesday, February 25th (today), the Mayor will be meeting at the WIRC office in Macomb, to talk about water mains, etc..

City Water Superintendent Tim Graves has a map which spans over the last 5 years of water main breaks in town. Over all, there have been 52 breaks in the last 5 years, with the majority of breaks being in the designated area for the grant project whih is the southeast section of La Harpe.

It was reported that the next Supervisor's meeting will be on March 5th at 4:00 pm. at City Hall, and it was reminded again that the La Harpe City Wide Clean-up will be May 8th.

The regular meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. and the council went into Executive Session related to personnel matters.

Present were Council Members: Darrell Kraft, Josiah Neff, Mike Bennett, Todd Irish, Brian Lovell, and Marsha Stiller, and Treasurer Marcia Neff, and Clerk Lucretia McPeak, and Mayor Kenny Brown.

Guests: Amy Palmer, Kenny Foster, Kurt Dittmer, Dan Gillett, Doug Endres, Ryan and Christy Kienast.