The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Meet Your Neighbor

By Sally Day, for the Quill

Medical conditions and procedures are uncomfortable at any age, but when a person has to face this at the age of 13, it can be uncomfortable and painful on so many levels.

Five days before she turned 14, C.C. Whittemore of Stronghurst was diagnosed with ulcerated colitis. What might have been devastating to many at that age, C.C. came through it a stronger and wiser person. Luckily for C.C., her parents took her to the University of Iowa Children's Hospital for her treatment.

For the next two years, C.C. had her colon removed and rebuilt in a succession of three surgeries. She remained courageous and patient through it all. Her grandma, Linda Whittemore said the doctors, nurses, and staff at the University of Iowa Hospital were awesome.

C.C. lives in Stronghurst and has been employed by Fisher's Grocery Store for the past two years. She is the daughter of Rob Whittemore of Stronghurst and Jeannie Whittemore of Stronghurst. They both work at Shearer's in Burlington, Iowa.

Michael Jones of La Harpe is C.C.'s brother. He has one daughter, Hannah. Michael works at Winegard in Burlington, Iowa. C.C. also has a sister, Becca, who is a Senior at West Central School. She lives with her dad in Stronghurst.

C.C.'s grandparents include, Bill Whittemore of Dallas City; Linda Whittemore of Stronghurst; and Barney and Donna Richardson of Stronghurst. Linda is employed by Mark Warth Insurance Agency and her other grandparents are retired.

C.C. loves her "fur babies" as she lovingly referred to them. This includes all her pets.

Aside from her employment, C.C. attends the American Hair Academy in Fort Madison, Iowa. She will graduate in December and plans on working at the Alternative.