The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Dallas City City Council

Dallas City's regular City Council meeting was held on November 25th at 5:00 p.m. with Mayor Kevin Six presiding.

The following commissioners were present:

Lila Gittings, Esther Newberry, Harold Northup Jr., and Greg Olson.

Others attending the meeting were Eric Icenogle and Colton Smith.

After the November minutes and financials were approved, Council discussed the drainage ditch along Pine Street just south of the railroad tracks. It appears that there may be a broken tile that the city could partially be responsible for.

It was reported that water shut offs for non-payment of bills were done this week.

The city has received a letter from the Illinois Department of Commerce stating that the city's application for grant money has been rejected.

Eric Icenogle reported that he is working on nuisance ordinance violations and will get the council a copy of the notices and allow them to decide which notices need to be acted upon.

Colton Smith reported that the light bar on the police car needs addressed. The Lomax Ambulance has a set of lights that would work on the police car. They are asking $250 but would be willing to negotiate. Electronic Applications Company has a full cage for the police car that they are willing to sell for $30, and they would install the light bar and cage for $250.

A motion was approved to allow Colton Smith to negotiate with the Lomax Ambulance for the light bar, to purchase the full cage from Electronic Applications Company for $30, and hire Electronic Applications Company to install the light bar and cage for $250. All voted AYE.

The Council discussed getting some new Christmas lights. This will be discussed more after the first of the year.

A motion was made by Northup, and 2nd by Olson to donate $300 to the Dallas City Fire Department for Christmas candy and $650 to the Grace Bible Church Food Pantry. Gittings, Newberry, Northup, and Olson voted "AYE".

It was reported that Mediacom has notified the city and residents who subscribe to Mediacom cable that they will no longer be receiving any of the Quad City television stations. The only local channels will be the Quincy stations.

The Council discussed renewing the GroupCast notification service with Reliance Communications and then voted to renew the GroupCast 12 month unlimited notification service for $1500. All voted to approve the motion.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m. until the next regular meeting December 9th at 5:00 p.m.

The last scheduled meeting of the year is at 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 23rd at Dallas City City Hall.

Steven K Vorhies,

City Clerk