The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Biggsville Village Board Bans Chickens in Town

At the regular meeting of the Village of Biggsville board on December 3rd, information had been handed out on the chicken variance. No changes were brought up so it will be up to the board to decide.

Kathie stated that in the ordinance it states that there will be no chickens and she took a poll and many want chickens gone. Complaints have been taken into consideration. Those who wish to have chickens must ask for a copy of said variance to have chicken on their property.

If they do not apply they are in violation and chickens will have to be removed immediately. Kathie made a motion to not allow the variance to pass at this time. Kevin seconded.

Diane stated she recalls this variance had already passed approximately a year ago. Those on the board at that time state they did not pass this variance.

Amanda searched to see if she could locate any information from local papers to assist in putting this issue to a vote. Currently all meeting notes are with the village lawyer and cannot be used at this time. Dale Allenbaugh will bring over the notes that he has from previous minutes.

Due to the motion by Kathie and the 2nd by Kevin a vote had to be made. The motion carried to not allow chicken in the town limits.

The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Amanda Guyton who opened with the pledge of allegiance. Trustees Brian Sterett, Nanci Sterett, Diane Gonzalez, Kathie Curtiss, and Jeff West were all present along with Mayor Amanda Guyton, and James Rogers.

The minutes, bills and treasurers report were approved. James Rogers reported that the water notices need to be put on doors, and the lift station had one pump replaced last week. Arthur and E. Main serviced and done work quickly and nicely.

Everyone agreed it was ok for Max Lant to pay $25.00 for his water while he is gone.

The meter at the Methodist Church was covered and will be uncovered for ease of care.


Three permits were written. One for a house near the library, one adding to a garage and another to a home.

Council will meet on December 10th to assemble fruit baskets for seniors to be distributed December 12. Brian and Jimmy will put up the Christmas lights at least by Sunday. There will be no village Christmas party due to prio low attendance.

Andrew Sterett presented his Eagle Scott project, an information kiosk for the village and all approved the emotion.

January is the start date to begin reading meters. Bev Thacker came to ask questions about the position. Craig cannot read the meters in the summer so Bev would read them from May to October and Craig would read them from November to April. The board approved hiring Bev and Craig for $150 a month to read the meters.

The Village is still waiting on the contractor for the valve for the Fire Department well.

There's much interest in having Nova Cable Co. come to Biggsville. Representatives will be invited to a spring public meeting to go over information.

The next meeting will be January 6, 2016. Those who have concerns pro or con need to attend to discuss the chicken variance. A copy of the variance will be available to look over. Ideas can be discussed and taken into consideration.

Meeting adjourn at 8:34 p.m.

Respectfully-Village Clerk