The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
At the October 14th meeting, Mayor Kevin Six called the meeting to order with all council present along with Clerk Steven Vorhies, guests Ruth Higgins, Connie Siemens, Chris Classen, and Colton Smith.
Higgins appeared on behalf of the Dallas City Pride Committee/Dallas City Celebration Committee to request that someone from the council work with them on looking at new Christmas lights and/or winter banners for the city and help decide on which ones to purchase.
Siemens asked the council to consider making donations for the upcoming holiday season saying that the Dallas City Lions Club's Toys for Tots program served 73 children in the area last year and that 70 children attended last year's Christmas with Santa in Dallas City.
A motion was made by Newberry, and 2nd by Olson to donate $250 to the Dallas City Lions Club for their Toys for Tots program and $250 to Connie Siemens for Christmas with Santa was unanimously approved.
The council discussed properties in town that are in violation of the nuisance ordinance, dogs that it appears are being neglected, and the recycling bin.
Chris Classen reported that he had to call Mississippi Valley Pump to repair a pump in a lift station, and that two of the boat docks have been pulled for the winter and one has been left in for a little longer.
Mayor Six recently attended a Hancock County Economic Development Corporation meeting, and said he was planning on attending the meeting of the Hancock County mayors.
Doug Erickson has reported to Mayor Six that he still has not received any news on either of the grant applications that the city has submitted. Mr. Erickson is also working on getting a meeting set up with a representative from the USDA Rural Development regarding a possible grant for the building of a community center.
After discussion, the council all approved donating $300 to the LaMoine Valley A.B.A.T.E. Organization for their "Project Santa".
The board approved giving $150 to the Dallas City American Legion for serving hot dogs on Trick-Or-Treat night.
Colton Smith gave the city police department's summary report for the month of September 2015, then the meeting was adjourned at 6:23 p.m..
At the October 28th meeting, Mayor Six reported that he recently attended a meeting in Bloomington, IL, concerning liquor control. Bar owners and servers are going to be required to attend a training seminar. Mayor Six is looking into possibly having the city hosting one of these training seminars.
Under police business, the council discussed possibly contracting with the local townships to provide them with police protection. The city attorney advised the council that it is legal for the city to do this as long as the city is located within the township. Police Chief Smith will approach the local townships to see if they would be interested in such a contract. Police Chief Smith reported that there had been 3 juveniles arrested recently at the grade school. He also discussed our part-time police officers and the police protection that is being provided to the Village of Lomax.
Doug Erickson reported that he has not heard back from the state regarding the grants that the city has
applied for. He is also waiting for K & N Excavating to get him the necessary information that he
needs in order to close out the water salesman project. Mr. Erickson also reported that the State of
Illinois is currently not accepting applications for "Safe Route to Schools" projects due to the state not
having a budget in place.
The council also:
All four commissioners were present: Lila Gittings, Esther Newberry,
Harold Northup Jr., and Greg Olson, along with the Mayor Kevin Six, and Clerk Steven Vorhies, and guests: Doug Erickson, Eric Icenogle, and Colton Smith.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m.
On November 11th the Dallas City City Council members discussed the roofs at the city hall/police station building and the restroom building at the boat docks. They also discussed the interior lights in the police car. These will be discussed more at a later date.
Mayor Kevin calling the meeting to order with the following commissioners present: Lila Gittings, Esther Newberry, Harold Northup Jr., and Greg Olson along with the Mayor Kevin Six, and Clerk Steven Vorhies with no others in attendance.
Council members also discussed the city's insurance with the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association. If paid in full by November 20, 2015, there is a 1% discount and the premium for the 2016 calendar year would be $29,870.28. A motion was made by Newberry, and 2nd by Gittings to renew the city's insurance with the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association and pay the premium in full by November 20, 2015, in order to receive the 1% discount. All voted to approve the motion.
A motion was made by Newberry, and 2nd by Olson to pay the Dallas Rural Fire Protection District
$3,215.99 for the 2% Fire Tax that the city has received from the State of Illinois. All approved the motion.
The city clerk informed the council that the State of Illinois is changing the date that the Motor Fuel
Tax Resolution must be submitted to December 1. Therefore, the resolution for the 2016 calendar year
must be done by December 1, 2015.
A motion was made by Northup, and 2nd by Newberry to pass a
Motor Fuel Tax Resolution for the maintenance of the city's streets in the amount of $68,000 for the
2016 calendar year. The council all voted to approve the motion.
Chad Passley, C.P.A., has finished the 2014-2015 fiscal year audit. A motion was made by Gittings,
and 2nd by Newberry to hire Chad Passley, C.P.A., to do the city's 2015-2016 fiscal year audit for
$2,850. All members voted AYE and approved the motion.
The council also discussed
Council approved adjourning the meeting at 6:25 p.m. Council meetings begin at 5 p.m. 261 Oak Street, Dallas City, Illinois
-Taken from the minutes of Steven K Vorhies, Dallas City -City Clerk