The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Raritan Trustees Hold Village Meeting August 13th

Raritan Village Trustees met at the Raritan Fire House August 13, with Trustees Sammy Blender, Phil Anders, Rob Williamson, Michael Knapp, Yvonne Knapp, Dwayne Magee, President Earl Waller and Clerk Jim Blender present.

President Waller called the meeting to order. After usual business, the following bills were approved:

Phil Anders $190; Dennis Rankin $157.60; Waste Management $1,026.80; Dallas Rural Water $690.93; PDC $16; Jay Blender $1,065.00; Ameren $1,032.34; TIA Insurance $1,320.00; Western Illinois Regional Council $82.80; Murphy's $160.

Trustee Y. Knapp contacted the Village of Stronghurst about getting police protection for the Village of Raritan.Brendan Schaley, Amanda Kane and Jim Spiker were present to answer questions about the different options the village has for police protection in the village. The trustees will discuss this later.

The board approved:

A discussion was held about the light poles for the Christmas lights in the village. President Waller will contact Ameren IP about the brackets that were on the old poles.

The speed limit sign coming into Raritan from the east has not been put up. President Waller will check into it.

A motion was made by Trustee Blender, seconded by Trustee M. Knapp and unanimous approval of the board the meeting was adjourned to the next regular meeting night. Motion carried.