The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
West Central Board Looking At District HVAC Work
At the regular school board meeting on April 16th, members continued discussion on the Architects Report on District HVAC System. The board first heard a report from District Architect Bill Phillips about revisions to the plan he presented to the board last month.
Mr. Phillips had been asked to bring back to the board a list of the most pressing priorities regarding the district HVAC system.
Mr. Phillips reviewed his list and reported that the total dollar value of the items on the list was approximately $1.345 million dollars.
Mr. Phillip's then showed the board a brief video of the elementary roof rubber membrane being buffeted by high winds.
Following this, Mr. Kevin Heid of Stifel Nicholas presented the board with some cost information relative to a potential bond sale to pay for the district HVAC work.
After some discussion, the board decided that further discussion needed to take place and that such a discussion was best conducted in a special meeting called for just that purpose. Mr. Grimm will work to find a date that is acceptable to the board for this special meeting.
The meeting was called to order at 5 p.m. with all board members were present, except Mr. Anderson. who arrived at 6 p.m.
Following the pledge of allegiance to the flag, the board entered closed session to conduct a student discipline hearing. Following the hearing the board expelled a West Central High School Student for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year.
Under Good New Items the following items were highlighted:
- The recently completed high school play was well done and well attended.
- The elementary music programs were highlighted as being well done.
- Nola Talbott was thanked publicly for her 42 years of service as a bus driver to the school districts in Henderson County.
- Several WCMS Students were highlighted for recently participating in an Honor Band performance held in Farmington.
- The Special Persons days have been well attended so far.
- It was reported that Chris Wright has received a grant from the Farm Bureau for several small projects that she wishes to complete in her classroom.
- Mrs. Lafary recently completed a grant from Walmart that resulted in the district being given $1000 in school supplies.
- The FFA program has been successful in several competitions that have been held recently.
- Mallory Lafary and Hannah Parsons recently participated in a legislative lobbying day in Springfield.
- The WCHS Softball team is off to a great start having only lost 1 game so far this season.
- The leadership team and staff were complimented for the work that was done to hold the memorial service for Zach Bundy in the WCHS Gym.
- It was noted that the elementary roof is still attached and not leaking.
- Mike Lenahan was congratulated for being elected to the Board of Education.
- Amy John was complimented and thanked for her four years of service on the WC Board of Education.
- The board approved the agenda with the following addition: Item XIII. H Sixth Grade Cheerleading
- The board approved the Consent Agenda as presented. The following items were approved as part of the Consent Agenda:
- The minutes of the Regular and Closed Session meeting of March 18, 2015
- A resolution regarding National Teacher Appreciation Week and Teacher Appreciation Day
- Under Financial Activity, the board:
- Approved the payment of all bills as presented plus several bills that were added to the list at the board table.
- Approved the building level activity accounts as presented.
- Approved the March, 2015, treasurer's report as presented
- Heard from Superintendent Grimm that the state of Illinois owes the district $341,488. This figure represents money the state has vouchered to the district to the comptroller's office but the district has not yet received.
In other business:
- approved the 2015-2016 School Improvement Plans as presented to them last month with a few minor changes.
- briefly discussed some sample banners that could be hung in the high school gym honoring those teams and/or individuals that have participated in a state tournament event. Board members White and Arnold agreed to work with District Athletic Director Randy Frakes to study this issue further.
- granted permission for a current WCHS Junior student to graduate at the end of the 7th semester providing all necessary requirements are met. In a separate motion the board granted permission to another WCHS Junior student to leave school early during the second semester of the 2015-2016 school in order to take classes at SCC.
- approved a proposal from the Twin Oaks golf course to be the host site for the WCHS Golf Team for the 2015-2016 season. Anticipated costs will not exceed $1500 for the season.
- approved a resolution pertaining to the Western Illinois Special Education Cooperative to form a new governance model. Board member Buss volunteered to attend a meeting in May of the Governing Board of the Coop to represent the West Central School District.
- approved a Memorandum of Understanding with the West Central Association of Teachers and Staff regarding National Board Certified Teaching Candidates. The MOU restores certain agreements that were in place previously.
- approved a change regarding the district authorized IMRF agent from Mr. Grimm to Shelly Nelson.
- approved the Senior Class Trip to Kansas City on May 7, 2015.
- heard updates to the reports as submitted by Mr. Schneider, Mrs. Lafary, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Grimm, Mrs. Frakes and Mrs. Smith.
- heard a report from the Board Building and Grounds committee. Specifically, the board was informed that Mr. Phillips is preparing costs estimates for three different small projects at the high school that if completed, might allow for more class time. It was noted that Mr. Phillips will be prepared to present this cost information to the board at their June board meeting.
- discussed with the building principals the proposed changes to the 2015-2016 student handbooks.
- briefly discussed a proposed change to current language in the WCATS contract to address the section on Overload pay. The board directed Mr. Grimm to prepare a MOU to address the situation.
- briefly reviewed two quotes that have been submitted for the replacement of the Personal Fitness PE classes. Mr. Grimm was directed to do additional research and bring a recommendation to the board at their May meeting.
- heard a report concerning the West Central Education Foundation. It was noted that new members are needed to ensure the continued functioning of the foundation. Board member Amy John agreed to become a Foundation Board member.
- reviewed recommended increases to the 2015-2016 student book rental fees and lunch prices. It was suggested that the name of the list of fees be changed to include the word technology. It was also pointed out that is has been at least six years since the board has increased these fees. The board indicated by consensus support for the increased fees and directed Mr. Grimm to bring the list of fees back to the board for approval at the May board meeting.
- briefly reviewed the need to conduct the Board Reorganization meeting. It was determined that the board will conduct that meeting on Tuesday, May 5, 2015, at the WCES Cafeteria beginning at 6 p.m.
- briefly discussed a request to include sixth grade girls in cheerleading tryouts. The board was not interested in pursuing this at this time.
- a suggestion was made to discuss the middle school baseball program at the May Board meeting.
- The board returned to closed session to discuss matters pertaining to personnel at 8:10 p.m.
- The board returned to open session at approximately 9:50 p.m. and took the following action:
- Accepted the retirement notice of Nola Talbott as a district bus driver
- Accepted the retirement notice of Jeff Nichols as WCMS Principal
- Accepted the resignation of Beth Parsons as WCES Part-Time Title I Associate
- Employed Julia Burns as WCMS Principal
- Employed Joe Pilger as WCES Assistant Principal
- Employed Samantha Kimmey as WCHS Math Teacher
- Employed Sheena DeBock as WCES Part-Time Title I Associate
- Accepted the Resignation of Alicia Anderson as WCMS 8th Grade Volleyball coach
- Approved Memorandum of Understanding #16 with WCATS regarding an early retirement incentive for a WCATS member.
The board was reminded that the next meeting is the Board Reorganization meeting on May 5, 2015, and that their next regularly scheduled meeting is May 20, 2015.
There being no other business to come before the board, the board adjourned their meeting at approximately 9:53 p.m.