The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Stronghurst Employs New Police Officer

By: Shirley Linder, Quill Editor

Mark Jackson of Colchester was hired by the Village of Stronghurst board at their regular meeting held on April 6th.

Jackson will replace Colton Smith who has resigned to take a full time job as an officer in Dallas City.

Jackson will work 20-25 hours per month for the village of Stronghurst, and has had 40 hours of mandatory training including firearm training. However, the village will still need to pay for part time schooling and will be sending him to classes. The contract between the police department and Jackson will state he will give the village 2 years of employment and should this not be possible, for whatever reason, he will pay back 20% of the cost of the classes.

The Stronghurst Police Department now consists of Arbry Vancil, Lynn Hoyt, and Mark Jackson, along with Angie Garrison, who does administrative work for the police and for the village.

Ronnie Gittings reported a problem with a lift station on North Street that had required being pumped a couple of times, but he says it is now working.

Gittings also reported he has passed his "B Test" and now can become licensed for the water plant. They will phase out Test Company, who had been hired to do the job due to no one having a license. However, they will retain the company to do the sample testing since it is cheaper than have the state do the tests.

The March police report included: Squad car mileage-935; 9 traffic stops; 5 verbal warnings; 4 written tickets, 2 for revoked drivers licenses, and 1 for suspended license; 1 notice to appear; 1 assist- Stronghurst Ambulance; 5 services calls; 3 warrant arrests; and they checked 25 businesses in town.

A motion to amend Ordinance No. 06 of Section 1-10D of the City Code and increase water reconnect fees from $25 to $50 after a customer's water has been turned off due to nont payment of water bills, was made by David Vancil, seconded by Mike Bohnenkamp, and was unanimously approved by the board. (The Ordinance is being published in this week's Quill Newspaper)

The board, on a motion by Deb Hale, seconded by Betty Waterman, entered into executive session at 7:27 p.m., for the purpose of discussing "employment compensation."

The board reentered open session at 7:59 p.m. on a motion by Mike Bohnenkamp, seconded by Betty Waterman.

Action was taken to raise employees' wages as follows;

Ronnie Gittings $16/hr

Lou Ann Nortrup $11.45/hr

Arbry Vancil.... $14.03/hr

Angela Garson $12.24/hr

Lynn Hoyt....... $13.01//hr

Mark Jackson $12.00/hr

Future office help $8.25/hr

The meeting was adjourned until Monday, May 4, at 7:00 p.m. at which time the newly elected board will be sworn in.

All meetings are open to the public.

Present were: President Gary Root; Trustees, Mike Bohnenkamp, Deb Hale, Brendan Schaley, Betty Waterman, Tony Anderson, David Vancil (7:10); Employees, Lou Ann Nortrup, Arbry Vancil, Ronnie Gittings, Mark Jackson, Attorney Bill Rasmussen; Guests, Amanda Kane and Shirley Linder.