The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1921 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, June 8, 1922

STRONGHURST VICTOR IN BI-COUNTY TRACK MEET:  The main event of the meet and the big drawing card was the 220 yard dash,  the competition being between Putney of Stronghurst and Bryant of Kirkwood.  Both had a race to their credit, the 50 yard dash being won by Putney and the 100 by Bryant making the 220 the decisive race, which was won by Putney by a comfortable margin.  The 220 yard hurdle furnished a lot of thrills with Sanderson and Stratten of Biggsville running neck to neck but was won by Sanderson in an exciting finish.  Purlee of Alexis raised the high jump record from 5 feet 7 ½ inches to 5 Ft. 9 ½ inches.  The Stronghurst rely team of Putney, Kemp, Parish and Dixson easily won with Biggsville as their only opponent.  Stronghurst won the meet with 35 points...

THEY GOT MARRIED: At the beautiful south heights home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kurrie of Dallas City, Russell W. Brooks and Miss Dorothea Kurrie were united in the holy bonds of wedlock at high noon by the Rev. Geo. Marsh, pastor of the Congregational Church of Dallas City.  The bride and groom left on No.22 in the afternoon for Chicago, thence to New York, from which they will leave for Europe where they will spend their honeymoon returning the latter part of August.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kurrle of Dallas City and graduated from the High School and completed her education at Knox College, graduating in 1917.  Last year she taught in the local high school, her high intellectuality combined with a natural aptitude for conveying her knowledge made her a valuable asset on the teaching staff.  She was also intensely interested in everything that pertained to a higher and broader education and standard of living and spends her spare time in travel to seek more knowledge in these things.

The groom is the eldest son of A. R. Brooks, west of town, and for the past few years has been farming at that place.  He is an industrious and highly respected young man of this community whose sterling character has won for him a substantial friendship of all.  He is an active church worker and is always prominent in the affairs that tend along this line.  He was educated in the Stronghurst schools, completing his education at Monmouth College graduating in 1917.  He served his country in the late war, being attached to the signal corps.  Mr. and Mrs. Brooks will make their home at Stronghurst upon their return from aboard.

MAYOR WEDS POSTMISTRESS: Miss Mary S. McClymonds, popular postmistress of Kirkwood, Ill. and Fred C. J. A. MahaffeyGordon, mayor of Kirkwood, were united in marriage at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Mahaffey.  Mrs. Mahaffey is the sister of the bride.  Those present from Kirkwood were the father and sister of the bride, C. M. McClymonds and daughter, Miss Mima.  The newly wedded couple left on NO.22 for Chicago where they will spend several days before returning to Kirkwood where they will go to house keeping in the McClymonds home. 

The bride has lived in Kirkwood since she was 6 years of age.  After graduating from the public school she entered the employ of W. D. Campbell in the Leader office.  In 1910 she left there and went into the post office as assistant to Postmaster John Holliday.  Later she acted in the same capacity under Postmaster R. E. Gamble.  Three years ago when Gamble resigned, she was appointed to the position.  She has given universal satisfaction to the public and is highly esteemed by everybody.  She has sent in her resignation as postmistress to take effect July 1st.  ;

Mr. Gordon is the son the late Cornelius Gordon, an old time citizen and at one time postmaster.  He has lived in Kirkwood all his life.  He is a building contractor.  A year ago the citizens of Kirkwood elected him president of the village board and he has served acceptably to all.  He is progressive and wide-awake to the interest of that community.

VILLAGE BOARD MEETS: The board agreed to open the drain tile in front of the J. F. McMillan property; they approved the treasurer s bond for Paul D. Salter; they hired Bert Putney as village marshal and night watchman at a salary of $70 per month; put the care and supervision of the village park under the supervision of street and alley committee; asked the village clerk to advertise for bids for a concrete curb and gutter to be erected on Broadway to extend from crossing on the north side of Nichols St. to the crossing on the south side of Main St. and to extend from north side of Main to the right of way of the A.T.&S.F. Railroad.

CUSTOM FEED GRINDING MILL IN OPERATION: The firm of Haben & Higgs started operation of their newly constructed feed mill last Friday.  The building is located on the north side of the Santa Fe on Broadway.  The plant is operated by electric power and is complete in every detail.

SACRED CONCERT: A sacred concert will beheld at the Christian Church June 13th at 8 p.m. by the Oak Street Baptist Church choir of Burlington, Iowa.  The choir consists of 36 voices.  This program will consist of solos, duets, trios, quartettes and chorus singing.  Admittance will be 25 cents for adults and 10 cents for children.

NOTICE TO CLEANSE AND PURIFY: Notice is hereby given to all persons living in the village of Stronghurst to thoroughly cleanse and purify their yards, barn yards, pip sties, cellars, privies and the alleys and streets adjacent of all trash, filth, manure and other noisome substances likely to occasion disease or prove offensive to any person in said village C. H. Curry, Village President

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Ralph Reynolds is now working near Smithshire. Mr. Geo. Hoffeditz and family have moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. Jas. Brown. Rev. Van B. Sullins who underwent an operation for appendicitis at Cottage Hospital in Galesburg is improving rapidly and expects to come home next week. Dr. Ed Henderson of Hallowell, Kans. is visiting with his brother, Dr. F. M. Henderson. Carl Larson, who attended a school of instruction for Chautauqua managers at Indianapolis, returned home.

***OBITUARY***MRS. JNO. W. SUYDAM: Emma, third child of E.J. and Martha Curtis, was born at La Harpe, Ill on March 16, 1856 and died May 31, 1922 at her home after a long and painful illness. On July 16, 1876 she united in marriage with Jno. W. Suydam of Raritan, Ill and at this place she lived until 1888 when with her family she came to Media and continued to live there ever since. Two children were born to this union: Bert Elsworth of Monrovia, Calif. and Lillie, now the wife of Mr. Malt Murray of East Burlington, Ill. Her husband, children and five grandchildren, two sisters-Mrs. Wm. Meese of Marshalltown, Iowa and Mrs. Harrison Jones of Lewistown, Mo., three brothers-James of Denver, Colo., Myron of La Harpe, Ill. and Seymour, who made his home with her plus a large circle of friends are left to mourn their great loss.

Early in life she confessed faith in Christ and united with the Christian Church of New Bedford, Ill. On coming to Media she united with the U. P. Church. She was an active temperance worker, having organized a W.C.T.U. Society here and was well known as a advocate of civic righteousness and sobriety and evil doers kept themselves out of her way lest they find themselves within the clutches of the law. (a local "Carrie Nation"?)

Mrs. Suydam was a member of the R.N.A. and Rebecca lodges of Carman, Ill. She was an able nurse and rendered valuable service in times of sickness and death until failing health compelled her to lay aside her active ministries.

Her parting regret being that she hated so to leave her husband and brother Seymour. Tuesday evening her pastor, Rev. R. J. Kyle, called and prayed with her asking Jesus to strengthen her faith, quoting His promise of assurance, "I will help thee," which promise she repeated again and again before singing her last song.

When her daughter, Mrs. Murray came later, she recognized her and spoke a few words of greeting. Mrs. Murray asked if she would like to lie down, she responded, "If you think best, I will." Her head was laid upon her favorite pillow and she quietly rested until the end came Wednesday morning. . . Funeral services were from the U. P. Church with burial in the Stronghurst Cemetery.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Commencement exercises on Wednesday were fairly attended. The bad roads kept many who would have otherwise been there at home. Professors Hoffman and Murtland have been retained for another year and two young ladies, one from Eureka and one from Valparaiso, Ind. have been employed as the other teachers. Mrs. Wm. McIntyre was called to Kirkwood by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Shook. Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Murtland and son Wm. were called to Fountain Green by the serious illness of Mr. Murtland's sister, Mrs. E. S. Spangler.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Miss Mildred Fagan entertained her pupils in the primary room with a picnic. Miss Emma Wright of Stronghurst has been hired by the school board to teach the primary room the next year. Miss Morgan of Cuba, Ill. for the intermediate. The families of Clyde Dixon, Louie Dixon, Mr. Mahr and Mr. Stowffer picnicked at Crapo Park. Mrs. Libbie Sloan of Chanute, Kans. was here Decoration Day on her way to South Henderson where relatives are buried. Dr. Yarron and Mrs. Borland for the Illinois Vigilance Association gave good talks Sabbath day and evening. Elmer Mitchell of California stopped here on his way to visit his brother in St. Louis. C. P. Plummer of Wyoming is in town visiting his mother, Mrs. Hattie Plummer.

RARITAN REPORTS: Miss Audrey Rezner of Stronghurst has been hired to teach the lower room in the village school the ensuing year. S.E Corzatt, how has been confined to the house for several months, was able to be taken to the cemetery for Memorial Day services. The ladies of the community held an ice cream, strawberry and cake social in the Community room Saturday evening. Dr. Hoyt is the possessor of an aerial; he is enjoying concerts. (Radio aerial, I presume.) Miss Anna Barry returned from Rock Island accompanied by Annabeth Barry. They went to graduation exercises for her sister, Marie Barry. A number of people visited the Peony farm.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: The Children's Day exercises will be held at the M. E. Church Sunday evening June 11th. Mr. and Mrs. Fishel and children are visiting relatives. Mr. Heber of Burlington moved his family here and will occupy C.A. Hedges' house. He is employed at the S. S. Bryans garage. The Ladies Aid gave a lawn social in Liberty Park featuring ice cream, strawberries and cake. The commencement exercises were held at the M. E. Church with Judge Gordon addressing the graduates. The Misses Phyllis and Darline Freed of Casper, Wyo. arrived to spend their vacation with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Duvall.