The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, June 1, 1922
(Long article about Decoration Day observance as well as memorial service for soldiers in this edition.)
NEW POST MISTRESS: Postmaster Shaffner received official notice that Mrs. Lily Diver will be in charge of the office on June 1st. Mr. Diver will be first assistant Postmaster.-Dallas City Review.
TWO PASSENGER TRAINS COLLIDE HEAD-ON: The two Santa Fe fast passenger trains, No.1 west bound and the fourth section of No. 2 eastbound came together while running at very high speed at about four o'clock Monday morning on the strip of single track just east of the Ft. Madison river bridge exactly on the Niota Y switch into a singe track for crossing the river. The result was truly frightful-two big mogul engines literally mashed into a mass of iron and junk, losing almost all semblance of railroad engines. The engineer of Train No.1, engine No. 3404 was killed out right and jammed in the wreck; it was reported a leg had been severed to get his body out. The fireman on this engine either leaped or was thrown from the cab but was so badly injured and so many bones broken he will probably die.
The engineer on No. 2 engine 531 remained at his post and while jammed and bruised will probably live. Looking at the wreck, one must say his escape is truly a miracle. The fireman of this engine was mashed up and dead when taken out from under the wreckage.
The two first baggage and mail coaches were telescoped and derailed, but not a man was killed in either of them. All other cars of both trains remained on the track. This is accounted for by the wreck happening on a heavy curve, which permitted both engines to shear off to the sides and kept them from tearing through the trains as they would surely have done had the track been straight.
STRAWBERRIES READY: Wm. F. Long presented the Graphic force with several boxes of fine large strawberries that he raised on his place north of town. They certainly are dandies and as we are always strawberry hungry, they hit us just right. Mr. Long has been supplying the wants of many and is only started to pick so will have plenty to supply the demand. His prices are the same that is being charged by all the growers which is very reasonable considering the quality of the fruit.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The annual meeting of the Hope Abbey Cemetery Association(the mausoleum) was held with the following old officers re-elected: President, Geo. T. Chant; Vic-President, Dr. H.L. Marshall; Treasurer, G. E. Chandler and G.W. Worley, Secretary. During the storm last Friday at Burlington, Iowa, the rear end of the building occupied by P. W. Wallin as an auto sales room collapsed. Miss Opal Billups has been on the sick list for the past few days, but she has resumed her school work. Miss Marie Mudd who has been teaching in Rossville, Ill. completed her term and is now home for vacation. She has accepted a position to teach school at Blue Island near Chicago next year. Mr. M. G. Lovitt's new house is well under way and is to be finished by the middle of July. The annual Junior-Senior Banquet is to be held Saturday night at the dining room of the U. P. Church. Preparations for a Children's Day program are being made for the M.E. congregation under the direction of Mrs. F. M. Bane and Misses Martha Davis and Marguerite Wheeling. Mrs. Maude Saunders and Mrs. Chas. Marshall and families started for San Francisco, Calif. Oliver Cooper is acting as chauffeur for this trip. News received says they were about 100 miles west of Omaha, Nebr. Mrs. Lucy Shick is in a very critical condition, suffering from nervous prostration. The U. P. Choir gave a picnic for Miss Larson at the Del Dixson home. Walter Woodward, while jumping at his home this noon, fell and dislocated his left arm at the elbow.
Miss Emma Marshall and Miss Lura Speck left for an extended trip through the East. They will visit Washington, D.C., New York, Boston and Corrina Maine returning home by the way of Niagara and Montreal. Grover Rehling is driving a new Hudson coach purchased from P. W. Wallin. Miss Marjorie Thompson who has been teaching school at Laurel, Mont. arrived home for her summer vacation. Robert Jones, while attempting to hop on a passing road drag that was dragging the track at Sanderson's field, was thrown violently to the ground and dragged several yards before the truck which was pulling the drag could be stopped. Outside of being shaken up and bruised, he was not seriously injured.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: At a meeting of the board of education Harry C. Blackstone was again employed for the coming year as principal of schools. This makes 7 years in that position. Mrs. Lena Pence was also employed as primary teacher for another term. Judge J. W. Gorden will deliver the commencement address at the M. E. Church Friday evening, June 2nd. Rev. D. K. Sailor delivered the Baccalaureate address to the graduating class; his subject was "To Parts Unknown." The class is composed of Elizabeth Galbraith, Madge Babcook, George Lewis, Clark Pence and Ed Galbraith. A fine son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watson. Mark Kemp moved from Burlington onto one of the W. T. Weir places.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The high school play was well received and proceeds amounted to about $38. Patrons of the high school will give a reception for the teachers, graduating class, athletic team and those who won in the declamatory contests. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Lefler and son Lloyd of near Hopper spent Sabbath day at the home of their daughter and sister, Mrs. Barnard White. Waldo Ericson visited the Peoria home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pendarvis. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. White were called to Princeville by the death of Mr. White's father. Mrs. White will visit a brother at Eureka before returning home. The junior society of the U.P. church went in a body to the cemetery west of town and decorated the graves of soldiers and friends buried there. The first ball game of the season to be played by the Sunday Baseball team will be played Friday evening on the grounds just north of town. Both Prof. Hoffman and Prof. Murtland have been employed for another year at the high school
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mrs. George Garrett of Bowen, Ill. visited the home of Mrs. Zimmerman. A company of 40 people enjoyed the supper given at the U.P. Church by the Parent Teachers Club. David Thompson left for Batavia where he will relieve one of the operators for a month. Rev. Morton was in charge of the baccalaureate services held Sabbath night at the U. P. Church. Mrs. Robert Gladson and little son Bobbie went to Burgess where they visited with Mr. Gladson's parents.
RARITAN REPORTS: Mrs. Kate Shurtz came over from Middletown, Iowa to make preparations for the sale of the personal effects of the late Mrs. Garret Shurtz. Miss McBurney departed for her home in Burlington and was replaced as nurse for Mrs. Sarah Alpaugh by Mrs. Flynn. A number of people visited the peony farm Sunday. Bob Thompson suffered a paralytic stroke affecting his left side.
LOMAX LINGERINGS: The eighth grade commencement was held Tuesday evening with the Brust Orchestra of Burlington furnishing the music. Rev. L.C. Mauck of Quincy made a very able address. The local ball team crossed bats with Oquawka on the local diamond winning with a score of 19 to 3. O. F. Pence is building a brand on his farm north of town.
ANOTHER DREAM: Mr. Wm. T. Love of Lomax came up to Burlington and made a fraternal call. He is busy with the preliminaries of a large industrial promotion, the details of which will be made public in due time-Burlington Post.
***OBITUARY***MRS. JNO. SUYDAM: Mrs. Suydam who has been ill for some time passed away at her home in Media yesterday morning. Funeral will be at the U.P. Church with burial in the Stronghurst Cemetery.