The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, June 29, 1922
WEDDING BELLS-SULLIVAN-PENDLETON: The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jon J. Sullivan of Burlington was the scene of a very pretty home wedding at noon June 22nd when their youngest daughter, Agnes Marguerite Loretta Sullivan became the bride of Mr. Lonne Richard Pendleton of Carman, Illinois.
The bridal party entered the parlor to the strains of a wedding march and took their places beneath a huge white bell and among a mass of ferns to pledge their troths. The bride was beautifully gowned in white chiffon and wore a pretty veil caught with ferns and rose buds and carried a huge bouquet of ten roses. The matron of honor was Frances E. Dixon, sister of the groom and wore a pretty gown of white organde and carried a bouquet of tea roses. Little Miss Lorena Pearl Dixon acted as ring bearer and enter the parlor in the lead of the bridal party. She carried a bouquet of roses in which the ring was hid; her dress was made of neat little crepe de chine. She is the youngest sister of the groom.
Mr. John H. Sullivan, youngest brother of the bride, acted as groomsman and The Rev. F. D. Ferrall of the First Christian Church read the ring ceremony in the presence of the immediate families and a few close friends.
Mrs. Pendleton was a member of the senior class of Burlington High School of 1922. Mr. Pendleton is the youngest son of Mrs. Thos. Dixon and is a very prosperous young farmer of near Carman, Ill. The young couple has a comfortable home prepared on the groom's farm.
The home was beautifully decorated throughout with pink and white. The bridal table was decorated with the colors and the huge cake made a very pretty centerpiece. Guests enjoyed a four course dinner which was served immediately after the ceremony.
Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dixon and daughter, Lorena Pearl of Carman; Mr. and Mrs. James W. Dixon and children Evelyn and Helen and Mr. Mace Pendleton of Carman; Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Catanzaro and sons Franklyn Catanzaro and Stephen and Thos. Treharne and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wunnenberg of Sperry, Iowa and Miss Esther Nollen of Mediapolis and Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Ferrall of Burlington.
Mrs. Thomas Dixon, mother of the groom, served a five course dinner for the couple and wedding guests and a few close friends on Sunday, June 25th.
WEDDING BELLS McMILLAN-LINDERMAN: James Fleming McMillan and Miss Lulu Linderman were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Linderman at Maxwell, Iowa Saturday morning at 10 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. McMillan left at once on a short honeymoon trip and will return to Stronghurst Saturday where the groom has a home prepared.
The bride is a popular young lady of Maxwell, Iowa, a suburb of Des Moines. She has been in the employ of the Banker s Life Insurance Co. at Des Moines, Iowa for the past several years. The groom is the assistant cashier of the First National Bank, the position he has attained being the reward of diligent and efficient service for those he served. He is also an active worker in any movement that tends toward the growth of the town and being athletically inclined, has always been a loyal supporter of all clean local athletic activities.
GIBSON-ENWALL: Miss Laura Enwall of Stronghurst and William Gibson of LaPort, Ore. were untied in marriage at Monmouth on June 22nd. Miss Esther Enwall, sister of the bride, and Neal Sullivan of Media accompanied them. The bride is the second daughter of the late Lewis Enwall and has spent practically all of her life in Stronghurst locality. The groom is a native of Oregon where he is engaged in mining. The marriage is the culmination of a romance begun when Miss Enwall was called to the West a year ago to care for her brother Russell, who was very ill. After a short visit with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Gibson will go to Oregon.
JORDAN-MAGEE: Miss Irma Magee and Ed Jordan, both of Stronghurst, were united in marriage at Galesburg June 24th. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Magee. Mr. Jordan has been agent for the Western Grocery Co. with headquarters at Stronghurst.
OFF THEY GO TO TRAIN: The following young men from Stronghurst and the county have applied and been accepted for the Citizens Military Training Camp which opens at Camp Custer, Mich. on Aug. 2nd: Red Course: Alton Vaughan, Henry Marshall, John Stine, Charles Decker, Manly Staley, Donald Rankin, Delford Putney, Harry Painter, Robert Steffey, Clarence Burrell, Rudyard Kershaw, Jessie Baxter and Carl Nelson (both of Oquawka) and Ted Galbraith of Gladstone. Blue Course: Glen Marshall. White Course: Dixson Jones. Henderson County will no doubt have the largest quota of any county in the district. A few more applications will be received by Dr. H. L. Marshall if sent in right away.
HENDERSON COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY MEETS: The Henderson County Medical Society held their annual meeting in the Dr. I. F. Harter office with the annual election of officers: W.J. Emerson of Lomax, President; Dr. I.F. Harter of Stronghurst, Vice-President; W. S. Reilley of Oquawka, Secretary; Dr. H.L. Marshall was elected to serve as censor for three years. Dr. I. F. Harter was chosen as a delegate to attend the State Society and Dr. Hoyt of Raritan as alternate.
MORGAN BARBER SHOP SOLD: The building on East Broadway which was owned by the late Thomas Morgan, which was used as a barber shop, was sold by W. C. Ivins, Executor of the estate to Geo. Chant for $1,835. The fixtures were also sold to Mr. Chant for $200. Charles Lukens and Nat Curry have operated the shop since the death of Mr. Morgan.
PREACHED FOR 10 YEARS: Rev. Catlin, pastor of the Old Bedford Church closed his 10th pastoral year on June 25th. His parishioners surprised him with a lunched featuring well filled baskets. The Stronghurst Christian Church were invited guests.
OBITUARIES--JAMES A. J. ATKINSON-Mr. Atkinson, an old resident of Henderson and Warren Counties, died on June 22, 1922. death was caused by cancer. The deceased was born at Dallas City, Ill. on Dec. 29, 1947, being 74 years, 5 months and 22 days old. Mr. Atkinson served during the Civil War in Co.E 10th Ill. volunteer Infantry. He leaves to mourn his wife and two sons, G.M. and E.B. Atkinson and one grandchild. Burial was in Monmouth.
NORMAN P. ARBOGAST: The body of Norman Arbogast who died suddenly of heart failure at his home in Galesburg last Sunday morning was brought to Stronghurst for burial. The deceased was 40 years and 7 days old. The body was accompanied by his wife and friend from Galesburg and relatives from Raritan. Mrs. Arbogast is a niece of Levi Ray of Raritan, she being formerly Aleta Tally of Galesburg.
MRS. J.W. ROMICK: Mrs. Florence Romick passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Nellie Ogburn at Los Angeles, Calif. Saturday evening. The body will be brought back to the old home at Lomax and the funeral will be conducted at the Lomax Christian Church.
DRILLING ON LYNCH'S FARM: If a prospect hole being drilled on the J. D. Lynch farm, 3 ½ miles west and one mile south of Raritan, brings in oil, then a new oil bearing district will be opened. For several years various companies have been importuning Mr. Lynch for permission to drill on his land and finally his consent was gained. Geologists employed by the oil company claim that indications are strong that oil bearing sand will be found under the Lynch farm so developments will be watched with considerable interest. Monmouth Review
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mr. and Mrs. Al Berg and family left for Gorin, Mo. in their car. Mr. and Mrs. E. Z. Cornwall are visiting at the Harry Ross home. Mr. I.L. Stone of Battle Creek, Mich. and Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Slater and daughter, Helena, of West Point, Ill. visited in the home of Mrs. S. S. Slater. A junior choir has been organized in the M. E. congregation and will furnish music for the evening service. Miss Mary Dixson is the director. The Y.P.C.U. of the U.P. Church will give an ice cream social in the park. The Santa Fe road landed 300 track laborers at Galesburg with 60 bunk cars for their housing. They are to relay 65 miles of track from Galesburg to the Mississippi River with heavier rails. The W.F.M.S. ladies are going to give a lawn fete on the M. E. Church lawn June 30th. Misses Emma Marshall and Lura Speck returned from an extended visit in the East.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Children's day exercises were held in the Olena church with a good sized crowd attending. A splendid program under the direction of Misses Thelma Peterson and Hazel Hicks was enjoyed by all. The young people's class of the Sabbath school gave an ice cream and cake social in the church parlors to finance the lighting of the facilities. Although the crowd was not large, a neat sum was realized. Daryl, the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dowell living west of Olena, has been very sick the past two weeks with what was diagnosed as Creek fever. Farmers are unusually busy with corn, wheat, rye, clover and timothy claiming their attention. A young son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs living north and west of Olena. Herman Burrell has greatly improved the looks of his dwelling house by a generous use of paint. Mr. Charter, north of the village has been enlarging his barn so as to accommodate more hay. Bernice, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Likely, was so unfortunate as to fall and cut her side. Medical care was given and at word received was recovering nicely. The young friends of Miss Elda Marsden gave a surprise 10th birthday party with ice cream, cake and wafers. The young girl friends of Miss Thelma White congregated at her home and helped her celebrate her 10th birthday. A jolly good time was in evidence. Light refreshments of fruit salad, cake cocoa and marshmallows were served. Judge Gordon of Oquawka delivered his famous lecture on the "Legal Aspect of the Arrest and Trial of Jesus" in the Olena church Sabbath A.M. H. S. Lant accepted a position as assistant instructor of the high school work in Gladstone school-a good position with a good salary assured. Mr. and Mrs. John Booten of Dallas City called on Olena relatives in a new Ford car which they had recently purchased. Chuck Heisler is erecting a new bungalow on his farm north of the family residence. Otis White and three of his children and an elderly man who is staying there took very sick Sabbath day and called a physician who said they were suffering from ptomaine poisoning caused by eating salmon. Dr. Wehman of Burlington was over to see Leslie Lyons and thought he had a chance for recovery but would be 6 months or a year before her regained his health.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The Sunday School baseball team beat Biggsville with a score of 25 to 7. Mrs. Wm. Drain, who has been in Los Angeles, Calif., for the past two years, arrived home accompanied from Pratt, Kans. by her granddaughter, Miss Nadine Fritchie who will spend the summer with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Drain expect to return to California again this fall. Miss Eleanor Kyle, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. R. J. Kyle, graduated from Monmouth College. Edwin Ericson is home for the summer from Augustana College. The homes of C. C. Sullivan and Wm. Drain also the M. E. Church are being treated to a new coat of paint. Mr. and Mrs. Barnard White are riding in a new Ford.
RARITAN REVIEWS: Ray Churchill received some blisters on his feet when he walked into some hot ashes shortly after a bonfire. Mrs. Rose Melvin had the misfortune to scald her limb when she spilled the contents of a boiling kettle of water. The State Sunday School convention will be held in the M. E. Church Sunday afternoon and evening July 2nd. The two churches of Media and three churches of this place will be represented. Maurice Torrance and family were greatly surprised by the arrival of 75 friends at their home to spend the evening. Ice cream and cake were served.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: The Booster Club have been busy completing arrangements for the big 4th of July celebration. Miss Bessie Weir has returned from her school work at Ashton, Idaho. R. C. Barnes, chiropractor from Monmouth will be at the hotel Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Will Stevenson, Jr. is reported on the sick list. J. Y. Whiteman has been harvesting his wheat crop in the drainage district, having had 100 acres. Mrs. Nelson of Colchester is spending the week with her son who is an employee in the Hazen garage. A good entertainment was given last Friday evening at the U.P. Church by the Douglass Trio composed of Miss Annabelle Douglass, reader; Miss Evelyn Douglas, soprano and Miss Julia McCrackin, Mezzo Alto. The Misses Douglasses were former residents. A picnic was held in the park by some 25 of the Community Club members in honor of Mrs. Hubbard who leaves for her new home near Peoria.
CARMAN CONCERNS: The Children's Day program was held in the Methodist church Sunday evening. Mrs. Nancy Twilley has been staying with her daughter, Mrs. Cora Pendry for a few weeks. Miss Jeanette Hearsh of Burlington visited her grandmother, Mrs. Liza Brown. Mrs. Malt Kemp and daughters, Doris and Betty Jane of West Branch, Iowa and Paul Newman of Quincy visited Mrs. Anna Gillis and other relatives. Miss Pauline Harris is visiting the A. C. Babcook home.