The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1921 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, June 22, 1922

THREE PEOPLE KILLED AT DAHINDA: Mrs. Bert Walker, aged 22; her daughter Beverly, age 5; and Mrs. Maggie Breece, mother of Mrs. Walker, all of Galesburg, Ill. were instantly killed Sunday afternoon when the car in which they were driving crashed into the eastbound Santa Fe passenger No. 22 at the crossing at Dahinda, Ill., fifteen miles east of Galesburg. The fatal accident occurred at 4:45 p.m. Mrs. Walker was driving the car and did not see the approaching train which demolished the car, instantly killing the occupants. Mrs. Walker had just gone after her daughter Beverly who was practicing for a Children's Day entertainment at the church and was on her way home when the train hit them.

The accident was in full sight of the ball grounds and was witnessed by several hundred people including the husband of Mrs. Walker who was playing short stop for the home team.

RESTAURANT SOLD: O.L. Kronsted has sold his restaurant to Peter Curtis who will take possession the first of the week. Mr. Kronsted will leave soon for Oneida, Ill. where he will conduct a hotel and restaurant.

GYPSIES RUN OUT OF TOWN: A tribe of gypsies traveling in three Ford trucks hit town yesterday and immediately started out on their tour of the business buildings to try and tell fortunes and pick up whatever happened to be lose. Marshal Putney soon arrived on the scene and ordered them out of town. Their farewell they gave him would not look well in print.

WEDDING BELLS: Mr. Lonne Richard Pendleton of Carman, Ill. and Miss Agnes Marguerite Loretta Sullivan of Burlington, Iowa, were married at the home of the bride's parents at high noon today. The groom is the youngest son of Mrs. Tom Dixon.

FOUND STOLEN CAR: Charles Wheeling had his Ford stolen out near the carnival grounds in Burlington one night last week. It was found abandoned on Saturday out on a hill near Burlington.

31st ANNUAL OUTING OF THE STRONGHURST B. B. CLUB: The Stronghurst B. B. Club held their 31st annual outing at Clear Lake on June 15th. Harry Crane, chef with his assistants John Dowell, C. E. Peasley, Bev and Claud Vaughn were on hand early with 50 pounds of the finest catfish. When all were seated, it was found that there were 50 present. 50 people-50 lbs.-no remnants.

Those present were the following: Frank Crenshraw, A. E. Jones, C. E. Fort, C.E. Peasley, Geo. T. Chant, Frank Mains, H.D. Lovitt, E. R. Grandey, M. E. Beardsley, W.C. Ivins, Dr. F.M. Henderson, Fred Gray, Chas. Lind, C. H. Curry, Nat Curry, P. W. Wallin, Geo. Widney, Dr.J. Highfield, John Peasley, Bert Walker, T. C. Knuststrom, A. F. Kaiser, William Hartquist, Stronghurst; Robert McDill, Oquawka; Wm. Dougherty, Gladstone; W. T. Weir, Alva Martin, F. E. Abbey; Walter Gridley, A. H. Kelley and Geol Rezner, Biggsville; Harry Crane, C. B. Vaughn, Claud Vaughan, F.A. Strickler, Robt. Scott and John Dowell, Lomax; William Kiser, Ed Manifold, Ed Starkey, A. Thompson, H. Van Arsdale and Dr. Ashe, La Harpe; Link Logan, Carl Stinegraber, Phil Farren, Homer Burg and Clyde Ellison, Dallas city; E. Bell, Seattle, Washington.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Belle Negley returned from a visit with Kewanee friends and while there secured a position as instructor in Departmental work at the Junior High School for the coming year. A birthday party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Evans in honor of their little daughter, Margie Lou's first birthday. Wesley Barnett has returned to Yellowstone Park and will again take up the position he held last season as chauffeur to tourists. The W.F.M.S. of the M.E. church will give a lawn fete on the church lawn Friday evening. A ladies band will be a special feature. Also a farce entitled "No Admittance" will be given. Refreshments will be served; Charges 25 cents. Marion Forbes, who is salesman for a typewriter company at Chicago, is spending his vacation with home folks. The "Merry Married bunch" was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall Friday evening. An enjoyable social time was had and dainty refreshments were served. Sweet peas and ferns were the floral decoration. C.R. Kaiser has returned home from the East where he visit all the principal cities and historical places. At Oyster Bay he visited the burial place and the church where the funeral of Theodore Roosevelt was held. The July meeting of the community Woman's Club will be held at the school house. The subject is "patriotism" and the response to roll call-name a popular patriot. Mrs. C. E. Fort and Mrs. W. F. Allison are the leaders.

RARITAN REPORTS: The eight year old son of Maurice Lee had a narrow escape from death Friday evening. While playing in the street he was knocked down by a car driven by Charles Painter. He was immediately taken to the Monmouth Hospital where an X-ray was taken but no broken bones or internal injury was found. Mr. and Mrs. John Callow and son John attended the flying meet in Monmouth. Russell Brokaw shipped three car loads of hogs to Chicago; he accompanied them to market. Graham Reynolds is a victim of pneumonia. Milton Stanley had the misfortune to get the end of several of his toes cut off with a scythe. The Reform Church is being treated to a fresh coat of paint.

***OBITUARY***CORZATT: S. E. Corzatt, one of Raritan's highly respected citizens, passed away at his home following an illness of several months on June 16, 1922 aged 66 years, 9 months, and 5 days. He is survived by the wife and five children: Buell, Spencer, Cornelius and Mrs. Dean Cortelyou of this community and Mrs. Charles Painter of Terre Haute Township. Funeral services were held at the Reform Church with interment in the local cemetery.

CARMAN CONCERNS: The farmers are very busy with harvesting their wheat and rye-the best harvest for years; grain is heavy and good quality. Corn is growing very fast and looking splendid- prospects for a fine crop. There is no one but has a job, even the busy housewife with her cooking and other house work is canning fruits, strawberries, cherries and now mulberries; gardens were never better.

Messrs Brosco and Anderson returned home from a trip through Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crane and Mr. Spicer of Loraine had quite an auto accident Thursday. They were turning east of the Clyde Gittings home when they collided with a tourist car. Mr. Spicer was quite badly cut on his forehead and face. Mrs. Crane was quite badly bruised. One little boy was quite badly cut. It seems neither party was to blame-another corner that could be made safe by a little labor. Mrs. Wm Bigger, Miss Clara and Mrs. Rozetta Bradway visited the Weir fruit farm. During the storm on Wednesday night Harry Coffman lost two horses by lightning. Cyril Good lost control of his car Sunday and collided with Lewis Bagles' car injuring the cars but no one seriously hurt. Mr. and Mrs. Jon White and daughters, Leona and Ruth and Mrs. Loretta Delehant and daughters, Virginia and Margaret, departed for their home in Council Bluffs after visiting relatives. Messrs Ray Taeger and Peterson enjoyed a few days at their fishing grounds.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mable Sloan reports that her son Wendell is getting along fine and expects to be home at the first of the week. Chas. Welch, who has been a student of the high school at Ames, Ia., the past year came home. The teachers for the high school next year are the following: A.M. Anderson, principal; Lyon Jamison, Science and Athletics; Miss Florence Doole, English; Miss Ruth Snouse, mathematics; Miss Edna Jamison, Commercial branches. The streets have again received another layer of oil which will add to keeping down the dust but adds a big lot to carrying into the homes.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mrs. W.M. Daugherty who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Lauber at LaFayette, Ill. returned home. Winifred Galbraith who has been making her home at Bowen, Ill. with her aunt, Mrs. George Garrett, came home for an indefinite visit. Mrs. Henry Rhoades of Burlington is spending a few weeks at her home here canning fruit. Mrs. William Daugherty was called to Read Oak, Iowa by the death of her brother who died quite suddenly.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: Work has commenced on the Mrs. W. H. Wyatt residence; J. H. Barngrover of Burlington has the contract. Lomax first team went to Nauvoo to play ball. The second team played Decorra, both winning. Wm. Nichols remains were shipped to Wyaconda, Mo. for interment. Mr. Nichols was sick with Bright's Disease and carbuncles. He was the P.O. G. line walker and had many friends here. He leaves a widow and one daughter, Mrs. James McFarland. The thunder storm of last week did considerable damage to phones and electrical appliances. Wm. Sparrow west of town had a tool shop struck by lightning and burned. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Shanks on June 12th.