The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, March 30, 1922
CHIROPRACTOR IN TOWN: O. R. Gent, D.C. Phc., Chiropractor arrived and opened his office in the H.N. Vaughn residence southeast corner of the park. His suite is comfortably furnished and an adjustment and rest room have been prepared for the comfort of the patients. Mr. Gent is making Stronghurst his home permanently.
He is a graduate of the Palmer school and holds the degree of Phc., the highest degree awarded a Chiropractor. It is his endeavor to try and reach as many people as possible so as to give them the benefit of the new science. He is optimistic and says every one has a right to become well.
SUPPORTS OILED ROADS: I find in talking to taxpayers regarding the special mill tax (a mill was 1/10th of a cent at this time when $1.00 =$13.54 in today's values) proposed to be voted upon at the township election in April exaggerated opinion of the cost held by many...Every township levied a six and six-tenths mill tax for roads and bridges so by dividing your road and bridge tax by six and six-tenths you have the amount a one mill tax ...In Stronghurst Township which ranks second in valuation in the county, a farm of the best second quality land with better than average improvements under a three mill tax would for 80 acres pay $8.80 or eleven cents per acre...We pay a tax or license fee of $8 on every Ford and much more on other cars to build roads, not for the school child nor the farmer marketing his products, but for tourists and pleasure seekers. Why not have a tax of a like amount to improve the roads we use at home, the tax to be spent by one elected by the people of the township and the roads distributed so that all can benefit...-C.R.A. Marshall
WOMEN'S CLUBS TO PLANT TREES: Under the direction of Mrs. Alvah W. Martin of Biggsville, Ill., who is District Chairman of Conservation work, all the Federated Women's Clubs of the 14th Dist. are urged to plant this spring at least one Memorial forest tree. Why do so? 1. Honor soldiers 2. Increase the sadly depleted stock of forest trees 3. Add to the comfort and pleasure of humanity 4. Inspire a spirit of true patriotism in the hearts of the people, especially the children.
HEALTH REPORT: Joe Peasley was able to sit up and is making rapid advance to recovery. Blanche Sullivan, who was operated upon for appendicitis is improving, Mrs. James Mahaffey, wife of Rev. Mahaffey, is able to sit up occasionally and is well on the road to recovery.
STRONGHURST HUNTING AND FISHING CLUB: At a meeting Friday night officers were elected: President, E. R. Grandey; Vice-President, C. D. Wax; Trustees, P.A. Stamp, A. E. Wetterling, A. R. McKeown, E. R. Grandey and W. C. Regan. F. G. Reynold, Sec. and Treas. Knowles as retained as caretaker. A plan to improve the building and grounds was decided upon and will be put into effect as soon as the weather permits. It promises to be one of the most popular resorts in this locally for those who yield to the lure of the road and gun.
MARRIED IN BURLINGTON: Miss Clara Meacham and Raymond Fordyce were married on Friday afternoon by the Rev. G. M. Tuttle, pastor of the Methodist Church of Burlington. The young couple was accompanied by the groom's mother, Mrs. John Fordyce.
Mrs. Fordyce is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meacham and is a very talented and popular young woman. She was a senior in the Roseville High school and would have completed her course this June. Mr. Fordyce is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Fordyce, formerly residents of Stronghurst and for the past two years has been farming with his brother. The couple will begin housekeeping at once on the Wid Johnson farm in Point Pleasant Township.
MARRIAGE LICENSES: Cloyd Weaver, Frankfort, Mo. and Lucille Pritchet, Frankfort, Mo. Webster H. Eads of Oquawka and Florence E. Person of Rozetta. Willis J. McIntire or Media and Caroline C. Randall of Kirkwood.
U.S.DACHET HAULED OUR CORN: In every township in Henderson County local sponsors are cheerfully carrying to their friends and neighbors a little booklet called "The Child Life Book." Rev. D.K. Sailor, county chairman Near East Relief, calls attention to the back side of page 11. Here is a picture of the unloading of the good ship Datchet and it will send a thrill of pride through the heart of every real resident of this county when they see there the unloading of our own corn, right at the very fringe of starvation and rescue. Our readers will remember a year ago when this donated corn was collected with a great meeting by our busy Farm Bureau at Stronghurst and when shelled, filled two cars. These were sent to New York City for shipment. Two movie outfits(one was Pathe) took pictures of the day's affairs and quite a few in the county have had the pleasure of seeing this film but this little booklet furnishes all with our first glimpse of where the gift landed.
Mr. Sailor says that the response to this appeal thus far is the finest in his four years as county chairman. Our county was the leader in the State of Illinois last year, but this year Mercer County put it all over her neighbors by selling out all her quota of the little booklets and more besides in a few days. Because of the great press of local work, our chairman was compelled to leave our campaign till now and he is delighted with the start.
Here's an eyeful of what is happening. The first booklet sponsored in the county was taken by one of Oquawka's finest women workers who went out and in just four hours had sold out the entire booklet represent twelve months more life for some orphan that must otherwise die, or a cash value of $60. And that is not all, this busy woman said that was too easy so she was given five more booklets and is rapidly filling up the whole five in Oquawka Township. As a treat our principal towns will be given a showing of the noted Near East Film, "Alice in Hungerland" which show so much of the relief work going on. Altogether it is safe to say that old Henderson County will have her job in booklets all sold out in a few days more and go over again with her colors flying high and forty or more boys and girls in 12 more months will be thanking God for another year of life and for the hearts of Henderson County folks. Take time to see all pictures and clippings in this little booklet when your own sponsor visits you. (Does anyone own a copy of this fundraiser booklet?)
HUNG IN COLFAX BUT BURIED IN DALLAS CITY: The funeral of the late Lucy Norville, who died at the home of her son, William in Point Pleasant Township Friday afternoon, was held from the Methodist church in Roseville. The pall bearers were the three sons, William of Roseville, Joseph of Beardstown and Frank of Bloomington and three grandsons, Harry, Earl and Carl Norville. The remains were taken to Dallas City on the south bound train where they were buried. Mrs. Lucy Norville was found dead by her son at his home in Colfax having ended her life by hanging; she was 84 years.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Work of remodeling the Foster Lazear property on Mary Street has started. It is a strictly modern home in every detail. The work is in charge of Jim Hicks, assisted by an able crew. The property is that which was purchased some time ago from Mr. Art McKeown. Alva Putney was home from Kansas City for the weekend. Mary Brewer of Chillicothe visited at the Herman Calvin home. Mrs. Ernest Putney has been sick for the past week. Among those going to see the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" at Burlington were Donald Rankin, Perry Simpson, Maxine Mains, Edith Hartquist, F. McMillan, Mr. J. W. Decker, Manly Staley and Charles Decker. (Seeing a major motion picture in a fancy theatre was real news in 1922.) A debate will be held Friday night between Stronghurst High School and Knoxville High School. The affirmative speakers are Gail Brook and Harold Bainter. Negative speakers are Fort Hicks and Esther Lind. The subject is "Resolved, that a peaceful annexation of Mexico would be beneficial to both countries." The King's Daughters of Maple Grove held their regular meeting at the G. E. Chandler home; the next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Dale Davis of Stronghurst. A.S. McElhinney says they are detained in Chattanooga, Tenn. by rains and sickness. C.R.A. Marshall, County Supt. of Highways, attended a two-day school of instruction and engineering at Peoria.
Cameron A. Jones of Stronghurst has written to the state's attorney of McDonough County in search of information as to the whereabouts of his father, Samuel Jones, who has been missing for 19 years. Geo. B. Van Arsdale of Wichita, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sheppard of Chariton, Iowa; Mrs. Carl Steingraber of Dallas City, and Mrs. Amanda Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Huston and Mr. and Mrs. Luther VanArsdale of Blandinsville were among those present at the funeral of Mrs. W. H. VanArsdale in Raritan(doing family history? Here's a list of possible relatives and where they live.)
The Warren County Sheriff has been notified by the American Bankers' Association that the banks of that county along with 35 other counties in the state are scheduled to be robbed between April 18th and May 1st and they are asked to get their artillery ready to receive the gents. Whether Henderson County is on the list in not said.
CARMAN CONCERNS: There has been a big conserving of gasoline on account of the muddy roads for about five weeks. Some older folks seem to think it has been a long time since we have had so much mud. Plenty of moisture means good crops. Wheat looks fine. Farmers are getting ready to plant oats. Quite a good many potatoes are planted. Harold Dixon was out of school a few days with a sprained ankle from wrestling.
OBITUARY: PAUL C. ROSENBALM: Paul Rosenbalm, age 13, died at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Rosenbalm near Salter's Grove, on March 28th. Funeral services were at the Smithshire M. E. Church with burial in the Ellison Cemetery.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: With the March 23rd issue Lucius ("Shad") McAndrews assumed management of the Stronghurst Graphic, Shad is a son of A. McAndrews of the Enterprise(Dallas City) force and ought to know a lot about the newspaper game as he was virtually raised in it. Hancock County will not have league ball this year. La Harpe has pulled out which would only leave four clubs which is not enough to make it a paying proposition. The bank association seems to have had the dope almost right when they warned banks in this section that some of them were to be robbed this month. The bank at Reynolds, at Cameron and at Ellisville were all visited by yengmen last week. Ellisville was the last victim but the thieves got in such a heavy charge of "soup" that the interior of the bank was wrecked and it even scared the thieves away; the explosion was so loud. The masons of Blandinsville are going to build a new lodge home. Thomas Rickey is driving an Essex car purchased from P. W. Wallin.
The stork left a fine boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Black on March 28th. Rev. Nels Olson has recovered from his long illness and again resuming his charge as pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran church.
Mr. C. F. Casper of Parkersburg, W. Va. and J. G. Farley of Wichita, Kansas have been going over the prospective oil field with the Pope Brothers. Coal is being stored on all available places by all the railroads in the country in preparation against the coal strike scheduled for April 1st. The ladies of the Christian Church are preparing to give a Bazaar in the church basement. A number of aprons, dust caps and other article plus home made rag rugs will be for sale. A bake sale will be held in connection along with sandwiches and coffee served during the afternoon.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The high school operetta "Paul Revere" which has been delayed on account of serious illness and the continued bad roads and weather will be given again in the auditorium of the Weaver Academy on April 4th. The play, "Just Plain Dot" by the pupils of the grade school will be performed on March 31st. The Declamatory contest of the high school will be the evening of March 30th in the auditorium. The contestants are Violet Lant, Evelyn Garrett, Ruth Howell, Elenore Wragg, Edythe Woodall, Albert Swanson, Paul Erickson and Carl Leftwick. Mr. and Mrs. John Weaver have gone to Kirkwood to make their future home. Mr. Weaver remains quite poorly. The members of the high school athletic team are practicing for the county track meet. Mrs. A. L. Beall is recovering from a severe attack of "grippe' an able to be around again. Mrs. Jno. Suydam is quite ill again while Mr. Suydam is able to be around after having been confined to his home with "grippe." The Ladies Missionary society of the U. P. Church are having a series of "Pyramid Teas." Mrs. N. J. Gram, Mrs. O. E. Hildebran, Mrs. Dan Campbell, Mrs. David Gilliland and Mrs. W. W. Murtland entertained the five "Pyramids" at the home of the latter. Everyone present expressed delight with the good time and the teas are becoming quite popular. Sandwiches, olives, wafers, home-made candy and tea were served by the hostesses. Chas. Pogue shipped cattle and hogs for the Farmers' Shipping Association.
GLADSTONE GLEANINS: Charles Mears moved into the house vacated by Earl Watson. Prof. Harry Blackstone has rented the property vacated by Mr. Mears and is making some improvement and when finished his mother will move here from North Henderson. The cottage prayer meeting was held at the home of Mrs. William Daugherty. Linn Galbraith loaded a car load of stock and household goods and will leave for Iron Mountain, Michigan where he will farm. The stork called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Markam and left a fine nine pound boy. A surprise party given on Mr. and Mrs. Omer Ransdale was spent with music and other entertainments. Lee Galbraith left for Chicago where he will enter the government hospital for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. William Ditto of Burlington are rejoicing over a fine baby girl.
WEDDING BELLS: At three o'clock Wednesday afternoon two of Henderson County's most popular and respected young people were married when Webster Eads claimed Miss Florence Pearson as hi bride. The special distinction lies in the fact that for some time speculation has been rife as to what couple would be the first to be married in the beautiful new M. E. Parsonage. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dwight K. Sailor using the single ring service. The groom is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Coleman J. Eads of Oquawka. The groom after finishing high school attended the Iowa State College at Ames, Iowa where he specialized in scientific farming. The bride is the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Pearson of Rozetta Township and is quite talented. Following the ceremony the popular newlyweds drove to Burlington thence to the Dr. Eads farm on the Iowa side north of Oquawka where they immediately assumed the management of the place.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Plenty of rains and bad roads. A young daughter arrived at the home of Ross Lant in Burlington, Ia. Mrs. Lant and baby are being cared for in the St. Francis Hospital while Miss Nellie Lant looks after the home. The Olena School is preparing to give a box social and spelling bee in the village on April 14th. Mr. Leslie Lyons has rented the tenant house on the S. W. Black farm and reside there until it more advantageous for a trip west. Mr. Dan Burrell with his buzz saw has been sawing wood for Messrs Elbridge Fort, Virgil Davis and Arthur Dowell. In early chicken industry, Mrs. Black is taking the lead with 1,000 young chicks, some of which will tip the scales at one pound or more.
While helping to saw wood at the Virgil Davis place, Mr. Ed Carlson had the misfortune to get one of his fingers badly cut and mutilated. He was rushed to Dr. Marshall's office and the finger was dressed, but it has caused him much suffering and inconvenience. Three difference agencies of Stronghurst are visiting this neighborhood buying cream, chickens and eggs. It is rumored that Burlington firm will have a buyer on the same route. As competition is the spice of life, we bid them "hop to it."