The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, Sept. 21, 1922
DIES OF DIPHTHERIA: Pauline Wallin, seven year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Wallin, Burlington, Iowa, died Tuesday afternoon at the home of her parents. She had started to school last week and attended but a day and a half when she was taken ill.
She was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, August 19, 1915 and passed away Sept. 20th, aged 7 years and one month. Besides her parents, she leaves a brother Burton and a baby sister Gloria. The body was brought here yesterday afternoon and placed in the family crypt at the mausoleum.
BIBLE CONVENTION IN BIGGSVILLE: The Henderson County Bible School Association will hold its annual convention in the U. P. Church at Biggsville on Sept. 29th...
A basket lunch will be enjoyed at noon and in the evening the Biggsville ladies will furnish supper. The convention will open with a devotional service and then followed by, perhaps, the most important address of the whole convention on the subject, "The Signs of the Times," by Dr. Glover of Chicago.
Dr. Glover was a medical missionary to China until his health forced him to return home. At present he is doing extension work for the Moody Bible Institute at Chicago. Dr. Glover's experiences in China together with that in his present work gives him a world view of present religious conditions and his treatment of them in their relation to Bible prophecy will form an address which no one should miss hearing.
In the afternoon addresses by Dr. Rezner of Biggsville on the subject, "The Bible in the Bible School," will be followed by Mrs. Florence Patterson of Oquawka who will speak on the subject, "What the Bible School Owes to the Community," and Mr. Geo. N. Burnie of Chicago on the subject, "How Should the Bible School Plan their Campaign?"
The evening program calls for two addresses: one by Mr. George Burnie, general secretary of the Illinois Sunday School Association, and one by Mr. Fred C. McMillan of Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. McMillan is one of the biggest laymen of the U.P. Church. He has recently returned from a tour of inspection of the foreign mission fields of that denomination.
HE GOES TO COACH AT IOWA: Sam Barry, who for the past four years has been athletic director at Knox College has signed a one year contract to coach the basketball and baseball teams at the University of Iowa for the coming year. Barry has been a successful coach at Knox and his teams have always furnished stiff competition for Monmouth. He attended Lawrence College, winning his football and baseball letters in 1911 and 1912. In 1913 he played baseball with the Appleton team in the Wisconsin-Illinois League. His first coaching job was at Madison, Wis. High School.
SHE WAS FOUND DEAD: Mrs. John Dixon of Biggsville, a lifelong resident of Henderson County, was found dead in bed Monday morning by her husband. Mrs. Dixon had been ill for several days although her condition was thought to be improving and relatives were not particularly alarmed because of the improvement shown. Heart disease was said to be the cause of death. Mr. Dixon went to his wife's bed this morning when he got up and thought she was still sleeping. A little later he returned to her bedside and discovered that she was dead. A physician was summoned but found that death had occurred some time before.
Mary Rodman was born near Olena Jan. 22, 1856 but spent the greater part of her life at Biggsville. She was married to Mr. Dixon on Feb. 27, 1878. She is survived by her husband, two brothers-Joe Rodman of Galesburg and Henry of Lake View, Iowa, two sisters-Mrs. Jennie Waits and Mrs. Lillian Smith; and five sons, Harry, Pearlie, Clyde, Herman and Louis, all of whom live at Biggsville. One daughter died in infancy. Funeral was held from the Biggsville M.E. Church with interment in the Biggsville Cemetery.
OFF TO COLLEGE THEY GO: Stronghurst is furnishing a large quota of young men and women for the different colleges and universities throughout the country. The following is the list of names of the students and the schools they are attending: Ruth McMillan and Marjorie McKeown, Genevieve and Myrtle Adair, University of Illinois; Evelyn Hartquist, Northwestern University; Dorothy McMillan and John Stine, Columbia University, Chicago; Mary Dixson, Knox College; Gail Brook, Louise Rankin, James Sanderson, Harold Bainter, Arthur Forbes, Orville McKeown and Delford Putney, Monmouth College; Maxine Mains, Burlington Business College; Ethel Brokaw, Northwestern University; and Esther Marshall, Tarkio College, Tarkio, Missouri.
NEW RESTAURANT: A new restaurant is to be opened soon in the Morgan Building by Charles Wheeling and Orville Boyd. The place is now being remodeled to meet all requirements of a first class eating establishment.
NuVON HOTEL UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT: D.I. Pennington of Bushnell, Ill., has leased the NuVon Hotel from H.N. Vaughan. Mr. Pennington is an experienced hotel man and will conduct a first class establishment.
ASSAULTED ON THE STREETS OF DALLAS CITY: In the result of an argument on Oak Street at Dallas City last Thursday morning, L.M. Loomis was struck in the face and knocked down by Harry Royse. Royse was later arrested and made to give peace bonds. The trial was held today.
JOINS THE NAVY: Max Barnet, on the completion of his military training at C.A.T.A. at Camp Custer, Mich., joined the Navy for four years and is now at New Port News receiving his preliminary training.
A CARLOAD OF FORDS: The Mudd Motor Co. has just received another car load of new Ford cars and they will be delivered as soon as they can be assembled.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Ruth McMillan is acting chairman of the play ground committee in the absence of Mrs. B.G. Widney. Adrain Meyer of Ft. Madison, well known among the musical fraternity of Stronghurst, is a defendant in a divorce court; his wife has grown weary of his presence and asks the custody of their three year old daughter and $50 per month alimony ($677 in today's money).
Lockery's Uncle Tom's Cabin company, which is to be at Stronghurst next Wednesday night number 40 people, which includes the Lockery Challenge Band and Orchestra. A conscientious production of Uncle Tom s Cabin is offered with a parade at noon and a band concert at 7:30. Not a child but is overjoyed at the coming of the old favorite play and all will want to see and for that matter, so will their elderly.
RARITAN REPORTS: Cora Mabry who was operated upon in the Macomb Hospital came home. Luola Schenck has been laid up several days with lumbago. The Raritan ball team played Monmouth at Greenbush with the score being 13-6 in favor of the latter. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe VanArsdale on Aug. 15th. Harlan Monroe had the misfortune to break his arm again. This is the second time that the same arm has been broken in a short time. Harland Day and Westley Davis left for Minnesota and from there they expect to go to North Dakota. The town was lighted up with street lights Monday evening. Rev. Ihrman expects to preach is farewell sermon in the Reformed Church next Sunday morning.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Mrs Joe Campbell will present her pupils in piano and voice in a recital Friday evening at the Community Club rooms. Thomas Howell returned from a two weeks vacation spent in Oquawka and Muscatine, Iowa. Prof. O.E. Hildrebrand has resigned his position as teacher in the grade school and will remain on his farm in Indiana. No one has been secured for the vacancy yet. C.E. Spiker of Stronghurst has finished work of decorating the interior of the U.P. Church. Mr. Regan of Stronghurst donated the paper for the auditorium and Mr. Spiker donated the varnish for the floor. The ladies are loud in their praise. Mr. and Mrs. Winifred Keith are the proud parents of an 8 ½ lb. baby girl which the stork left at their home Sunday. Ralph McIntyre who has been working on a farm near Burlington since last spring is home again. Mr. Ray Stamp of Gus, Iowa ate dinner with his aunt, Mrs. Martha VanAlstine. High School begins Sept. 5th. The teaching force has been increased and new subjects added to the course so everything points to a successful year.
NEWSPAPER CHANGES HANDS: The Nauvoo Rustler, established in 1890 by Messrs Argast and Walther, has been sold to L.M Hudson, a Nauvoo boy. Mr. Hudson has not had any active newspaper experience, but has had several years in advertising game in Chicago and Boston.
HE CONFESSES TO MURDER: George Leroy Spees, the suspected murderer of John Shurtz, Burlington farmer, was traced to his home at Indianapolis, Indiana by officers working on the case, and there arrested. At first he denied any connection with the case but was taken back to Burlington where he finally made a full and complete confession of his guilt and named Mrs. Shurtz as an accessory and instigator of the crime. He stated that he fired the charge that robbed Shurtz of his life at midnight Tuesday and that the woman lying in a bed within two feet of her husband's couch when the shot was fired, pulled a blanket over her head and breathed a sigh of relief. Spees states that the woman tempted him and he fell. He told the officers where they could find the sawed off shot gun with which he committed the deed and following his directions, they recovered it.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS:: Another nice shower which is greatly aiding the farmers in plowing and seeding a large acreage of wheat being sown in the neighborhood. Mr. Leslie Lyons, who has been so badly afflicted for the past several months, is reported not quite so well. Mrs. Holcomb of Montana is paying a visit to Illinois relatives and friends. Mrs. Holcomb holds her age well for a lady of 74. Prof. Lant has rented property in Gladstone for the school year. Those in the neighborhood who have entered Stronghurst High School are the following: Misses Nellie Johnson, Golda Davis, Mitta White and Pauline Marsden. All are freshmen except Miss Johnson who is a sophomore. Last Thursday a number from the neighborhood were invited to the well appointed farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Justice near Biggsville, Illinois. The day was spent in tacking comforters for Mrs. Frank Hicks who is an invalid and unable to do but little work. Those who responded were Mrs. Jesse Hicks, Mrs. Wm. Hicks, Mrs. John Hicks, Mrs. Walter Detrick, Mrs. Clas.Carlson, Mrs. Oscar White, Mrs. John Lant, Mrs. Ruby Zang, Mrs. Holcomb, Mrs. Charles Lyons and Miss Hazel Hicks. A fine dinner was served at the noon hour and a social time reported.
Wilbur Davis, who had been confined to a hospital in Aberdeen, S. Dakota with diphtheria, has been able to return home but shows the effect of his illness. Wm. Hicks shelled and marketed his last year's corn crop. Quite a few of the farmers are hauling hogs for the Chicago market. The demand for peaches has been exceptionally good this fall and many have cleaned up and finished marketing their crop.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: : Charles Mears is here looking after his land interests. An ice cream social at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Swedland was well attended. Mrs. Amy Rathborn too suddenly ill and is being attended by Dr. Tombaugh of Burlington. Mrs. Nora Marshall of St. Louis is spending several weeks with her mother, Mrs. N. J. Graham. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Cleet passed away with the funeral held Thursday afternoon at the home of her father, Steven Graham. Interment was in the Biggsville Cemetery. Cecil Christy returned home from Revere, Iowa. An ice cream social given on Mrs. Emma Cook's lawn netted about $13($176 in today's values) for the M.E. Church.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The high school teachers and students enjoyed a picnic supper in the Heap woods east of town. Miss Waneta Howell has been assisting Supt. Beall with his office. Mrs. Wm. Atwell and little daughters, Adell and Ruby, returned from Bucklin, Mo. Mrs. Lou Weider of Carthage, Ill. is in town again this week to finish her work and organize a Tri-State lodge. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Drain will start for Los Angeles where they will spend the winter. Mrs. Joe Campbell took her daughter, little Miss Caroline, to the Monmouth Hospital where she was operated on for appendicitis. Some excellent music is being received by radio at Hamilton's restaurant. Mr. Jefferies of Burlington delivered a new Underwood typewriter to the commercial Department of the high school. The Academy board has also purchased a new Remington and a second hand Underwood and as so many are taking commercial work this year, several others will have to be purchased in order to meet demand.
THEY FOOL THEIR FRIENDS: Mr. Perry Heap and Miss Mary Sullivan, two of the most estimable young people, stole a march on their many friends and took themselves to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and were married a short time ago. Upon their return they went to their respective homes and Mrs. Heap continued her work in the high school and not until last week was the secret out. Mrs. Heap is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Sullivan and was a member of the Senior Class of the high school. Mr. Heap is the son of Mr. Mrs. J. B. Heap and is an industrious young farmer, being engaged in that occupation with his father.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Miss Mable Pearson left for Kalamazoo, Mich. to resume her school duties. Bert McDill of Wichita Falls, Texas, visited his uncle, D.C. McDill and other relatives. Dr. Auld of Chicago spent the weekend with his sister, Mrs. J.Y. Whiteman and family. Robt. Mickey has gone to Galesburg where he has a position in the C.B.& Q. freight house. A well attended Sabbath School was held at South Henderson. The Henderson County Sunday School Association will hold a picnic Saturday at Jink's Hollow, east of Oquawka.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Evelyn Fort has returned to Monmouth where she will teach music in the college conservatory. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt at Lomax on Saturday; Mrs. Wyatt was formerly Daisy Billiups of this city. Virgil Putney left for Revere, Mo. where he will work for the Western Union Co., who have a gang of linemen working at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Elzie Gilliland are again residents of Stronghurst. Elzie, having resigned his position in the Bryan store at Terre Haute and accepted a position with the western Utilities Co. as local manager.
O. O. Miller who underwent an operation for appendicitis some few weeks ago will leave for his home in Nebraska soon. Mrs. Bertha Powell of Oakland, Iowa and her daughter, Mrs. Cinderson and daughter are visiting in the C. H. Davis home; Mrs. Powell is a sister of Mr. Davis. Mr. Mills of La Harpe has purchased the tonsorial fixtures in the former Morgan barber shop and will open it the shop above the A. E. Jones store.
MORE ON SHURTZ MURDER: Charley Berg, Carl Dillon and Perry Simpson drove over to the John Shurtz home near Middletown and the latter took some pictures of the home and other scenes of the most atrocious murder ever committed in Southeastern Iowa. The Burlington Hawkeye yesterday morning contained a picture of Mrs. Shurtz and a man said to be John Waymack of Raritan. The picture showed the latter with his arms around Mrs. Shurtz. When shown to the confessed murderer, LeRoy Spees, he was induced to sign the confession. It was then, for the first time, that he felt convinced he says that the woman for whom he had killed a man had used him merely as a cat's paw and he decided to throw himself upon the mercy of the law.