The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1921 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, Aug. 31, 1922

HE IS SUMMONED: James Milligan, prominent banker and well known resident of Smithshire was summoned by death last Thursday evening at the Monmouth Hospital. Mr. Milligan had entered the hospital about two weeks ago for treatment. He was sitting in a chair in his room in the evening while his nurse was reading the paper to him. Mrs. Milligan had just returned from supper and had brought some ice cream for her husband. He had scarcely eaten any until he was seized with a slight convulsion the end coming very quickly after he had been removed to the bed.

The deceased was born Nov. 28, 1872 in the old homestead near Stronghurst and was a son of William and Amanda Milligan. In 1894 he went to Smithshire where he had since made his home. He was the organizer of the Smithshire bank in that year and at the time of death was cashier of the bank. During his residence there he was a prominent man of the community and took an active part in the affairs of the town. The many friends he had made there were very much grieved when notified of his death.

He was united in marriage to Maude Norman on Sept. 18, 1902. Besides the widow, two sons, Norman and Kenneth, survive their father. He also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Chas. Kirby of this city and Mrs. E. E. Taylor of Long Beach, Calif. Funeral services over the remains were held last Sunday afternoon at the Methodist Episcopal Church in Smithshire. The pallbearers were George Salter, Dr. Tineman, George Brooks, C.J. Anderson, George Reynolds and Arthur Brent. Interment was made in the Kirkwood cemetery.

THE FAIR OF PROGRESS: "The biggest little race horse town in North America," as La Harpe has been called, is already for the Fair of Progress which opens next Tuesday and with weather conditions favorable there will be a larger crowd present than at any fair in Western Illinois. The races promise to be close for there are many entries of fast horses. There are more cattle and swine entered this year than at any fair in Western Illinois and all are stock that have been taking the ribbons at other fairs.

The night shows which have been so popular the past few years are one of the main features of the fair with big fireworks displays and many other entertainments so that it promises to rival the day attractions.

LUTHERANS WILL MEET: Local Lutherans are interested in a meeting of the pastors of the Illinois Conference to be held in Chicago for the purpose of adopting final plans for raising $250,000 for the Augustana Hospital of Chicago and the Lutheran Hospital of Moline...The conference at the its annual convention last June in Galesburg, Ill. authorized the appeal for the two hospitals within the conference and a committee has prepared definite plans for the every member canvass in the 165 churches of the conference...

MARRIED IN SPOKANE, WASHINGTON: Miss Ruth Milligan and Oscar L. Fritts were united in marriage at Spokane, Wash. on Aug. 22nd. Miss Milligan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Milligan. She is a graduate of the local high school and was very popular with her classmates and a conscientious student. Since graduating she has been teaching school and for the past few years taught the "Coloma" school where her services were valued so highly that she was voluntarily raised to the highest salaried county school teacher in the county.

The groom is a brother of Mrs. Ralph Stewart, Mrs. Stevenson and Mrs. Pearly Dixon, all of Biggsville. He is an industrious young man and during his short residence in the West has acquired a large ranch and is extensively engaged in cattle raising. He is also a veteran of the World War. The happy couple will be at home to their many friends

after Sept. 1st at Autone, Ore.

POISON BOOZE: Fort Dodges Messenger: Alcohol drained from vats used to preserve human bodies for dissection work in medical colleges is being sold for booze in the Middle West. Perhaps, some of this poison has been sold in Fort Dodge.

This isn't a "story" put out by the Women Christian Temperance Union. The authority comes from police officials. When bootleggers will go to this extreme, it means the supply of liquor is getting mighty scarce. No more revolting tale has been told in connection with illegal rum traffic.

Bootleg liquor is nothing more or less than poison. If you want to buy poison, buy some of it but don't try to fool yourself about what you are getting. Your bootlegger may tell you it'll right stuff and he may think so. But he doesn't know. He gets his supply from others. The next time you take a drink of bootleg just remember where it may have originated.

RARITAN REPORTS: Mr. and Mrs. Perce Wells and son Dale returned to their home in Indiana. Miss Loretta Schenck departed for Pueblo, Colorado to resume her work as a teacher. Luola Schenck and Mrs. Jennie Melvin and son Lynn accompanied her to spend several weeks. G. H. Voorhees and Ola Mesecher attended the fair at Macomb. Ed Wells, I.V.D. Perrine and Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Perrine left for Des Moines to attend the fair. A miscellaneous shower was held at the W. D. Bricker home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lormer Runner. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Payne expect to move to the Paul VanArsdale tenant house where the former will work for Paul. Walter Fernell moved his family and household goods to Rock Island where Mrs. Fernell intends to attend a Chiropractic school. The small son of Mrs. Webster Wood fell and cut an ugly gash in his forehead.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The ladies Community Club will serve a fried chicken supper at the club rooms Friday evening; a free program will be given at 8 p.m. Miss Nadine Fritchie of Pratt, Kansas, returned home on #5 after spending the summer with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Drain. Miss Eleanor Kyle will depart to take up her duties as teacher in the high school of Versailles. Miss Faree Mathers will go to Lomax to begin her work as a teacher in the Lomax schools. Miss Florence Gram has been transferred from Primary teacher in the grade school to that of principal and Mrs. Barnard White has been prevailed upon to accept the position again as primary teacher.

WHAT A PARTY! Last Friday evening at the Lewis Cavins home east of town, the approaching marriage of Miss Gladys Rankin to Mr. Walter Wood of Orville, Ohio, was announced by her sister, Mrs. Lewis Cavins, and her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Rankin. At 6:30 o'clock ten girl friends of the bride to be sat down to a sumptuous four course dinner. Small nosegays of baby breath and sunset roses were beside each place which was attached to cards which held the secret safely hidden under a rose bud. The color scheme was very effective, being carried out in yellow and orchid. The marriage will take place next month.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fornell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Carner and William Carner moved to Rock Island. Mrs. Fornell will enter the school of chiropractic at Davenport on Sept. 16th. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Davidson and son Channing who have been visiting here this summer, left for Niagara Falls via auto. They were accompanied by Roland's mother, Mrs. F. C. Davidson, who will make an indefinite visit at Niagara and Thorrell, Ontario. Leslie McMillan left for Chicago where he has accepted a position with the Western Electric Co. John Fisher, who has been local manager for the Illinois Utilities Co., is also in the employ of the Western Electric at Chicago, having commenced work about a week ago.