The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Christy Kienast, The Quill
The La Harpe City Council met on Monday, September 8, 2014 at the La Harpe City Hall. All council members were present as was Dan Gillett, Wayne Humphrey, Dave Little, Police Chief Justin Livingston, Daniel Carpenter, Tim Graves, City Attorney Kurt Dittmer, Kenny Foster, Eric Moe, Doug Endres and Christy Kienast.
More is being researched on who is the owner and thus responsible for the mausoleum in the city cemetery. Dan Gillett presented a list of names of people who are still believed to be in the mausoleum. The list had been compiled in 1993 when a video camera was taken through the mausoleum.
Jayne Eckhart of the La Harpe Historical Society believes there are 15 or 16 deceased who are still buried in the mausoleum. Mayor Brown said he is working with people out of Springfield and Chicago on this matter.
City Engineer Eric Moe spoke to the La Harpe City Council, proposing they have "the elevated water storage tank" (water tower) be inspected by underwater divers.
The company he suggested, Midco out of Rapid City, South Dakota, video tapes the inside of the water tower without draining it. The cost for the underwater inspection is $2,675. The inspection by Midco was approved by the city council.
City employee Daniel Carpenter presented estimates to the council for new locator equipment to be figured into the budget for the next year or so. The estimates given were $3,556.55 from Ditchwitch a company out of Davenport, Iowa, and $2,940 without tax with the USA Bluebook Company.
City employee Tim Graves told the council that "the chlorine meter quit working today.". The meter is over 12 years old, he said, and it was sent to be fixed, but the company recommended buying a new one. Cost for a new meter is $380. The Council approved purchasing the new meter as recommended.
It was also reported that at the Reservoir, there are two raw water pumps of which one has been in the shop for quite some time, and was deemed not fixable.
Cost for a new water pump and motor is $2,250. The council approved a motion to buy the new pump
Fall City Wide Clean-Up Day is scheduled for Friday, October 17, 2014.
The next Supervisor's meeting will be October 2nd at 4:00 p.m.
A motion was approved to contract ChemGro for LP Gas for the water plant at the Reservoir. The gas will be $1.66 per gallon under the contract for 2000 gallons. There will also be a $15 a year tank rental for a new 1,000 gallon tank.
A motion was approved to get a new weed eater for the La Harpe city employees. The weed eater will cost $319.99 with some additional costs for a few extra attachments.
Robert Shores will start repair work on the shelter house in the city park on Tuesday, September 9.
A state specialist from Springfield came to La Harpe to inspect the Ash trees due to the Emerald Ash borer that has become a recent problem in the Midwest.
Due to his advice, the Ash tree will be taken down in front of the school office on Main Street. Estimates will be obtained by city employee Wayne Humprey.
On the Illinois Institute of Rural Affairs project "MAPPING THE FUTURE OF YOUR COMMUNITY, a community meeting concerning MAPPING (Management and Planning Program) is set tentatively for October 1st at 7 p.m. with the location yet to be determined. This public meeting is for anyone in La Harpe who is interested in helping with this effort. Look for informational flyers to be put up in the next couple of weeks.