The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
West Central Chooses Monmouth Site For Bowling
At the Wednesday, October 15, 2014, regular board meeting, they discussed
briefly the district Bowling Team. The board reviewed two proposals in terms of
where to conduct practices and home bowling meets. Following the discussion the
board approved a proposal from Tombstone Bowl in Monmouth for $1200 per year.
President Brent called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. with all board members,
except Mrs. John and Mrs. White were present. He then led the audience in the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Under Good News Items, the following items were highlighted:
- WCES Teacher Amy Wolf shared with the board an activity that she used with her
students and their Chromebooks that is culminating in a classroom visit by a man
who was highlighted in a recent edition of People magazine.
- WCES Teachers Nikki Mills and Kayla Carnes highlighted an activity using
Chromebooks that they have been using in their classrooms.
- Mr. Lumbeck mentioned that the West Central JFL team if 4-0-1 for the season.
- Mr. Buss commented on how nice the sod in front of the high school and
elementary school looks and he thanked the FFA students for their help in laying
the sod.
- It was noted that Freemie Shoemaker was doing very well in his cross country
- It was noted that Jacob Wetzel had qualified for the state IHSA Golf Tournament.
- Mr. Schneider highlighted WCHS Teacher Megan Smith for her work with the
district Differentiated Lesson project.
The board approved the agenda as presented.
No one was present to address the board on any agenda items. .
The board approved the Consent Agenda. Items approved under the Consent Agenda
- "The Regular Meeting Minutes of September 17, 2014; the Special Meeting Minutes
of October 2, 2014, and the Closed Session Minutes of September 17, 2014, and
October 2, 2014.
- "Revisions to the following Board Policies on Second Reading:
- Policy 2:20: Board of EducationPowers, and Duties of the Board of Education;
- Policy 4:60: Operational Services, Purchases and Contracts,
- Policy 4:90: Operational Services, Activities Fund,
- Policy 5:30: General Personnel, Hiring Process and Criteria,
- Policy 5:260: Professional Personnel, Student Teachers,
- Policy 5:330: Educational Support Personnel, Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays and
- Policy 7:20: Students, Harassment of Students Prohibited,
- Policy 7:180: Students, Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation,
and Harassment,
- Policy 7:240: Students, Conduct Code for Participants in Extracurricular
- The payment of a $1,000 stipend for the WCES RtI team members.
- The approval of additional WCES after school assistance program teachers.
- The continued lease (one year) of a 2014 John Deere tractor and bucket for a
total lease amount of $18.99 per hour.
The board approved the payment of all bills as presented; the WCMS and WCHS
Activity Accounts and the September Treasurer s Report. The board heard an
update regarding the District Financial Statement. It was noted that revenue
received is approximately 58% of budget and the expenditures to date are
approximately 23.8% of budget. It was also noted that as of October 15, 2014,
the State of Illinois owes District 235 approximately $195,000.
The board received the 2013-2014 school year audit. Superintendent Grimm
highlighted the following items for the board:
- The District Financial Profile Score was 4.0 on a 4.0 scale.
- The board borrowing capacity was highlighted as was the district s fund
balances as of June 30, 2014.
- The auditors indicated a repeat finding regarding division of duties in the unit
office in terms of financial recordkeeping.
- It was noted that the State of Illinois currently is paying approximately $1.3
million dollars to the Teacher Retirement System on behalf of District 235. If
the much discussed Pension Cost Shift were to occur, the district would then be
responsible for this additional payment to TRS.
Other board business included:
- Received the At A Glance document that pertains to the District ISBE report
cards. Following a brief discussion, the board approved the report cards as
presented. The ISBE report cards will be available to the public on October 3
- Was informed that there were no bids submitted for the property in Stronghurst.
The next series of options available to the board were discussed. Superintendent
Grimm was asked to continue working on additional options and to report back to
the board.
- Reviewed reports from the three building principals, Mr. Grimm as Curriculum
Director and Mrs. Smith as District Special Ed Coordinator/School Psychologist.
As part of this section of the agenda, the board did discuss with the
administrative team, the administrators work load given the recent reductions in
administrative staffing. Dr. Brent asked to have the topic of administrative
staffing on the November Board meeting agenda.
- In response to a question from the board, Mr. Grimm provided the board with an
update on the progress of the summer Life Safety projects and other maintenance
issues. The board was also informed of issues with the fire alarm system on the
north campus and the concerns that have been expressed by the Biggsville Fire
Chief and Fire Department Trustees about this issue.
In terms of Future Agenda Items, the board indicated that they wish to continue
discussing administrative staff levels and the sale of the lots in Stronghurst
at the next meeting.
The board did not go to closed session. on.
The board took the following action regarding personnel:
- Accepted the resignation of April Hill as WCES Associate and Tracy Bigger as
WCMS Associate
- Employed Deb Cole as WCES Secretary and Brandi Livermore as WCES Associate
- Accepted the resignation of Kris Judd as WCHS Boys Basketball Assistant Coach
and Mike Lenahan as Seventh Grade Assistant Boys Basketball Coach
- Employed David Vancil as WCHS Assistant Boys Basketball Coach and Danna Cory as
WCHS Play Director
- Approved Steve Murphy as WCHS Volunteer Bowling Coach.
The board was reminded that their next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday,
November 18, 2014. That meeting will be held in the elementary cafeteria and
will begin at 6 p.m.
There being no other business to come before the board, the meeting adjourned at
approximately 7:50 p.m.