The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe Community School District #347 Board Meeting

On October 21, 2014, the La Harpe Board of Education held a Committee of the Whole meeting to discuss policy updates presented by the Illinois Association of School Boards PRESS Policy Service.

A regular meeting of the La Harpe Board of Education was held afterward in the school library with the following members in attendance at both meetings: Pres. Cindy Wear, Vice Pres. Nate Butler, Pam Campbell, Dustin Detherage, Mark Irish, Bobi James, and David Mershon.

Supt. Ryan Olson, Prin. Lila McKeown and Board Sec. Jeanne Clayton were also in attendance.

Mrs. Carrie Faul, Junior High Language Arts teacher, gave a presentation abut her classes. Faul listed her credentials for the board and used the promethean board to show her WIX teacher page linked from the school website which is accessed by students, parents, and open to all website visitors.

Faul showed activities on which her students are working. Her teacher page includes the schedule for each grade, current assignments, spelling lists, daily homework, and her homework policy. Faul also has links for Rt1, Student council, and the Spelling Bee.

The board approved the consent agenda, payment of bills, and policy updates.

The board reviewed and approved the FY 2014 Annual Financial Report, bus leases for the 2016-2018 school years, and a staff Christmas gift.

In addition, the board discussed some options for a logo for the gym floor, reviewed information on the buildings and grounds from the recent facilities committee meeting, and discussed the administration's role when families transfer to another school district.

Supt. Olson discussed the IASA Annual Conference, a recent seminar on student growth and teacher evaluations, and Parent Teacher Conferences.

As of October 14, no one had take out petitions for open board seats. December 15-22 is the week to file candidate papers with the county clerk.

Dr. Olson added information about the IL Conference coming up in November.

Olson provided the most recent Alliance Legislative report and pointed out pending legislation on student discipline and a bill to add CO detectors in schools as determined by the fire marshalls and paid out of TORT.

Olson showed sample layouts of gym floor art and the board discussed various options and the need for a cost breakdown for various pieces.

Olson mentioned that the security camera/buzzer system should be installed in the next week.

Principal McKeown provided updates on the athletic teams, a recent fire drill, Miles for Smils and the newly reorganized PTO, which has two meetings this year.

McKeown organized a PBIS fundraiser and Cindy Irish has organized the Book Fair. McKeown has completed the first round of teacher observations with the new evaluation instrument, and discovering the role as LEA for the IEP meetings this year in the absence of a school psychologist, special ed. director and counselor. McKeown met with elementary teachers to review data from MAP testing in order to plan for Title I, progress monitoring and instructional groups. McKeown also met with some junior high teachers about Rt1 as she is covering that position also this year.

The September Teacher Institute provided training for Crisis Prevention Intervention and balanced assessment. All of the teachers attended the annual reading conference and have brought back interesting ideas to share with the rest of the reaching staff. McKeown listed several webnars she has recently completed on the following topics: SIS, PARCC, and an IESA Division Meeting.

To view online agenda, news releases, and approved minutes, visit the school board heading, school board reports link at www.laharpeeagles. org.