The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Take "The Quill" Along


The Weyer siblings took "The Quill" along when they traveled to Munson Creek Waterfalls, Tillamook County, Oregon to celebrate Mary Ann Suchland's 60th birthday. First row: Alyson Kilgus, Lindsey Savel, Janice Savel. Middle row: Diane Weyer, formerly from this area, Mary Ann Suchland, Krista Suchland. Back row: Randy Weyer, Jim Suchland, Jim Kilgus. Picture graciously taken by Don Weyer and Denise Benson of Cedar Rapids.

When you go on a trip, take "The Quill" along and have your picture taken with it and then send it to us. Let's see where all "The Quill" can travel!