The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The Mother's Heart

By: Elaine Slater Reese, Spring Green, Wi.

There were just too many things going on. The world was going faster than I was.

So, I would sit down and write a quick easy article about Mothers' Day.

This time I would actually use a little help. It would only take a few moments to look up the anatomy of the human heart. Then I would check out the functions.

This would not take long for a quick overview. Then I could start typing and the words would just flow WRONG!!!!! I immediately realized this was not the way to go.

Back to the idea a couple of weeks ago at three in the morning. I finally remembered it. Talk about the heart - but not from a scientific or medical point of view.

Just think of my mother, my grandmothers, and all the mothers I have known. Of course, some have bigger hearts than others.

Many have had their hearts broken - some beyond repair. Each heart must have a "valve" labeled GIVE, GIVE, GIVE.

There has to be a tough part of the heart - Keep going, Never give up! Each beat of the mother's heart sounds like the word LOVE - over and over LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, until she breathes her last.

Her heart races time after time as she watches her child make mistakes, sees him in an accident, or soothes his forehead as he is ill. Her heartbeat slows as she falls into bed exhausted but already planning what she must do the next day.

The blood that pumps through her heart sustains her through the difficult times for then she remembers the blood that was shed on the cross for her and her loved ones.

Whether it is a young, inexperienced mother or one whose memories have dimmed through the years, her heart will always be filled with love for her child. It does not need to be more complicated than that.

Elaine Reese is a freelance writer who grew up in Hancock County, Illinois and considers that home even though she has now lived in Spring Green, Wisconsin for over 20 years. She says "The Quill" always keeps her updated.