The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 West Central school board members heard that as of the end of February actual expenditures and revenue to budget should be 66.67%. It was noted that actual expenditures were 51.31% of budget and actual revenue received was 85.88% of budget as of the end of February 2014. Supt. Grimm also reported that as of March 19, 2014, the state has vouchered but not yet paid District #235 $265,357.90. It was noted that the revenue flow into the district has slowed considerably over the course of the last three months.
The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. by Board President Brent with all board members present except Mr. Buss.
President Brent led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Under Good News Items, the board reviewed a proposed mural for WCHS presented by WCHS Art teacher Cherry Simmons. They approved the creation of the mural by consensus.
Other good news items included the following:
Under recognition of audience request for presentation Board President Dr. Lonnie Brent read a tribute to Sharri Richard that he wrote recognizing Mrs. Richard for her 18 years of service to the residents of Henderson County.
In addition, Dr. Brent recognized Mr. Joe Kane and Mr. Barry Dowell representing the Henderson County Fair Association Board, who wished to address the board on Agenda Item XII. D. Request of Henderson County Fair Association to Build Equestrian Arena.
The board approved the consent agenda. Items approved under the consent agenda included the following:
Under Financial Activity, the board approved the bills as presented as well as the February, 2014, activity account for WCHS, WCMS and WCES. No action was taken on the November and December 2013 and January, February and March, 2014, treasurer s reports.
A request to purchase nine additional bus cameras for installation in the busses that the district has leased for the 2014-2015 school year was tabled. .
A bid was approved in the amount of $114,232 for the replacement of ten unit ventilators at the south campus as part of the 2013 ten year Health Life Safety survey submitted by Core Mechanical, Inc of Chicago. The work is to start immediately after school is out at the end of May and will conclude by the time school starts in August.
Also approved was a contract with Chris Franciskovich in the amount of $10,300 for the development of a Student Growth Data Base as part of the new certified teacher evaluation process that will go into effect in the 2016-2017 school year. The contract also outlines hosting fees that will be charged during the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 school year.
The board approved an amendment to the district ten year Health Life Safety Survey in the amount of $13,920, for repairs to the boiler system at WCMS.
No action was taken on the proposed agreement between the school district and the Dallas Rural Water District for water services due to the fact that the agreement was not ready for presentation to the board. Superintendent Grimm updated the board on the progress of the project: the formal agreement has been reduced to writing and is now in the hands of the attorneys for completion; conversations have taken place with the final landowner about signing the proposed easement for the water line; and that the district architect is ready to begin the project upon completion of the agreement.
Reports were heard from the building principals concerning the activities that they have been involved with since the February board meeting.
The board briefly reviewed the curriculum report as submitted by Supt. Grimm, the district technology report as submitted by Mrs. Frakes and the Special Ed report as submitted by Mrs. Farniok.
A report was given on proposed changes to the district Math Curriculum that would align to the Integrated Math Pathways approach to math curriculum. District math teachers Megan Smith, Jeremy Henning, Christina Helding and Jeanne Seitz were present to present the proposed change to the Math curriculum. The board indicated that the math teachers should continue working out the details of the proposed change and that it should be brought back to the board for approval at the April, 2014, board meeting.
A board member reported on some maintenance items that need to be addressed at the house the district owns. The board directed the superintendent to seek quotes to make the necessary repairs.
Board member Lumbeck shared with the board information about a possible lighting grant that the district could use to replace outdoor light fixtures. After a brief discussion, the board gave Mr. Lumbeck permission to continue gathering information about the lighting grant and discuss it with Superintendent Grimm.
A request was heard from Henderson County Fair Association Board members Joe Kane and Barry Dowell to either use or purchase some of the district ground on the south campus for the construction of a horse arena. It was the consensus of the board that both men should meet with Superintendent Grimm and the Board Building and Grounds Committee.
Under Future Agenda Items, a request was made to have on next months agenda the discussion of building maintenance and general cleanliness.
The board took the following action regarding personnel:
Board members took a 15 minute break and then reconvened their meeting in the north campus library. All board members except Mr. Buss were present for this portion of the meeting.
The board conducted a working session concerning district finances. Superintendent Grimm has informed the board that it is possible that General State Aid could be prorated to 65% for the 2014-2015 school year and if that happens, the district stands to lose approximately an additional $720,000 of GSA. In order to prepare for this possibility, the board reviewed a list of approximately 35 potential budget cuts and reductions for the FY 15 budget. As a result of the discussion, the board directed Superintendent Grimm to do a cost analysis of the items presented for discussion and be prepared to report back to the board. Toward that end, the board will conduct a special meeting on Monday, March 31, 2014, at 6 p.m. in the north campus library to continue discussing the items presented. A second special meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 9, 2014, to take any action necessary relating to the list of proposed cuts. Areas identified for possible reductions or cuts include: Personnel, Extracurriculars, Maintenance, Transportation and Miscellaneous. No specific dollar amount of reductions was identified at this meeting although the board was encouraged to consider making as many reductions or cuts now that could be rescinded later when more definitive information regarding FY 15 funding is available.
The board entered closed session to discuss matters pertaining to personnel at 9:35 p.m. and exited closed session at 10:45 p.m.
No action was taken following the closed session.
The board then adjourned their meeting at 10:46 p.m.