The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Biggsville Village Board

June, 4 2014 Meeting

Village President Amanda Guyton called the meeting to order at 7:01 and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was performed by Clerk Dale Allenbaugh with all trustees present with the exception of Matt Weber and Travis Pence.

Minutes and bills were each presented by Clerk Dale Allenbaugh and approved. One of the checks presented was in payment for the park lumber which Mick Bishop graciously purchased for Reed Park, the other unusual check for Northrop Grumman to update our meter reader purchased in 2007.

The Treasurer's report was presented by Marilyn Simmons and approved.

Street and Water Report-- Jimmy Rogers has ordered another load of cold patch for the many potholes which resulted from the harsh winter. Equipment which had been neglected was scheduled for repair, and water mains were scheduled to be flushed on June 11th and 12th.

Motion was made by Miguel Gonzales to purchase one fire hydrant and seconded by Brian. The other two hydrants will be repaired or replaced with equipment that we have in stock. Motion was approved.

Zoning--The Ambulance Service has applied for a permit for a new building at the former Cook property which was donated by the village.

Anyone interested in donating to the project please contact Reverend Johnson or one of the other members of the ambulance crew.

Parks and Recreation--The new fence has been completed around the basketball court. Minor work has to be done and this project will be complete.

Public Relations--The Square Dance happens tonight with all looking forward to an entertaining evening.

Old Business--Wiemelt Construction is in the process of completing all the installation work on the water meters. If you have a pile of dirt in your yard, it will be taken care of by a landscaping company after all the installs are done.

The change order needed to disconnect from the old wells was signed by Amanda so that we will be compliant with the EPA.

Nanci Sterett made the motion to approve up to $300 for installation of a frost free hydrant at the John Biggs Memorial. Brian offered the second-all approved.

Recycling--As it now stands we do not have a company which will commit to picking up our recyclables in a dependable fashion. We also do not have the person in place who would organize the container. Until that occurs the recycling container will be closed. The fee you saw attached to your water bill is paying for the containers we used in the town cleanup.

Railroad Bridge--Amanda has been in contact with the railroad about inspection of the bridge. At this time they will not pay for the yearly inspection which is mandated by the state. There is a possibility that they would pay for the elimination of this structure. Grants are being looked at as a possibility of funding a new bridge or a new walking bridge. We will let all know if we have further news.

Calling Post was discussed for boil orders or other news which we would need to get out to our community. This is only possible if the entire village supplies phone numbers for this device. The discussion was tabled until we see if people will supply the numbers needed.

A motion was made by Brian Sterett to pass a resolution allowing the village to donate property to a non-governmental body. This will allow the Ambulance Service to receive the former Cook Property. All approved the motion.

The Prevailing Wage Ordinance has to be voted on annually. Brian Sterett made the motion to accept and Nanci Sterett offered the second. All voted in the affirmative.

Each year we have to submit to our creditors a budget designed to bring in enough income to pay our loans.

Marilyn Simmons presented a proposed budget which would allow us to reach the goal for the next year. We are behind in sewer so we will have to increase the amount so we can make up for the amounts we have not been putting into the reserves as requested.

When we can read meters for all customers they will be billed for a base amount and then an addition for every thousand gallons used over the one thousand that comes with the base. Our new base for all customers using water will be $42.00 and all sewer users will pay $35.00 each month.

When the meters can be read, you will pay an additional $3.00 for each 1000 gallons of water you use above the first 1000 gallons which comes with the base. This will start with the bill you receive on August 1st which will pay for the water used in July. We are billled after the water is used.

Nanci Sterett made the motion to accept the budget as presented and Miguel Gonzales made the second. All voted to accept this motion except one. The majority carried the motion, then the meeting was moved to adjourn at 9:14.