The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
West Central Board Plans For Start Of School
Wednesday, July 16th, the West Central CUSD #235 Board of Education heard a brief report from Superintendent Ralph Grimm about the activities being planned for the opening of the 2014-2015 school year.
Grimm informed the board that 151 letters to staff regarding the start of the 2014-2015 school year had been sent earlier in the week.
It was noted that prior to the start of the 2005-2006 school year, the first year of the district, approximately 187 letters to staff had been sent. That figure represents a 19% reduction in staffing level from the start of the 2005-2006 school year.
Board Vice President Arnold called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. in the Elementary Cafeteria. All board members except Mr. Brent and Mrs. White were present at roll call. Mr. Lumbeck entered at 6:03 p.m.
Vice President Arnold led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Under Good News Items, the board highlighted the following items:
- Mr. Schneider and Mr. Roll were complimented by the Red Cross for their help.
- Approved the agenda as presented. Superintendent Grimm pointed out that the approval of the minutes should have been noted as a consent agenda item.
- No one addressed the board under Recognition of Audience Requests for Presentations.
- Approved the Consent Agenda items. Items approved under the Consent Agenda include:
- The minutes of the June 25, 2014, Regular Meeting, the June 25, 2014, Closed Session and the June 25, 2014, Budget Hearing for the Amended FY 14 District Budget.
- Approved a lease for the Driver Ed car for the 2014-2015 school year with Bruce Foote Chevrolet, Inc. of Monmouth for $150 per month.
- Approved the bids for milk products for the 2014-2015 school year from Anderson Erickson dairy, the current provider. Approved the bread bid for the 2014-2015 school year from Bimbo Bakeries also our current provider.
- Approved proposed revisions to the following board policies on second reading:
- Policy 4:100 - Operational Services - Insurance Management
- Policy 4:160 - Operational Services - Environmental Quality of Building and Grounds
- Policy 4:170 - Operational Services - Safety
- Policy 4:175 - Operational Services - Convicted Child Sex Offender; Criminal Background Check and/or Screens; Notifications
- Policy 5:280 - Educational Support Personnel - Duties and Qualifications
- Policy 6:150 - Instruction - Home and Hospital Instruction
- Policy 7:250 - Students - Student Support Services
- An agreement with McDonough District Hospital of Macomb to provide random student drug tests for the 2014-2015 school year. Current terms and testing procedures will be continued for the 2014-2015 school year.
Other business included:
- Approved payment of all bills as presented as well as the June Treasurer's Report.
- Discussed changing the fee charged for the elementary enrichment program which is currently $25 per student. A motion was made to lower the participation fee to $10. The motion died for lack of a second so no action was taken on this agenda item.
- No reports were provided to the board this month.
- Heard an update from Superintendent on the progress being made on cleaning the building by the district custodian and maintenance staff as well as progress being made on the 10 year Health Life Safety items currently underway.
- Heard a report on the FY 14 district budget. Superintendent Grimm reported that a small surplus was realized at the conclusion of the budget year.
It was noted that this was due to slightly higher revenues being received than anticipated and significantly reducing expenditures.
It was also noted that the majority of the 10 year health life safety items projected to be paid during FY 14 were not completed or paid for and will be carried over into FY 15.
- Received the Tentative FY 15 District Budget. It was noted that this budget is a deficit budget again as was the FY 13 and FY 14 tentative budget. The primary reason for the anticipated deficit is the carryover of the 10 year health life safety items that will be completed and paid for during FY 15.
- It was also noted that this budget is very preliminary and that more work needs to be done prior to presenting the final FY 15 district budget in September. The Board by consensus accepted the tentative FY 15 District Budget and directed the Superintendent to put the tentative budget on display.
- Discussed the need to begin charging spectators who attend sixth grade sporting events. The consensus of the board was to start charging $3 for adults, $2 for seniors and $1 for students who attend sixth grade sporting events. The board will vote to approve this at the August 20, 2014, meeting.
- Reviewed a quote to replace several windows at the district rental house. After a brief discussion the board directed Superintendent Grimm to bring the quote back for approval at the August 20, 2014, board meeting.
- Briefly reviewed a proposed revision to Board Policy 4:140 regarding waivers of fees.
- A clarification was proposed that would specify that the classroom portion of the Driver Ed program would be covered under a student fee waiver for those who qualify but the fee being charged for the Behind the Wheel portion of the Driver Ed program would not be waived.
- The board agreed with this change and directed Superintendent Grimm to have the approval of this change on the August 20, 2014, board meeting agenda.
- Heard a report from Superintendent Grimm about the information he had gathered relative to the selling of the property the district owns directly west of the baseball diamond on the south campus.
- After discussing the information presented, the board directed Superintendent Grimm to proceed with gathering additional information about the selling of this property and to place this topic on the August 20, 2014, board meeting agenda as a discussion item.
- Discussed briefly the possibility of purchasing the equipment necessary to install a watering system for the football field on the north campus.
- The board heard a report from Board Member Lumbeck that the preliminary estimate of the cost for the material was approximately $10,000. Mr. Lumbeck indicated that he would coordinate the installation of the system with voluntary labor.
- After discussing this idea, the board declined to proceed at this time. It was suggested that perhaps donations could be solicited to pay for the material.
- Heard a presentation on administrative staffing at the middle school from WCMS Staff member Byron Helt, Jeremy Hennings and Connie Sue Torrance. Mr. Helt presented the board with several options to consider that would provide additional administrative assistance to the middle school staff and students. The board requested time to review the material that Mr. Helt presented to them.
- Board member Lumbeck requested an update on the District Lighting Project at the August Board Meeting.
The board did not conduct a closed session.
The board took the following action regarding personnel:
- Approved the employment of Mary Ashby as a part-time district nurse
- Approved the employment of Nancy Smith as District Special Ed Coordinator/School Psychologist
- Approved the employment of James Black as WCHS English teacher
- Approved the employment of Jamie Hennings as a long term sub at WCES to cover a maternity leave
- Approved the revised Exempt Staff Salary document for FY 15.
The board was reminded that the next meeting of the board will be Wednesday, August 20, 2014. The meeting will be held in the elementary cafeteria and will begin at 6 p.m.
There being no other business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.