The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Dear Editor:
The Henderson County Fair has closed this year's record books. The biggest record made was the cool weather.
Really how much does one know about the Henderson County Fair? It's located in Stronghurst and has been going on for 80 years of record keeping. At one time the fair was held east of the highway (now a corn field). The barn on this farm was where the animal show ring was held. Grounds are now west of the highway. Recently more land was added to the south of the present grounds. Buildings are permanent with water and lights and no tents are present.
Everyone counts pennies and the fair board has the same problems to put a fair together each year. Fair board members are volunteers who work together during fair week in different sections. Women as well as men have served on the fair board as president over the years.
Oh, yes this year's evening events were done by 10:30-11:00 p.m. Remember the old 2:00 a.m. events to keep your sleep routine up-set. That's even changed.
Will share one section from the open show on crafts, food-vegetables. Not too long ago prizes for this section were 3 places now this section awards seven places. If one wins an award you pay the fair an entry fee which supports this section another year.
This is, to me, a way to help support the future fair when paying entry fees on prizes won. Beats walking 5-Ks or other ways to collect in helping future fairs.
Since the fair is right in our back yard is their a way you could help with future fairs?
Mary Alice Huntoon