The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Village of Biggsville meeting was called to order by President Pro Tem Amanda Guyton at 7:02 p.m. on July 16, 2014. She led in the Pledge of Allegience.
Roll was called with Trustees Matt Weber and Travis Pence not in attendance. First order of business was the resignation of Matt. A motion was made Brian Sterett to accept the resignation and in addition to void the Trustee position of Travis Pence since he has failed to attend meetings and has not sent in his resignation. Nanci Sterett offered the second and the motion carried with all voting in the affirmative.
The minutes were presented from the newsletter sent to all water consumers. Bills were reviewed and the treasure report was presented. Brian made the motion to accept all the reports as presented and Miguel made the second. All voted to approve the motion.
Maintenance: Fire hydrants have been flushed which should have removed the last of the rust deposits in our water mains. Since the new water does not have the iron content that we had previously this will be done on a yearly basis. The lagoon has been sprayed with roundup for the weeds growing around the pools. Children at Play signs were discussed for Worthy Acres. We have signs on hand so these should go up shortly. Gravel is to be hauled for the end of the street at Worthy Acres so traffic can turn without getting stuck.
Zoning: A permit has been requested for a garage at Hillcrest. Fees for these permits are to be reviewed for possible fee increases. I have been in the community for 14 years and these have never been increased in that time.
Parks: Danny Gibb reported that the committee is to be expanded by four positions since they now have increased interest in this area. Danny said the parks committee had a need for a weed eater which the village maintenance crew will supply as they have more machines than operators. Biggs Memorial Park is coming together so please thank all you see working on this project.
Public Relations: Heritage Trails Days start September 27 with our parade on Saturday with the chicken noodle dinner at the Presbyterian Church. Diane Gonzales has graciously accepted the position of chairman.
Old Business: Weimelt Construction has about two days left in the meter installation process and a day working on disconnecting from the old wells. At the end of the month the new water and sewer rates will go into effect so we can pay for the pipeline and the new meter installation. Water rates for all accounts will be $42.00 for the first thousand gallons and $3.00 for any additional thousand gallons used, sewer rates will increase to $35.00 for any account. We will start reading meters as soon as the equipment and personnel are in place. Until then all the bills will be the same for all accounts.
Calling Post- We will be setting up this service if we can get enough participation that it will be worthwhile. For those who choose to participate, we need you to include the phone number you wish called when you pay your water bill.
I have some of your phone numbers but you may want to be notified on a cell rather that a home phone. Whatever number, we need you to supply us with that information if you want called. This will be used for boil orders and other information which we need to give to the village on a now basis, rather than waiting for the village minutes.
Railroad Bridge Update : Amanda will be contacting the railroad about possible compensation for this structure. If the village cannot afford to have it open it may pay us to remove it rather than letting it fall down. Other communities in the area have been paid for closing railroad crossings.
The Village Appropriation Ordinance for 2014-2015 was presented, reviewed and Brian Sterett made the motion to approve and Nanci made the second and all approved the Ordinance as read.
The meeting was adjourn at 8:24 p.m..