The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
On Wednesday, February 19, 2014, the West Central CUSD #235 Board of Education accepted the following bids for summer work to be done on the school buildings.
They approved a contract with MTC, Inc of Colchester, to construct a fiber optic line from South of Biggsville to the North Campus and for internet services for a 10 year period of time. The total costs to build the fiber optic line will not exceed $320,000 and it is hoped that a large portion of that costs will be Federal E-Rate program reimbursable. The monthly internet charges will be finalized in the next few weeks once decisions are made about required band width and internet speed. As part of this agenda item, the board heard from Mr. Bill Buchanan, President of McDonough Telephone Cooperative and parent company of MTC Inc. about the project. Mr. Buchanan answered questions about the project and provided information about the company who will be providing these services to the district.
They approved a bid from Frank Millard, Company of Burlington, IA, for the replacement of the gym roof on the South Campus. Millards low bid to complete this project was $96,150. This bid was below the architects estimate for this project. Work on this project will start soon after school is out. This project is being completed as part of the district's recently completed 10 year health life safety survey.
They also approved a bid from Trotter General Contracting of Macomb, for district General Contract Work. Trotters low bid to complete this work was $564,000. This bid was below the architects estimate for this work. Work on this project will start soon after school is out. The project is being completed as part of the districts recently completed 10 year health life safety survey.
The board also approved an alternate bid for the installation of a lightening detection system at the North Campus from Trotter in the amount of $18,500. After a brief discussion, the board approved the installation of a similar lightening detection system at the South Campus by Trotter for $18,500.
The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. by Board President Brent, with all board members present.
President Brent led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Under good news items the following items were highlighted:
" It was noted the WCHS Girls Basketball team finished their season with a record of 17-12.
" Angel Strack was noted for advancing to the Sectional tournament of the IHSA State Girls Bowling Tournament.
" The WCHS WYSE Team placed first overall in their division at the recently completed WYSE Team competition held at the Carl Sandburg College Campus in Carthage. There were several WCHS students who placed either first, second, or third in their events.
" It was noted that this is National FFA week.
" The recently conducted Pre-K and Kindergarten registration process was highlighted. The board thanked those who helped with this activity.
" The recently completed Small School Rising Up teacher convention was highlighted. Ms. Megan Smith was complimented for her work and leadership on putting this convention together.
" It was noted that the PTC Carnival was well attended and it appeared that everyone had a good time.
" Nick Roarke and Daniel Livermore were complimented on their work removing snow from the WCMS campus.
" The 8th grade volleyball team won their own tournament recently.
" WCMS students Tucker Peterson and Jace Garner participated in the recently held ROE spelling bee.
The board approved the agenda as presented.
No one wished to address the board under the Audience Requests for Presentation section of the agenda.
Items approved under the Consent Agenda included:
" The minutes of the January 15, 2014, regular meeting; the January 15, 2014, Closed Session and the February 8, 2014, Special Meeting
" The 2014 Seniority List for Certified and Support Personnel
" The submission of a Round 2 School Maintenance Grant Application
" Ending the Eighth Grade Promotion ceremony after the conclusion of the 2014 ceremony
" Under financial activity, the board approved payment of all bills as presented. The board approved the January activity accounts as presented. The board was informed that the November and December, 2013, and the January and February, 2014, treasurer's report will be provided for approval at the March 2014, meeting.
The board heard that as of the end of January actual expenditures and revenue to budget should be 58.33%. It was noted that actual expenditures were 45.55% of budget and actual revenue received was 83.03% of budget as of the end of January, 2014. Supt. Grimm also reported that as of February 19, 2014, the State of Illinois has vouchered but not yet paid District #235 $287,504. .
A request was approved by WCHS Junior student Callie Thacker to attend school half days during her senior year. Ms. Thacker will then spend the other half of her day working on her associates degree.
Summaries of the written principal s reports submitted by Mrs. Lafary, Mr. Schneider and Mr. Nichols were given. In addition, the board heard a few comments from Supt. Grimm relative to the Curriculum Report. Mrs. Farniok and Mrs. Frakes made a few comments about their reports as well.
They briefly reviewed the proposed 2014-2015 school calendar. As a result of this discussion, which included quite a bit of talk about Deer Day , the board directed Supt. Grimm to bring the calendar back to the March board meeting as a consent agenda item for approval. Some highlights of the proposed calendar include:
" A starting date of Friday, August 15, 2014, as a Teachers Institute Day
" The first day of student attendance will be Monday, August 18, 2014. This will be a full day of student attendance
" Veteran's Day will be observed on Tuesday, November 11, 2014
" A Not in Attendance day will be taken on Friday, November 21, 2014 4
" Christmas Break will begin on Saturday, December 20, 2014. There will be a full two week break for Christmas
" Students and staff will return to school from Christmas break on Monday, January 5, 2015
" An ending date, assuming all five emergency days are used will be Friday, May 29, 2015. If no emergency days are used, the last day of school will be Thursday, May 21, 2015
" The board entered closed session at 8:05 p.m. to discuss matters pertaining to personnel. They exited closed session at 9:05 p.m.
All board members were present when the board reconvened to open session at 9:05 p.m.
The following action regarding personnel was taken:
" rehired building assistant principals Chad Robertson, Chris Conlee and Randy Frakes for the 2014-2015 school year
" Approved the resignation of Danielle Covert as a Part-Time Title I Associate
" Approved the resignation of Barb Scott as a District Nurse
" Approved the employment of Mallary Nelson as a Part-Time Title I Associate for the remainder of the 2013-2014 school year
" Approved the employment of Justin Rakestraw as WCMS Track Coach
" Approved a request to allow Miriam Rutzen to serve as a volunteer WCHS Softball Coach
The board's next regular board meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 19, 2014, in the elementary cafeteria and will begin at 6 p.m.
There being no other business, the board adjourned their meeting at 9:11 p.m.