The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

New County Board Selects Albert Renken New Chairman

by Dessa Rodeffer, The Quill

Oquawka-At the final 2014 December Henderson County Board meeting on the 1st, Marty Lafary called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. at the courthouse and led in the Pledge of Allegiance. The board approved November 10 and 25th minutes and the claims that were paid in November.

Board members present James Alexander, Terry Myers, Robert Perterson, Albert Renken, Gail Russell, Richard Stewart, and Marty Lafary voted to approved renewing the agreement with the Drainage Districts for Cindy Rhinehart, EMA/Zoning Officer to continue to provide services.

Absent for the vote were Curt Eisenmayer (in rehab after a fall), David Hinshaw, and Mark Lumbeck.

County Deputy Don Seitz presented information for the First Responder Training saying that Dick Paul would be the instructor with plans to start in January providing that training books are received.

County Board Peterson, seconded by Myers, made a motion to approve $25,000 toward the purchase of a squad car which was approved.

The board heard that Animal Control Officer Butler had spent $60 on repairing headlights on the Animal Control truck.

County Board Co-Chairs Marty Lafary and Gail Russell gave their thanks to all the county board members for their service to the county and the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 a.m. sine die.

Henderson County Clerk Amanda Rousonelos called the new board to order: Richard Clifton, Brad Flatt, Gary Gibb, Bill Knupp, and Robert Peterson.

Other members present were James Alexander, Marty Lafary, Terry Myers, Richard Stewart, and Albert Renken. (Absent due to health reasons - Curt Eisenmayer)

The new board selected Albert Renken as new County Chairman and Terry Myers as Vice Chair.