The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The Wisdom Of Barnyard Bruke: "Rain'n, More Humor, Celebrat'n A Saviour"

Greetings to ever one in western Illinois and all readers of The Quill.


As I write this column it threatens to give us a bit of rain and maybe snow. The weather last year about this time destroyed a town out in Iowa as it worked it's way east toward us. I'm a hope'n this year is a better Spring and avoids those destructive winds. Anyways, as far as rain, we'll haves to take what we gets and be satisfied.

"Life is not a cup to be drained, but a measure to be filled".

With that attitude, come what may, a feller can handle most anything, include'n variant weather.

As for meself, I'm have'n a bit of a time coaxe'n me body to adjust'n to these dramatic temperature changes.

There was tractors and a few planters run'n this Sunday even though the soil temperature is less than ideal and, by past standards, it is plenty early in the season to be plant'n.

Know'n the parents of those run'n on Sunday, they'd be plenty disappointed see'n their offspring disregard'n what they taught their young'ns and practiced themselves about not work'n on Sunday.

With their fathers gone I'm a guess'n the young'ns feel they can now make their own rules.

A lot could be written on moral rules and convictions of a community and what motivates a feller give up the values of his "Paw,' but I'll not try to discover it here and now.

One has to decide for themselves what they wants to maintain and what they wants to throw away. Being careful about what is important and what is not is the hard part.

With this warmer weather come'n our way, I'm reminded of a trip Cornelius Farkwad took this winter in search of some relax'n time in the sun.

He went to New Orleans but was vexed by the women and the uniforms they wore or didn't wear. They walked as though they had but one joint in their body, and no knees. Their upper clothing was cut so low in front that Cornelius expected every moment they could easily step one of their legs through them with little effort and probably not trip up one bit.

Later, he went down to Bourbon Street with Mrs. Farkwad and observed, as he and the misses walked along the street, numerous high heeled shoe style shows. He figured it must be mighty important shoes to show them off that-aways in their birthday suits. No one would be distracted by clothe'n they could have been wear'n, hence sell more shoes.

Cornelius was not sure how prevalent the style shows was fer after the second window high heeled style show, Mrs. Farkwad energetically hailed down a cab for a quick trip outa there.

Apparently, Mrs. Farkwad was not into "style shows" and when Cornelius got back to western Illinois he had the appearance of have'n his "ears boxed".

Can't figure that one out fer I don't reckon it was his ears is what got him in trouble. However, his eyes did seem a bit bloodshot!

More Humor

More humor to put a smile on your face today:

One day, I entered the examining room to give four-year-old Lizzie her injection. "No, no, no!" she screamed.

"Lizzie," scolded her mother, "that's not polite behavior."

With that, the girl yelled even louder, "No, thank you! No thank you!"

"I'm going to be away for a long time," I told him. "I'm going to Iraq."

"Why?" he asked. "Don't you know there's a war going on over there?"

"That's the man who made this camp possible. Maybe you've seen his picture on his salad dressing bottle?"

Blank stares. "Well, you've probably seen his face on his lemonade carton?" An eight-year-old girl perked up. "How long was he missing?"

There ya has it then - some humor ta brighten your day whilst ya wait fer the ground to dry out some more.

Celebrat'n A Saviour

Our country sure needs a saviour and they kin have one if'n they'd just seek him. Hope'n to see all ya ladies in ya Sunday best with husbands lead'n the family, fill'n up the church this Palm Sunday, as ya celebrate Christ's entry into Jerusalem.

Well, keep on Smile'n and where ever ya is, what ever ya be a do'n, "BE A GOOD ONE!'

Catch ya later!