The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, Feb. 23, 1922
HE BECAME A GAS & OIL MAN: Frank J. Silsbee, now a resident of Shreveport, La. made a brief visit with his mother in Stronghurst. Since leaving town Frank has had quite a varied experience and is now regarded as one of the best informed men in the gas and oil business in the whole country. His first experience was in Texas. He improved his time and opportunities there, but the climate did not agree with him and he next turned up in Los Angeles, where he became publisher of a journal devoted to the oil business. It was while thus engaged he was called to Washington during the World War to give the government the benefit of his knowledge and experience in doping it out to the oil men. After the war closed, Franks' services were engaged by an association of wealthy men in New York, who had extensive business interests in Mexico and Frank was made secretary. This proved a very desirable business connection; but what Frank considered the chance of a lifetime and more to his liking was an opportunity that came to him at Shreveport, La., which he accepted and where he is now connected with one of the strongest oil and gas companies in the country. He says that Louisiana is now the center of the greatest natural gas field in the world. He stopped here while returning from a business trip to New York City. Speaking of present activities in the gas and oil line at Stronghurst, Frank stated that it was impossible to foresee the out come. He remarked that the opinions of experts and geologists were always considered valuable, but the drill is the only infallible test. He was obliged to cut his visit short here on account of receiving a telegram asking him to get back to Shreveport at the earliest date possible.
***OBITUARY***WRIGHT CHASE: Mr. Wright Chase, a former well known resident of Stronghurst was born in New York in 1840 being the youngest of a family of six brothers and two sisters. He died at the home of his only child, Roscoe Chase in Sioux City, Ia. on Feb. 15, 1922, aged 82 years. The deceased came to Illinois when a young man and was employed on various farms in the vicinity of what is now the village of Phelps in Warren County, When the Civil War broke out, he was amongst the first from this section of the state to enlist. He became attached to the sharpshooters division of the 66th Ill. Infantry which he served throughout the war. When discharged from service, he returned to Warren Count and lived for a time in the vicinity of Monmouth.
He was amongst the first to take advantage of the soldier land claim act and proved up on a tract of land in the vicinity of Wichita, Kansas. Here he married and made his home for about 25 years. He then came with his family to Stronghurst and purchased property and made his home here for about 7 years. About 8 years ago he and his wife returned to Wichita where the latter died in 1916. Since that time Mr. Chase has lived with his son Roscoe at Sioux City. He is survived by his son and one brother, John Chase, familiarly known to the people of Stronghurst as "Grandpa Chase" and who now makes his home in Burlington, Ia.
The deceased was a member of the Masonic fraternity and of the G.A.R. (Grand Army of the Republic-Civil War veterans group). Funeral service and interment were held at Wichita, Kans. (Obituary furnished by his nephew, R.B. Chase of Burlington, Iowa.)
***OBITUARY***JULIA ELAINE SCOTT: Julia Elaine Scott, only daughter of Mrs. Effie (Long)Scott, was born near Olena, Ill. on July 1, 1916 and passed away after a very brief illness of malignant diphtheria at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Emily Long, on Jan. 25, 1922, aged 6 years, 4 months and 24 days.
Dr. Lauver, the attending physician, first diagnosed the case as membranous croup, but as the little sufferer grew worse a consultation of physicians composed by Dr. Lauver, Dr. Marshall of Stronghurst and Drs. Cooper and Weghman of Burlington decided it was diphtheria in the worst form and that an operation was the only thing that could prolong life. After the operation was made, the little one rallied and hopes were entertained for her recovery, but in a short time these hopes were blasted, for the spirit of Elaine had passed over to be with Him who said, "Suffer the little ones and forbid them not to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of Heaven." Her passing is mourned by her mother, two grandmothers, one great-grandmother, several uncles and aunts and cousins and many of her playmates as this was her first year in school. She was said to be a very bright pupil. Brief funeral services were held in the Olena Cemetery where the little one was laid to rest.
BRIDAL SHOWER: From the Monmouth Atlas: "Mrs. Eldon Nelson of Blandinsville proved herself a charming hostess Saturday afternoon when she entertained with a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Alice O'Leary of Monmouth whose marriage to Hollis Links of Stronghurst will take place soon. During the afternoon towels were hemmed for the bride-to-be and Mrs. Mary Keane received the prize for finishing hers first. In a heart contest Mrs. John Callow was awarded the honors. The guest of honor received many useful gifts which were presented to her in a cleverly decorated express wagon, which an unknown driver had abandoned at the Nelson home. A dainty and attractive luncheon was served and each guest was presented with a favor suitable to the occasion.
FOUNDER: The local W.C.T.U. held their annual Francis E. Willard
memorial meeting at the home of Mrs. C.R.Kaiser. A large attendance of
both women and men were welcomed by president, Mrs. Ida Wood. A harp solo
by Miss Erma Kaiser was followed by a prayer offered by Rev. Sullins. D.
Prescott gave a vocal solo and the Rev. J.A. Mahaffey was introduced as the
speaker of the evening. In addition to being a eulogy on the life of Miss
Willard, it dealt with the subject of law enforcement and the importance of the
women voters exercising their right of suffrage. He congratulated the local
society on what they had accomplished and offered a number of suggestions as to
how they might still further their work in the local field. (Prohibition was in
full swing and Stronghurst was enthusiastically embracing it.)
A boys’ chorus rendered some fine selections and the program concluded with a
vocal solo by Mrs. Sterling Simpson.
SUCCESSFUL: A.D.Porter of Good Hope, Ill. held a very successful sale
of big type Poland-China swine realizing an average of $44.40 for the 32 head
sold with $100 as the top. John Butler and Earl Brokaw of this vicinity
were amongst the buyers, the former buying one sow at $32 and another at $34;
the latter purchased one at $50.
The destruction of the business section of Stronghurst by fire was
narrowly averted when a barn belonging to Felix Shain and situated at the rear
of the Shain grocer store on Broadway burned down. The question of fire
protection for the village was being agitated and sentiment seemed to be divided
as to whether a system of water works should be provided for by bond issue or a
new fire engine bought. R.T. McDill of Biggsvile had just been appointed as a
guard at the state penitentiary at Joliet, Ill. (In 1922 he was the Henderson
County sheriff.) Elmer Taylor had bought a third interest in the firm of Miller
& Taylor here and the firm name change to Miller, Taylor & Co. J.F. Main
had gone to Springfield where he had received a legislative committee clerkship
Mrs. Martha VanAlstine and little grandson, Harvey Kimball, who have
been so seriously ill of pneumonia, are on the road to recovery. Mrs.
Grace Kimball has been confined to her bed on account of a sprained back; she is
now able to sit up for a while each day. Mrs. Dan Campbell who suffered an
attack of bronchitis, is convalescing nicely. Mr. Joe Campbell went to the
Monmouth Hospital and the doctors found an ulcerated kidney. From the
hospital he went to his sister, Mrs. Geo Stanley of Roseville and Dr. Connant
will prescribe for him. Miss Eleanor Kyle, who is a senior of Monmouth
College, spent the weekend with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. R.J.Kyle. Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Wilson are nicely domiciled in their new home which they
purchased from Mrs. Strong and which has undergone quite extensive improvements.
James Heap was quite a sufferer from neuralgia caused from his teeth.
W.C.Winders was over from Joy, Ill. removing his belongings from his restaurant.
The building has been leased by some Dallas City parties and will be used for a
poultry house.
Mr. and Mrs. Emory
Eberheart are moving from the Chas. Pogue farm to their property in town.
Mr. Atwell of Stronghurst has moved his family into one of the John Pogue
houses. Mr. Ward Flock, the new manager of E.G.Lewis Seed Co. and his
mother will occupy the property recently vacated by C.E.Pendarvis and family.
This takes all empty houses and yet we have not room for people who are trying
to locate here; surely, it would be a good investment for someone to build some
houses for rent. Mr. and Mrs. Geo Wax have resigned from their position at the
Co-operative Store and Mr. Gene Baxter of Stronghurst is in charge. A game
of Basketball was played Monday evening between the young married ladies and the
young ladies of the town; it resulted in a victory of 6 to 0 in favor of the
married ladies. The Seed House boys won over Smithshire the same evening
by a score of 11 to 8.
A new
line of beautiful hats available at moderate prices at the Stronghurst Hat
Shop—Mrs. E. Thyssen. Word received at Fort Madison is that the Santa Fe
Railroad is preparing to spend $500,000 for new rails to be delivered to the
Missouri division. Owing to the heavy rain last Tuesday morning which
caused the submerging of the roads in the Honey Creek bottoms, the public sale
of horses, hogs, cattle and farm implements advertised by Earl Brokaw 3 miles
southeast of Stronghurst on the A.V.Brokaw farm is postponed until Feb. 27th. Clyde (Red) Walker
is reported to be a victim of diphtheria and the Walker home has been placed
under quarantine. Beyond the display of a few flags and the closing of the
post office for part of the day and the closing of the State Bank, there was no
public observance of Washington ’s Birthday. The machinery, buildings and
products of the Monmouth Stone Quarry at Gladstone were advertised to be sold at
sheriff’s sale to satisfy a judgment held by A.C. Tolbert, but a stay was
obtained from Judge Frank of Galesburg postponing the sale.
A number of the town’s scientifically inclined young men have been bitten with
the “wireless” bug recently and several amateur outfits are being prepared and
installed for the purpose of intercepting some of the radio message which are
daily being transmitted through the air about us.
LaHarpe papers say was the biggest fire that city has had in 28 years occurred
last Friday morning when the Andrews livery building was destroyed and a number
of other buildings in the immediate vicinity badly scorched.
Frank Burkinshaw who conducted a candy and cigar store in the front of the
building succeeded in saving most of his stock but lost practically all of his
furniture and fixtures. The firemen had a desperate fight in preventing
the fire from sweeping the business district in which the Andrew building was
located. Amongst the buildings which were seriously threatened or partly
damaged were the Britt Motor Co. garage, the Wilkinson dwelling, the Keef
Clothing Co. building, the Masonic temple and the Quill newspaper office.
The fire was first discovered by Mr. George Coulson at about 5:30 a.m. but is
origin is unknown. Mr. Andrews carried no insurance and his loss is
estimated at $3,500. The loss arising from damage to surrounding buildings
will probably be covered by the insurance carried. Word was received in
Stronghurst early in the morning of the danger which threatened the business
district of LaHarpe and a number of citizens hurried over in autos to render
what assistance they might be able to; but they found on their arrival that
control had been gained of the fire.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis moved to the C.A. Hedges farm near Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Daughterty spent Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. W.M.Daugherty and returned to their home in Rio, Ill. The Standard Bearer Society met at the home of Mrs. Harry Warner. Rollin Galbraith, son of Mr. and Mrs. G.F.Galbraith who served several months in the U.S. Navy, has received his discharge and returned to his home. Mrs. Walters had the misfortune of falling down the cellar steps and breaking her collar bone. M.A.Painter moved to one of the Reams farms near Oakville, Iowa where he will be employed for the coming season. The home of Floyd Robbins is quarantined for diphtheria. George Sandy moved from near Hopper’s Mills to the Geo. Miller farm east of town. The families of Wilson Stewart and Earl Watson have been under quarantine for diphtheria, but no one is sick in the home. Miss Virginia Lewis entertained her Sunday school class of girls with a party at her home. Many games were played and nice refreshments served. Those attending were Lucille and Juanita Babcook, Ruby and Marie Colley, Beth Brouse, Edith Fryer and Phyllis Pence.
John Mills moved from the Miller farm east of town to the Everett farm at the stone quarry. Mr. Holcomb Malmburg, a former resident and a store keeper of Gladstone, was buried at Oquawka on Monday. Mr. Malmburg was a brother of Oscar Malmburg living south of town and grew to manhood in this vicinity. He was highly respected by all who were privileged to know him. He died at Pine Bluff, Ark. at his daughter’s home. Harley Christy, a little 11 year old boy of the village who has a hard time in life, was given a 7 lb. hen by Mrs. Greeny Jacobs. The hen was sold at auction and brought $11. Mr. D.S. Bryan took the boy to Burlington where through the added generosity of clothing merchant, he was completely outfitted. The proud little man says that now he can go to Sunday school.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mr. and Mrs. Louie Dixon are the proud parents of a baby boy born at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dixon.(?) Mr. and Mrs. Preston Plummer of Casper, Wyo. visited his mother and other relatives. Mrs. James Mintier of Des Moines, Iowa visited the home of her sister, Mrs. J.Y.Whiteman.
Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rawhouser a farewell reception was given by the country club for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rankin and son Francis who leave soon for Monmouth to make their home. A short program was given. As is the custom when a member of the club leaves, Mrs. Rankin was presented with a silver spoon by Mrs. Lant. A lunch of pineapple nut whip, cake and coffee were serves. Mr. and Mrs. Mart Murray moved their household goods to the drainage district where he will farm for J.Y.Whiteman. A surprise was sprung on Frank Stevenson at the home of his uncle, Ralph Stewart in town, it being his 14th birthday. Ralph Stewart drove to Stronghurst where he met his cousin Tom on his return from California where he attended the funeral of his brother Harry.
The preliminary essay and oration contest to determine who shall represent the high school will be held Friday night. The following lists some of the topics and presenters: The New Woman-Evelyn Dixon; Shall the Spirit of America Stand-Edith Lormier; Russia-Julia Stevenson; The Menace of the Pacific-John McHenry; Duties of Citizenship-Mildred Kilgore; America’s Industrial Crisis-Ruth Lant; Philippine Independence-Floyd Osborn; America, the Hope of the World-Helen Foster; and America’s Injustice to the Negro-Margaret Berry. Free admission.
CARMAN CONCERNS: These few warm days have ice floating in the river and creeks. The T.P. & W. are making daily trips again as freight was getting too heavy for three days a week service. Heavy rains made the roads very muddy. Mr. Geo. Johnson has been quite poorly. Mrs. Petra Bennington who has been visiting relatives departed for her home in Alton.
LOMAX LINGERINGS: Mrs. Alice Waters and son Silas of Clarence, Mo. are visiting relatives. Mrs. Grace Oldt and son of Wyman, Iowa are visiting her mother Mrs. Sikes at the Hotel Lomax. W.H.Rocket is driving a new Case car bought at Burlington. A ban on public gatherings is still in place as new cases have broken out. So far cases are mild (diphtheria, I presume). The church of the Nazarene have purchased a building known as the C.G.Davis building and moved it up near the town hall; it will be remodeled as a church building.