The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, Feb. 16, 1922
(This page is dark so only part is being reported.) OBITUARY: MRS. STANLEY JACKSON: Edith Wolford Jackson, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wolford, was born at Decorra, Ill. July 3 or 8, 1899 and passed away at the home of her parents in Decorra Feb. 12, 1922, aged 23 years, 7 months and 9 days. Her entire girlhood was spent in this community. She was a member and regular attendant of the Maple Grove Sunday School. On Oct. 11, 1920 she married Mr. Stanley Jackson of Keokuk, Iowa where they went to make their home. The following June they returned to this vicinity where they have since made their home.
Twins sons, Keith William and Kenneth Wayne, came to brighten the home Jan. 24th. On Jan. 26th a shadow fell on the home when little Keith was called back to his Heavenly Father. Feb. 12th, a greater shock and a darker shadow fell on the home when the young mother was summoned. Beside her husband and infant son Kenneth, she is survived by her parents, brother Willie; sisters, Gertrude, Merle, Mae and Mary, all of Decorra and host of relatives and friends. Funeral services were held at Maple Grove Church with interment in the Maple Grove Cemetery.
WEDDING BELLS: CAVINS-STALEY WEDDIN- Miss Mary Staley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Staley of this place and Emory Cavins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cavins of Raritan were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents on Feb. 16th at high noon. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Sullins of the Stronghurst M. E. Church in the presence of a number of friends and relatives. The ring ceremony was used, the officiating minister himself placing the golden circlet upon the finger of the bride as he spoke the words which made the pair man and wife.
The home was prettily decorated in red and white and the marriage vows were taken beneath a canopy which had been arranged in the parlor to serve as an altar. As the bridal party, consisting of bride and groom with Mr. Manly Staley as best man and Miss Rhoda Edmonds of La Harpe, Ill as bridesmaid approached the altar, they were preceded by Mrs. Thomas Richey singing the Bridal Chorus by Lohengren. The bride was attired in a pretty traveling suit of blue and carried a bouquet of sweet peas. Immediately following Miss Martha Davis sang " I Love You Truly." After congratulations to the couple, a sumptuous four-course wedding dinner was served. Later, the newly wedded pair left for short honeymoon trip to Iowa.
The bride is a young lady of many charms and graces; the groom has in the past been assisting his father in the operation of their farm 2 miles southeast of Raritan. Out of town guests were Mr. Amos Cavins and daughter Nora and Mrs. Jennie Melvin and son of Raritan; Mrs. Roxella Wanders of Galesburg; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schroeder and son of Hopper; Mrs. Thos. Richey and the Misses Margaret and Lucile Rankin of Media; "Grandpa" Chase of Burlington, Iowa; Ernest Staley and wife of Lomax and Miss Rhoda Edmunds of LaHarpe.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: A men's gospel team of the Baptist Church in Burlington had charge of the services at the M. E. Church Sunday evening. A large crowd enjoyed the service and music. A large number of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Graham to help his mother, Mrs. Nancy Graham, celebrate her 83rd birthday on the 12th. A large crowd attended the Galbraith Bros. sale at the farm of Taylor Galbraith south of town. Mrs. George Ashburg and Florence Lewis spent a day shopping in Burlington. Rev. D. K. Sailor and family are moving into the new modern parsonage this week. Dorris Ahlburg, Dorothy Mears and Cora Furnald, Will Thomas, Mark Graham and Willie Mitchell attended the dance in Oquawka Friday night at the opera house. There is quite a spirited contest between the "Fords" and the "Mules" of the W.F.M.S., the Fords have organized a company of "Standard Bearers" and the Mules expect to organize "Little Light Bearers and King's Heralds." Will Kessinger entered high school as a new student. Mrs. Frank Lauber of Lafayette, Ill. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Daugherty. Mr. Charles Bailey will move into the elegant new home on the Oberly farm west of town.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. E. E. Simonson of Louisiana, Mo. and Mrs. Francis Bailey of Raritan were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Worthington in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Barnett are moving back to the old home north of town; their son Herbert and wife, who have been occupying the farm, have leased a farm in the Reed neighborhood. Glen Crist who has been living on the C. S. Brokaw farm southeast of town is moving to the Dan Crist farm near Raritan. Glenn Carlson has leased the Brokaw farm. R. N. Clarke was down from Chicago looking after the disposal of his farming effects at public auction. The annual sale of registered Shorthorn cattle was held at Galesburg. Among breeders present from Stronghurst were Percy Veech, Algert Nolan and J. H. Voorhees. Mrs. Asa Worthington and Mrs. Roy Park as delegates and Mrs. Elmer Davis and Miss Alice Finch as alternates have been chosen to represent the Household Science Dept. of the Stronghurst Women's Club at the State Farmers' Institute at Monmouth. Max Sanderson and family are moving from the B. L. Mudd farm south of Stronghurst to the Kirkpatrick farm in Warren County. Several members of the local boy Scouts took a 14 mile hike last Saturday enjoying a lunch enroute and standing the trip very well.
Mr. P.A. Peterson has moved her household goods from Stronghurst to the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.A. Peterson near Carman, Ill. where she will make her home. A Monmouth paper says that one man was arrested and nearly two gallons of "Moonshine" whiskey seized in a raid on the home of Homer BurDon in Oquawka by Sheriff McDill.
T.E. Walker returned from the sanitarium at Kansas City where he had been a patient for several weeks while recovering from his operation. Friends of Mrs. Math Huston of Blandinsville will be sorry to know that she suffered another severe stroke of paralysis and two light attacks since; she had been improving from an attack of some six months ago, but her condition now is very critical. Mrs. Joe Kern and Mrs. Druis Kern entertained 13 friends at the Kern home as a surprise for their husbands whose birthday occurred on the 11th and 12th. Mr. Robert Worley of Raritan was seriously injured when a team ran away throwing him to the ground with such force to render him unconscious. He was found by Ernie Links and accompanied by his son Frank and Mrs. Links to the Macomb Hospital where he recovered consciousness. He suffered several injuries. Mrs. M.E. Perry of Aurora, Neb. has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Mary Dixson. Rev. Sullins preached a special sermon for the benefit of the Boy Scouts at the M. E. Church. Ira Adams has purchased 80 acres from Mrs. Huldah Strand Galbrielson from her farm 8 miles southeast of Stronghurst, the consideration being $17, 520 or $219 an acre. Mrs. F. A. Annegers hosted the King's daughters Circle at the home of Miss Emma Marshall; work of making garments for the children at the Baby Fold at Normal, Ill. is now being done.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The ladies of the Missionary Society will hold a bake sale in the Community Club rooms, Feb. 17th. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Grahm were very pleasantly surprised about two weeks ago by the arrival of their son, Pete from Winnipeg, Canada; this is his first visit in six years. His sister, Miss Florence Grahm who teaches at Maquon, Ill visited over the weekend to see her brother and parents. Mr. Joe Campbell who has been ailing went to the Monmouth Hospital. Mrs. Grace Kimball who has been confined to her bed on account of a sprained back, is able to sit up for a while each day. Mrs. H. O. White and little granddaughter, Evelyn, who have had a tussle with the Grippe, are improving. Thursday evening the Junior Boy Scouts hiked to the home of one of their members, Master Elmer Pendarvis, for one more good time before he departed with his family. Games and scout drills entertained them. C. E. Pendarvis came over from Peoria to accompany his family to their new home there. The comic Operetta, "Paul Revere" will be presented in the auditorium of Weaver Academy by the high school students.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: At the village board meeting on Monday evening, Cliff Holmes resigned as village marshal and Jack Mullin was appointed in his place. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Myers left for parts in Missouri to visit relatives. Helen, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mr. Tom Stewart, is convalescing from an attack of pneumonia. Dr. Elmira Mekemson returned from Chicago where she has been attending the Moody Institute. Young people from the People's society of the U. P. Church had a royal time at a social given by the Stronghurst Society. John Fagan is clerking in the Gus Ericson store. Mr. and Mrs. Will Musser have moved into the Howard Jamison place north of town. Tom Stewart left Sunday for Pasadena, Calif., where he hopes to get to his brother's bedside before he dies. Walter McVey expects to move his family to the Glen Rankin farm where he will help with the farm work this year. It is rumored that Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rankin expect to move to Monmouth and enroll their son, Frances, in the school there. Word was received Monday that Harry Stewart died at his home in Pasadena, Calif. that day. The Biggsville patients at the Burlington Hospital who were operated on for tumors, appendicitis and cancerous tumors are getting along nicely-Mrs. Bert Liby, Miss Agnes Glenn and Mrs. Carol Hector.