The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, Jan. 19, 1922
WON NUMERALS AT KNOX: Among those to receive numerals for football at Knox this year was Richard Peasley. Dick was one of those who, although not getting a letter in football, nevertheless did hard work that he received a white jersey sweater with his class numerals "1923" in purple.
This was Peasley's second year out for football. He was out his freshman year but because of a bad hip was prevented from playing last year. Dick made the trip to Iowa University and played half the game against "Duke" Slater of Iowa; in addition he played in all the second team games of the year. While at Stronghurst high school, Peasley played two years of football. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Peasley.
ROAD IMPROVEMENT:A Our neighboring county of Warren recently fell heir to a considerable sum of money in the nature of a refund from the state road fund for money which the county had expended in the improvement of roads which have since been designated at state aid roads. At a meeting of the Warren County board of supervisors, it was voted to apply the refund toward the improvement of the Monmouth-Oquawka road as far as the county line, five and a half miles west of the end of the brick pavement leading out of the city of Monmouth. Unfortunately, Henderson County has no state funds with which to continue the improvement of this road to the river, but is said that Rozetta Township expects to levy a special tax to provide for the graveling of the road through that township. When this is done, the road connecting the two county seats will be hard surfaced for practically the entire distance.
BUYING HEREFORDS: The Peterson Bros. who are the owners of an extensive ranch near Oakland, Calif., and largely engaged in cattle raising, have been here for several days picking up choice breeding stock in the Hereford line. They have already bought about two car loads of bulls and heifers from breeders in this vicinity and hope to secure at least three car loads more before leaving. The gentlemen have been heavy purchasers in the past of the Henderson County Herefords and the fact that they are here looking for more indicates that they are convinced of the superior quality of the cattle bred in this section.
STOLE THE TIRE: A spare cord tire was stolen from Tom Morgan's Hudson touring car last Saturday night. The car was in Tom's private garage and the thief entered the garage, cut the straps by which the tire was attached to the car and made a quick get-a-way with his plunder. As the car and accessories was insured against theft, the loss will probably fall upon the insurance company.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The high school students have commenced practicing on an operetta that they will give in the near future. The missionary society of the U.P. Church will give a chicken pie supper in the basement of the church on Friday evening. Mrs. Klember(?) sold her property to Mrs. Stuke Mathers and has moved her household goods to Stronghurst. Mrs. B. Drain and Mrs. David Gilliland entertained the members of the Community Club at the club room last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Strong moved her household goods to Rushville where she will make her home with her daughter. Mr. Tom Wilson has begun to make improvement from the house he recently purchased from Mrs. Strong.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. John Smith of Kirkwood has been assisting in caring for her mother, Mrs. George Barnett. Members of the Raritan Telephone Switchboard Co. have started a movement to reduce the cost of service. Through the Home Services Bureau of the Red Cross Society, Louis Brown, six year old son of Mile Brown who was rendered blind through the explosion of a dynamite cap last summer, has entered the state institution for the blind at Jacksonville, the expense to be borne by the county. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Rezner, who live on the Fred Ross farm near Media, are the parents of a young son born Jan. 14th. Dr. and Mrs. Harter left for their winter sojourn to California; they will probably make their headquarters at Hollywood during their stay in the Golden State.
Mrs. A. A. Worthington has been suffering for the past few days from the effects of a severe burn on her left foot occasioned by the over flowing upon the floor of some boiling lard that she was rendering. The Stronghurst Girls Basketball team played their first public game on the court in the old Opera House. Visitor complimented the girls on the progress they had made under the direction of Miss Alice Wax with the cooperation of Mrs. Lucretia Bruen. The annual Apron Bazaar and fruit sale of the Willing Workers of the U. P. Church will be held soon. Friends of Mrs. Emmet Milliken, who recently underwent a serious operation at the Monmouth Hospital, are pleased to learn of her rapid recovery. Mrs. C. E. Peasley entertained a company of friends at her home near Decorra in honor of Mrs. Marion Evans, whose birthday occurred on that date. The village of Raritan is soon to have its streets lighted, the expense to be met by popular subscription. A force of workmen has been busy for the last few days cutting ice on Lake Fort and filling the ice house. The ice is 7 or 8 inches thick and of good quality. (It would be sold for ice boxes-refrigerators were newfangled inventions). The Raritan Women's Community Club recently moved into new and more conveniently arranged quarters and also opened a library. Both the high school and village basketball teams lost to Biggsville at games in that village. The Epworth League of the Stronghurst M. E. Church held a social at the church on Thursday evening, the event marking the end of a better attendance and Bible study contest. The social was given by the losing side and featured games and dainty refreshments.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: The Senior Sabbath class of the M. E. Church met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Hicks to reorganize and select their teacher and transact other miscellaneous business. Albert Hult and Wm. Hicks have been shelling a part of their corn crop. While shopping in Burlington, we noticed an unusually busy day. The poultry and automobile show drew a large crowd, but business was brisk as many were taking advantage of the late reductions by trying to make the dollars go for full value.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whiteman spent the latter part of the week with their son Ray and family at Little York. Mrs. Irene Zimmerman, Mrs. Chas. Graham and Mrs. Maude Mudd returned from Galesburg where they went to conduct a rummage sale for the Community Club; they report a poor sale. The next number of the lecture course, "Character Studies and Speaking Likeness of Great Literary Men" by Sidney Landon will be given Friday evening. Charles Sterett, who was taken to the Burlington Hospital and operated upon for rupture, is reported as getting along satisfactorily. The Ladies Aid of the M. E. Church will hold a ten cent social at the home of Mrs. George Kilgore. The members of the book club and farmers' threshing club north of town will hold an all day meeting and banquet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Moore.
Biggsville people were surprised to learn of the marriage of Miss Mary Jamison and Glenn Snodgrass at Des Moines, Ia. Mrs. Snodgrass is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jamison and graduated as a nurse last spring at the Monmouth Hospital. Henry Wheatly, who has been receiving treatment at the hospital, was able to come home last Saturday.
CARMAN CONCERNS: The Rev. Mrs. Loonas, a Nazarene evangelist, is conducting services in the M. E. Church which are quite well attended. The farmers are busy putting up ice, which is about 9 to 11 inches thick-the best ice in several years. Quite a few of the young men have skated to Burlington. Miss Marjorie Kemp of Decorra visited last week at the Willis Dowell home. Mrs. Cleo Morrison of Chicago was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Mary Coats. Mrs. E. Olson returned to her home at Estherville, Iowa after several weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed McIntire.
***OBITUARIES***Passing of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Gibson: Near the village of Biggsville, Ill. Feb. 7, 1852 about 70 years ago, a little daughter was joyously welcomed into the home of Mrs. Martha Adams, doubly so because only a short time before this new mother had been surely grieved by the death of her husband; and the coming of this little life brought comfort and change to the heart made sad and lonely by the death of her companion. She was given the name of Sarah Melinda and being an only child, was tenderly loved and cared for by her mother until 8 years of age when God called the mother home and little Melinda, bereft of both parents, was taken into the home of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beebe. With them she grew to womanhood.
Dec. 12, 1872 another heart was made glad by her coming, for on this day she became the happy bride of Mr. D. M. Gibson of this vicinity and for 50 years she has walked faithfully by his side sharing joy and sorrows that they may have had in their long journey down life's pathway.
Immediately;, after her marriage she and her husband took their abode upon their farm southwest of Media and with the exception of five years residence at Washington, Iowa, that place was their home until a few years ago.
To this home God sent five sons to cheer and to bless this happy union. Henry W. of Ft. Madison Iowa; Edward, who when a young man of 21 preceded this mother to the Heavenly home; Charles A. of Media; John, Jr. of Biggsville and Albert B. of Denver, Colo. To them she was a most loving and devoted mother.
When only a little girl, Mrs. Gibson gave her heart to Him who is able to keep us unto the end and united with the Reed M. E. Church near Biggsville. To this church she was a most faithful member until after her marriage she brought her letter to Walnut Grove and later the U. P. Church in Media.
Grandma to everyone she was called for to know her was to love her. She was of a quiet disposition looking on the bright side of life, bringing sunshine and cheer by her presence. She always had a good word for everybody and the entire community is loud in their praises of the noble example of her consecrated life. She was never content to be idle always being able to find something worthwhile to do, especially with the needle with which she was very skillful and remained so until the last.
On account of the failing health of Mr. Gibson and at the urgent request of their children, they gave up their own house and had only a few weeks ago gone to spend the winter with their son, Henry and family at Ft. Madison. There on Wednesday, Dec. 28th she was stricken with that dreaded disease, pneumonia, and although everything was done that loving hands and skillful nursing could do, they could not stop the ravages of the disease and on Wednesday morning, Jan. 4th the silver cord was broken and she passed quietly and peacefully into rest.
On a farm near Olena, Henderson County, Ill, April 16, 1852 to Samuel and Margaret Lant Gibson was born a son who answered to the name of David M. Later, he with his parents moved to the farm southwest of Media known as the Gibson farm and here nearly all of his life was spent. He was the youngest child of a family of three, one brother John and a sister Katherine, having preceded him to the great beyond more than 40 years ago.
Dec. 12, 1872 he was married to Miss Sarah Melinda Adams of near Biggsville and so closely were their lives united that even in death, it seems, had not the power to separate them for his beloved wife had passed through the pearly Gates only eight days before.
Mr. Gibson was the father of five sons, Henry W. of Ft. Madison, Iowa; Edward, who with his wife and mother were awaiting him of the other shore; Chares A. of Media; John J. of Biggsville; and Albert H. of Denver, Colo.
Some years ago he was led to realize that life without Christ was not the life to live and he accepted his Savior and untied with the U.P. Church at Media. To this church he has remained constant until the end, always attending services whenever health and providence permitted.
The deceased was of a retiring disposition never caring for the prominent place of life but doing his bit in his own quiet manner. His entire life with the exception of about 5 years spent in Washington, Iowa, has been lived in or near this community and he has always been a highly respected citizen.
Never rugged in health, he was not permitted to do the things in life to which he aspired but tried to be confident to make the best of things as they were. A few years ago he suffered a stroke and from that time has been gradually failing in health and when the dear wife upon whom he depended almost entirely for companionship and help in his disablement was so suddenly taken from him, it was more than his frail condition could withstand and God in His mercy permitted the separation to be for only a few days. Friday evening, Jan. 12th, as the darkness of night was beginning to gather, his spirit ascended into the brightness of Heaven.
Beside four sons, he leave 15 grandchildren, a number of nieces and nephews and cousins and a large circle of neighbors and friends all of whom will feel the loss of a devoted and affectionate father, kind and helpful neighbor and esteemed friend. . .
(Wow! Don't we all wish to be so remembered!)