The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, Nov. 9, 1921:
WCTU HAS ROUSING MEETING: A delightful meeting of the local Women's Christian Temperance Union was held at the community Club room. In addition to the business a fine program was presented by Mrs. John Staley. Little Miss Louise Jacobs, 4 years old, gave the address of welcome. Eloise McMillan presented a reading and Dale Grandey favored the group with "Poor Little Pets." "Cleaning House and Why We Vote" was contributed by Madeline Trimmer. Miss Fay McMillan sang "Song of Bob White." Mrs. Widney and Mrs. Walker gave an interesting report of the 38th convention held at Springfield. Delegates were entertained at the governor's mansion by Mrs. Small and daughter. At the close of the reception, the governor's wife was so pleased with the character and work of the organization that she became a member and expects to be an active worker.
At this point Erma Kaiser at the piano and Mrs. Geo. Widney started singing some rousing W. C. T. U. songs which stirred one's heart and the vocal chords began to vibrate once more. Delightful refreshments were served. (Prohibition was in full swing!)
MACOMB TRIUMPHS: Macomb's speedy football team added another victory to their list last Saturday when they defeated the Stronghurst team on Sanderson's field. Spectators defied the damp weather to see one of the most interesting exhibitions of football ever engaged in by the local high school. The feature of the day was the open field running of Spahr, Macomb's star half back. (For a blow by blow account, check out the rest on microfilm at the Henderson County Public Library).
NEW RURAL CARRIER: Joseph Huff, who was appointed a regular rural carrier at Media and began service there Aug. 15th, has secured a transfer to Stronghurst on account of being unable to find a residence in Media. This leaves a vacancy in Media.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: W. C. McClure, a prominent La Harpe citizen who has been engaged in the furniture and undertaking business for many years, died at the Macomb hospital after a brief illness from strangulated hernia. Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Frans entertained the following members of the Thursday Club with a dinner at the Commercial Club rooms in Monmouth and afterward at Halloween party at their home. Those attending: Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Findley, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dixson, Mr. and Mrs. Del Dixson, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Dixson and Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Upton. W. C. Regan and G. E. Chandler were at Springfield representing Stronghurst High School at a state meeting of high school board officials and superintendents. Dr. George Aldrich of La Harpe was acquitted in Hancock County circuit court of larceny along with Chester Todd and Jesse Steepleton in connection with the disappearance of an automobile from the Sherman Bradfield farm west of La Harpe.
Dr. I. F. Harter marked the 34th anniversary of his and Mrs. Harter's arrival in what is now the village of Stronghurst. During the winter of 1887-88 they occupied part of the Nichols house where Bert Putney and family now live. In the spring of '88 they put up a small building on the site of the present post office and when the post office was established in March '88, the doctor became the postmaster. R. T. Painter and Robert Adair left last week with a shipment of Hereford cattle to Fort Worth, Tex. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rankin at their home southeast of Stronghurst on Oct. 25th. Mr. and Mrs. Max Sanderson are the happy parents of a daughter born Oct. 27th. H. L. Mudd is carrying his right arm in a sling having fractured a bone one day last week while cranking his Essex car. (Had to watch those new-fangled machines!) Gus Swanson returned from the Augustana Hospital in Chicago where he visited his wife who recently underwent a goiter operation. She is improving. The girls of the Stronghurst High School entertained the boys at a masquerade Halloween social at the school house.
Chas. Rockel and wife arrived in Stronghurst from Miles City Mont. and are guests at the home of Mrs. Rockel's father, Mr. J. P. Dobbs. The trip was made by auto with a two day stop at the C. P. Dobbs home at Brown Valley, Minn. A number of the local nimrods spent several days at the river duck hunting. They report that the ducks do not appear anxious to form an acquaintance of the decoys which they put out to entice their migratory cousins to tarry awhile in their southern flight.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Walter Cochran, north of town, is having his home remodeled, making it a modern abode. Collins Douglas south of town is also remodeling and putting in a furnace which will add much to the comfort of the home. The trustees of the Biggsville Cemetery (John E. Pearson, J. M. Michener, W. A. Wiegand and R. M. Hutchinson with J. Y. Whiteman as secretary) met and noted the death of Le Roy Rezner and John Rezner was elected to fill the vacancy. Finances were is good shape with the debt caused by the new addition to the cemetery almost paid off. Twenty members of the Community Club met at the home of Mrs. Otis Ervin and held an indoor fried chicken dinner. The day was spent in sewing aprons, handkerchiefs, rug rags and quilt blocks in preparation for the annual flower show and bazaar to be held the later part of November or first of December.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The high school basketball team and a large number of rooters motored to Terre Haute and played the Terre Haute school in which the latter was victorious. While the local team did not mind loosing the game, they were not overly enthused over the courteous manner in which they were treated when they arrived and during the game. (Those Terre Haute people must have been rowdy!) The first number of the lecture course was given at the Academy Saturday evening and was well attended. Mrs. Grace Kimble has gone to Raritan where she will keep house and take care of Mrs. Alphan this winter. The employees of the E. G. Lewis Seed Co. played the local high school team with the high school boys winning with a score of 6 to 2. While no great amount of mischief was done here Halloween night, a little property was destroyed which the guilty ones should be made to replace. Among things destroyed were the teeter boards belonging to the youngsters of the grade school.