The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, March 16, 1922
GATHERED TO HEAR SPEECH: W. J. Bryan's speech, delivered at Pittsburgh, Pa. last Sunday evening was received at the radio station located in the McMillan poultry house here and enjoyed by a number of people. (Bryan was a reformer and three times a candidate for President).
The atmospheric conditions were unusually good for radio purposes and the listeners stated that every word uttered by the noted lecturer could be heard distinctly as possible and also the organ music and singing. One listener even declared that he could hear the sound made by the coins dropped into the contribution basket when it was passed. A new radio room is being fitted up at the poultry house under the supervision of electrician J. C. Fisher. It is the intention to install an amplifier and horn in connection with the receiving outfit so that it will be possible to hear whatever comes in without holding a receiver to the ear. (In today digital age, the marvels of a radio transmission seem antiquated, but in 1922 it was just that-marvelous.)
SCHOOL BUILDING RANSACKED: Nearly all of the teachers' desks in the district and community high school building were broken open and ransacked last Tuesday night by some one who gained access to the building through a window reached from the fire escape landing on the second story. A hole had been knocked in the glass near the window stops, the stop pulled out and the sash raised. A broken hack saw blade was found near the window by janitor Layton the next morning and there were indications that this tool had been made use of in sawing the locks on some of the desks.
Nothing of value was secured by the intruder and the object of his search of the desks in the building is a mystery. The similarity of the two jobs leads to the suspicion that this one was the work of the same party who broke into the Stronghurst Lumber Co. office the same night.
HIGH SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT: The primary purpose of the program at the Lyric this Friday and Saturday nights is to raise money for the track meets to be held here this year. You'll get your money's worth as Mrs. Simpson is preparing some real treats in the way of music from the girls. A short one-act comedy will be given and lastly, the would-be minstrels will appear. A week later the high school will engage in a dual debate with Knoxville on the subject of "The Mexican problem."
TOWN PRIMARY-A TAME AFFAIR: The periodical farce, officially termed "village primary," was conducted at the village pumping station with 33 citizens expressing their choice of candidates for nomination for village officers at an expense to the taxpayers of something like $1.50 ($20.31 in today's values) per expression.
There were two tickets for the voters to choose from-one labeled "Citizens"-containing no names and the other labeled "Independent"-containing the names of Wm. Harquist, W.J. McKeown and G.C. Rehling as candidates for village trustees and that of Foster Lazear for village clerk. As no "Citizen" tickets were voted, consequently, that party will have no candidates at the election in April.
UPDATE OF MEDIA SEED COMPANY: The E. G. Lewis Seed Co. has made many improvements in the method of handling their seeds. Catalogs go only to customers and in answer to inquiries. Advertising expense has been cut one-half by using local papers. Methods of handling and grading Seed Corn have been improved until it enables the Company to produce better seed for less money. Hundreds of bushels lots of Seed Corn are going out in every direction and this is also a great saving which lower the price of seed to the farmer. The E. G. Lewis Seed Co. was one of the first in the state to test their Seed Corn against disease. Any farmer who is interested in having better seed service in this community should write the company.
BURGLARS AT LUMBER OFFICE: An entrance was forced into the office of the Stronghurst Lumber Co. some time last Tuesday night or Wednesday morning but as no money or valuable had been left there at the close of business, the burglars secured no loot. One window of the office opens into the lumber shed which adjoins the building on the south and a hole was broken in the glass of this window near the stop. The stop was then drawn out and the sash raised.
The various drawers and compartments of the office safe, which had been left unlocked by the manager, Mr. Ayers, were ransacked as was the money drawer and the cabinets and compartment in the smaller room connected to the main office. Nothing of value was missing. Marks on the door which opens into the lumber shed indicated that an attempt had first been made to gain entrance to the office by forcing the lock of the door. Whether the job was the work of professional crackman or local talent is a matter of conjecture.
1897 GRAPHIC: Two Carman young men were sentenced at Oquawka to a term in the penitentiary not to exceed 20 years and two others to a term not to exceed 10 years for wheat stealing. Mrs. R. V. Cortleyou died at her home in Stronghurst on March 18th after a long illness. Dr. T.C. Hamline of Keokuk, Ia. completed arrangements for locating in Stronghurst for the practice of the Medical profession. Charles Royce and Lillie Kemp of Carman were married in Burlington, Ia. on March 11th. Business in Stronghurst was reported to be practically paralyzed because of the condition of the roads. (Mud is mud and slow going.)
OBITUARY***KENNETH WAYNE JACKSON: Kenneth Wayne Jackson, the infant son of Mr. Stanley Jackson, passed away after a brief illness of pneumonia and diphtheria at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wolford at Decorra, on Feb 19, 1922. He was born on Jan. 24, 1922. His mother and twin brother preceded him in death.
WORST FIRE INSCE 1871: What the Chicago papers describe as the worst fire in the history of that city since the great conflagration of 1871 occurred Wednesday of this week when the block bounded by Jackson Boulevard, Clinton, Canal and Van Buren Street, including the big Burlington railroad office building, was laid in ruins. About 125 business firms were burned out and a property loss estimated as high as $10,000,000 was entailed. One fireman was killed and a number injured while engaged in fighting the fire.
DEDICATES CHURCH: The Methodist people of Dallas City are planning a big time in connection with the dedication of their fine new place of worship recently completed. Dedication day will be Sunday, March 19th. Bishop Nichelson of Chicago, one of the foremost men in the denomination, will preach in the morning and Dr. M. L. O'Harra will preach in the evening. Services will be held during the five succeeding evenings with President C. W. Green of Hedding College, Dr. J.T. Jones of rock Island, Dr. G.L. Minear, Rev. S. P. Arthur of Peoria and Rev. T.J.M. Cropp of Farmington, Ill. as speakers.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. Katherine Ross has been quite seriously ill for some days. A baby daughter is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Gearheart near Raritan. Emmett Milliken has sold his 80 acre farm two miles east of Stronghurst to Elbridge Fort, realizing $230 per acre. Howard Marshall, George Dowell and Henry Marshall were present at the Older Boys conference and banquet at Monmouth. Mr. C.E. Dowdell, a representative of the Anti-Saloon League, will speak at the M. E. Church Sunday morning and give a stereoptican lecture Sunday evening. A number from this vicinity whose presence was required at court on Monday left on Sunday evening for the county seat by way of Galesburg-the condition of the roads making overland travel impossible.
C.R. Kaiser was at Kirkwood attending the funeral of Fred R. Houlton, a long time resident of that village and one of the best known and most highly respected citizens of Warren County, who died on March 10th at the age of 88 years, 8 months and 21 days. Mr. and Mrs. George Wax are moving into the Davis property on Maple St. recently vacated by the Curtis family. Miss Fannie Cooper returned home after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Nolan of Oquawka. The Misses Vera Detrick, Marie Johnson, Audra Marsden and Sarah White are at Oquawka for the teachers' examination. Miss Evelyn Wyne of Macomb is visiting her sister Mrs. Sterling Simpson. Joe Peasley was taken violently ill and taken to the Burlington Hospital where he was operated on for appendicitis. The appendix was found to have been ruptured and it was feared for a time that the result would be very serious. However, he is now reported to be making a rapid recovery. Lucius McAndrews is now taking daily spins in a fine new Essex Coupe. Ray Cadle began work as bookkeeper and clerk at the farmers' Co-Operative Store. At the Stronghurst U.P. Church last Sabbath there were 37 accessions by certificate from other churches and 25 on confession of faith. Mrs. John Mudd and Mrs. B.L. Mudd were called Peoria on account of the serious condition of Dr. John Mudd, who was there for treatment. Dr. Jethro Davis, a former well known Raritan physician, died at his home in Monmouth last Thursday following an illness of about 8 weeks.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: The quarantine for diphtheria was lifted from the James Sandy home. Frank Jacob, who was visiting with home folks, returned to the army hospital near Chicago. Sam Duncan and Will Hedges represented Gladstone Township on the grand jury in session in Oquawka. Mrs. Rathburn was given a surprise last Saturday evening at the home of Dr. C. M. Stephens by her friends, it being her birthday. The evening was spent in singing, dancing and playing games. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Mears and sons, George and William and daughters Dorothy and Elizabeth; Paul Galbraith, Mark Graham and Kenneth Babcook. Mr. Spencer moved from a farm near South Henderson to the house of A. J. Ditto near the school house. Thirty-two of Mrs. Jess Smith's friends met at her home to remind her of her birthday. They came with well filled baskets and an elegant dinner was served. Miss Josephine Graham has been suffering from a severely burned foot the past two weeks and was unable to attend her duties in the post office; Miss Iva Cisna has taken her place. The Bluffdale School has been closed the past week owing to the sickness of the teacher, Bernard Smith. Earl Watson moved his family to the farm vacated by Albert Swedland.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mrs. A.P. McHenry was in Monmouth where she was a delegate to the Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whiteman were in Chicago where they went to be with their son Lloyd who underwent an operation; he is getting along fine. Mrs. Clara Ericson left for Oskaloosa, Iowa to visit her sister, Mrs. Jessie Conner.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The following persons are under the doctor's care, mostly colds and grippe. Most have been real sick running high temperatures and having coughs and sore throats: Miss Bessie Pendarvis, A. L. Beall, Lloyd Palmer, Gazella Lawyer, William Murtland, Mrs. Alice Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Miller and children, the infant sons of Mr. and Mrs. Winifred Keith, Frank Hamilton, Mrs. Wm. Mcintyre, Mrs. Koon, Mrs. H. O. White and Evelyn. Hardly a family has escaped illness. Miss Wanetta Howell departed for Peoria to enter Brown' Business College. While there, she will live with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pendarvis at 612 Wilcox Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson have moved from the Berterman place to the Ed Bigger farm northeast of town.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Joe Campbell came home from Roseville and is much improved with hopes to soon be able to work again. Mrs. Florence Mathers is nursing Mrs. Alice Schroeder. Mr. Adair and family moved to the farm one mile south of town on the Raritan Road which he purchased last fall. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cromwell who were living there moved to the Bice property. Mr. Dan Campbell celebrated his 66th birthday on March 10th. Mr. H.O. White and Guy Garrett are on jury work in the county seat. Mr. and Mrs. Blake and family of Kirkwood have moved to the Weaver farm. The young ladies and town boys basketball teams won over Smithshire with a score of 6 to 4 and 20 to 16.