The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, Jan. 26, 1922
BECOMES MANAGER: Ward Flock of Barrington, Ill. began his work as manager of the E. G. Lewis Seed Co. at Media on Jan. 17th. Mr. Flock comes very highly recommended by Dr. Burlison of the University of Illinois. Mr. Flock graduated from the Agriculture College at Urbana in 1917. After serving in the late war Mr. Flock has spent his time studying production of seeds in a practical way and has been very successful in growing alfalfa and producing an early maturing corn for his locality.
The E. G. Lewis Seed Co. has gone through the adjustment. Every employee has taken a reduction in wages and seeds are in line with farm prices. (After WWI farm interests were experiencing a depression.) Within the last two weeks the company has sold three car loads of Soy Beans going to Virginia and Tennessee. The demand is good for Seed Corn also. Every bushel of Seed Corn offered for sale was grown from seed tested against disease.
***OBITUARY***MRS. CHARLES FIRKINS: Viola Amelia Matzka was born near Raritan, Ill. Oct. 22, 1892. Her parents were Henry and Bertha Matzka. Her father passed away when she was but 13 years of age. Following his death she moved with her mother and family to Stronghurst. There she made her home until she married Charles Firkins. They have three children: Bruce Ben, Bertha Lucile and Francis May. Aside from one year in Missouri, their married life has been spent in and near Smithshire.
There remain of her loved ones, her mother, five sisters: Elizabeth Palmer and Nellie Livingstone of Canada; Lena Rosen of Raritan; Henrietta McCullough of Smithshire and Augusta Castle of Hermon, Ill.; four brothers: Fred of St. Augustine; Ben in Canada; George of Stronghurst and Herman of Burlington, Ia.
Mrs. Firkins never united with any church but was faithful in attendance at the Christian Church in Stronghurst while residing there.
Of her it was said by those who knew, "She was a faithful wife and a loving mother." Two traits of exceeding value in any woman. Funeral services were conducted in the M. E. Church at Smithshire with interment in the Stronghurst Cemetery.
OIL PROSPECTING: The Pope Brothers, who have been in this locality for several weeks past, acquired oil leases, left for the East during the past week. We understand that they were somewhat disappointed in not being able to secure leases covering the entire tract of 10,000 acres which they had selected as a prospective field for development. They have made it known that they hardly feel justified in putting down any test wells until the entire tract has been placed under lease.
These gentlemen seem to have been very fair and reasonable in their proposition to the farmers who own land in the tract selected for development and it would appear to be a misfortune to the whole community if the refusal of some of these farmers to sign up leases should prevent any further investigation as to the oil and gas resources of the territory in this neighborhood which lies within what the state geologist have designed as a possible oil producing "quadrangle."
The proposition seems to be one in which the individual land owners in the tract under consideration as well as the community at large have much to gain and nothing to lose in accepting.
The Pope Brothers, before leaving, signified their intention of returning again soon, and it is to be hoped that when they do, they will succeed in getting the desired acreage under lease. (Oil prospecting had been tried a generation earlier and had failed, but the oil boom in Oklahoma and Texas making millionaires predisposed people into thinking it could happen in their area. But, alas, Henderson County did not develop into an oil field.)
***OBITUARY***JOHN POGUE STEWART: Relatives in this vicinity have received word of the death at his home in York, Pa. of John Pogue Stewart on Jan.21st following an attack of pneumonia. John Pogue Stewart was born in Media Township, Henderson County June 1, 1877. He was the son of Dr. Jas. G. and Maria (Pogue) Stewart and was reared on the farm to which his parents afterward moved, 2 miles southeast of Biggsville. He graduated from the Biggsville High School in 1900 and later taught in the same school. He afterward took courses in the Illinois State Normal College and the Illinois state University and later graduated from Cornell University from which institution he received degrees of B.A.; B.S.: Ph. D; and L.L.D.
For several years preceding his death he was at the head of the department of Horticulture in the University of Pennsylvania and was considered one of the best authorities in his line of work in the United States. His ability as a lecturer was generally recognized.
Dr. Stewart is survived by his wife and little daughter, two brothers: H. W. Stewart of Pasadena, Calif. and Thos. Stewart of Biggsville; a nephew, James Graham Stewart of Biggsville and several cousins, namely Arthur and Chas. Pogue of Media Township; Wm. Stewart of Carman; Ralph Stewart of Biggsville; Chas. Stewart of Oquawka; Mrs. Anna Mathers of Media; Mrs. Ben Park of Monmouth; Ralph Pogue of Galesburg; Louis and Clair Pogue of Fairfield, Ia. Thos. Stewart, brother of the deceased, left for York, Pa. to attend the funeral services which were conducted at the home.
1897 GRAPHIC: The Frank Woodside feed mill in Stronghurst was destroyed by fire on the evening of Jan. 24th. The building had been erected as a creamery several years before and was owned by a stock company. A temperature of from 3 to 22 degrees below zero had prevailed in this section of the country for several days. J. W. Hook has just opened up a general merchandise store at Decorra. The telephone franchise in the city of Burlington, which had been acquired by the Henderson County Telephone Co., was sold to J. C. Hubinger of , Ia. The Henderson County company was granted free use of the Burlington-Hubinger exchange. Moses McElhinney died at his home at Walnut Grove on Jan. 22 at the age 70 years. He had lived for 57 years on the farm near the Walnut Grove U.P. Church where he died. The annual Henderson County Farmers' Institute was held in Stronghurst on Jan. 22 and 23. Speakers were Dr. McIntosh of the State University; J. B. King of Lomax and Prof. Bowersmith of Stronghurst; Jno. A. Brook of Olena read a paper on "Weed Pests;" Oliver Whiteman of Biggsville, on "Swine Breeding;" L.P. Maynard of Terre Haute, on " Roads and Road Improvement;" Miss Anna Watson of Olena, on "Potato Raising; " Dr. I. F. Harter of Stronghurst, on "Hygiene on the Farm;" and Miss Edna Murphy of Stronghurst on "The Care of Poultry."
MARK THIS ON YOUR SOCIAL CALENDAR: The M. E. Church will give an oyster supper and debate at the M. E. Church in Media, Friday evening Jan. 27th. The event comes as a sequel to a better attendance contest recently conducted in the Sabbath School between the men's class led by J. E. Lawer and the Women's class led by Mrs. Hannah Kamber, the losers to treat the winners to an oyster supper. The men's class lost and they decided while making good their forfeit to the winning class to also serve oysters to the general public at popular prices. A debate on the question of the mutual relationship which should exist between business and the church with Prof. B. A. Hoffman and E. G. Lewis on one side and Rev. H. T. Russell and Edson Moon on the other was arranged as a feature to add interest to the occasion. (People had to make their own entertainment and local talent was used.)
FREE CLINIC FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN: The Public Health and Child Welfare Department of the Women's Community Club announce that on Jan. 30th, a free examination of crippled children will be held in the Armory building in Galesburg by Dr. C. W. East of the State Welfare Dept. Dr. East is one of the best authorities in his particular line in the state and parents who have crippled children would do well to keep the above date in mind and avail themselves of the opportunity presented.
COMMERCIAL CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS: At a meeting the recently organized Stronghurst Commercial Club at the First Nat'l Bank the following officers were elected: President, E. R. Grandey; Directors for one year-C. R. Kaiser, A. E. Jones, B.G. Widney; Directors for two years: W. C. Ivins, George Dixson, G. C. Rehling.
The club starts out with a charter membership of 25 members. The object of the organization is to promote the industrial, commercial and civic welfare of the community.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Ralph Butler is installing a new tank heater in the M. E. Church at Dallas City. Roger Bosco, the young man who was arrested on the charge of breaking into the Carman post office and store, was bound over to the Henderson County grand jury and released on $800 bond. (In today's value-$10,835; where did he find the money? He had been listed as a farm laborer.) Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Staley of Lomax are the parents of a young son born on Jan. 25th. Stronghurst High School defeated the Media basketball team at Media on Saturday night by a score of 26 to 12. Immediately afterward, the Cyclones, the Stronghurst town team, defeated the Seigels of Media 21 to 5. Mrs. C. E. Lukens entertained a number of little folks at her home in honor of the 8th birthday of her daughter, Dorothy. Mrs. T.E. Walker returned from Kansas City where she was called by the illness of her husband who is in a hospital there. She reports Ed's condition as somewhat improved but thinks it may be quite some time before he is able to return to Stronghurst.
Blandinsville "biggest bank in the world in a town without a smokestack" has been written up by a special writer for the Saturday Evening Post and the Country Gentleman. The Star-Gazette of that town remarked that the publicity given the Blandinsville bank and community would have cost $6.000-8,000 if paid for at regular advertising rates. Brother Trego thinks, moreover, that the distinction is something Blandinsville has a right to feel a little puffed up over and it surely is.
H.L. Hough of Mason, Ill. is in this locality securing contracts from the farmers to consign their grain to the U. S. Grain Growers Association. M.L. Hunt, who is connected with the organization, is signing up elevators. A boys' basketball team is being organized by the Old Bedford Christian Church congregation. Eugene Wilson left for San Diego, Calif. for a two week vacation and will stop to see Lloyd Chant in Albuquerque, N.M. on his way to the coast. Miss Myrtle Gustafson of Terre Haute has been employed as teacher of the Gearhart School near Raritan, formerly presided over by Mrs. Ice Rezner Gearhart. Miss Mary Dixson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Dixson of Stronghurst as social chairman of the Y.W.C.A. at Knox College, Galesburg, is in charge of the annual Mardi Gras Ball to given by the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. of the college. Mrs. Ellis Roberts of the south country is in a Chicago hospital recovering from a serious surgical operation. Robert Rankin of Raritan Township is critically ill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Voorhees and sons, Wilbert and Gilbert are spending the winter months in Biloxi, Miss.
BIG VARIETY SHOW TONIGHT: McLain Big Variety Show will give a performance in the Lyric Theatre. There will be four reels of pictures featuring the Pendleton, Ore. Roundup, also 2 acts of vaudeville consisting of contortion sets, trick and fancy roping. black face farce comedy, etc. Cheyenne Shorty will deliver an interesting lecture as the pictures of the roundup appear on the screen. (Sounds exciting to me, especially for a Thursday night entertainment!)
DEATH FROM DIPTHERIA: Julia Elaine Scott, the six year old daughter of Mrs. Effie (Long) Scott, died Jan. 25th at the home of Mrs. Emily Long at Olena from malignant diphtheria. Anti-toxin treatment administered several days ago after a consultation of a physician failed to stay the ravages of the malady and the little sufferer passed away on the date mentioned. Short funeral services will be conducted at the grave in the Olena Cemetery.
WEDDING BELLS-PUTNEY-SHAW: Mr. Ernest Putney and Miss Lois Shaw surprised their many friends last Saturday, Jan. 21st by quietly slipping away to Galesburg where they were united in marriage by Rev. Wakefield, pastor of the First M. E. Church at his house. The only witnesses were the wife and daughter of the officiating clergyman. The happy couple returned that same evening to Stronghurst where they will reside.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. John T. Shaw and has spent her entire life in this community where she is well and favorably known. She graduated from the Stronghurst High School last year and has for the past few months been teaching in what is known as the "Dutch Row" school near Biggsville.
The groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Putney of this place. He served in the Navy during the late war being stationed at Pensacola, Fla. For the past year or more he has been employed in the meat market department of the Farmers' Cooperative Store.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. Perry Veech was the hostess for the Loyal Women's Class of the Stronghurst Christian Church at the home of her sister, Mrs. Joe Huff. Following a business session, a social period was spent and nice refreshments were served. Chester Todd, the young man who was convicted over a year ago of stealing an automobile from the garage at the Bradfield home near LaHarpe, has been refused a stay of execution of his sentence pending the hearing of an appeal of his case by the Supreme Court and was taken to Joliet last week to begin serving his prison term. R.W. Upton has been confined to his bed again with a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism. J.A.Peterson has moved from the H.M.Allison farm east of Stronghurst to the Curts farm near Carman recently vacated by Chas. Glad and family. Mr. C.E.Peterson is reported as being critically ill at his home in the east part of town. He and his wife are both aged people and are being cared for by their son Emil.
Quite a number of people of the community have been making inquiry lately as to what has become of the Parent-Teacher's Association which was organized last spring under what seemed to be suspicious conditions. The last meeting of the association was held on May 3, 1921 at which time a constitution and by-laws were adopted. Claude and Harry Doty and wives were called to Basco on a sad mission. Their aunt, Mrs. Jane Doty, passed away at the home of her daughter Jan. 16th at the age of 78 years. The deceased was prominent in the social affairs of Basco being a member of the Baptist Church and of the Eastern Star.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: People are busy this week putting up ice for summer use; it is quite a treat to again have natural home ice measuring 10 inches and better in thickness. Mrs. Jack Stevenson is not well again. Bernard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Plummer, had the misfortune while coasting at school to run into a bank and break his arm near the wrist. Chas. Stewart and Graham Stewart who are in the hospital are reported to be getting along satisfactorily. Rev. and Mrs. Samuel Lorimer have gone to housekeeping in the front furnished rooms of Aunt Nancy McMillan; they will spend the remainder of the winter here. Mr. Parish has opened a barber shop in the Thompson Building in the east part of town. Relatives here report Sumner McMillan, formerly of these parts, who of late years has made his home in Galesburg, has purchased a newspaper plant at Camden, Ind. and has taken charge personally. Miss Marion Gibb has been crippled since last Saturday when she fell to the street tearing loose the ligaments in her right ankle; she must now use crutches to get around. Russell Ericson, north of town has gone to Chicago to attend an automobile school. The Book and Thrashers Club held in the neighborhood north of town the past few years held an all day meeting and banquet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Moore. A business meeting was held in the afternoon. The farmers decided to disband. New officers were elected by the Book Club: president, Mrs. Mary Johnson, and secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Pearl Cochran. (An ad for Alabastine paint was advertised by Worley drugstore in many colors-it has a gypsum base and thought to promote dry walls, be healthful and repel insects.)
CARMAN CONCERNS: Anderson Brothers of Lone Tree had a couple of loads of cattle shipped in here from Kansas City. Mr. Jas. Harris of Burlington called between trains at the Alice Crane home. Mrs. Ella Kulking of Carthage called between trains at the Albert Porter and Thos. Ford homes. Protracted meeting closed here which have been conducted by Mrs.Lunas; she expects to move to Lomax and occasionally fill the pulpit here. Messrs. Hunt and Chas. Peasley and son were organizing a grain growers organization.
LOMAX LINGERINGS: Mr. John Clark has been quite sick. Mrs. Marvin McKim who has been visiting her daughter at Atkinson, Nebr., returned and is staying at the O.G. Waterman home. R.H.Scott has rented the Lee Porter Ice house which is being filled with a good quality of ice. While not so thick, it will be a nice size to handle well. A three night show at the opera house the first of the week was enjoyed. A home talent play is being prepared by the Fire Department to be given Feb.9th. Geo. Hoffeditz has moved back to Stronghurst.