The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, Dec. 8, 1921
****OBITUARY***A.D. ATKINS: Adsa D. Atkins, a well known citizen of Raritan, died from the effects of malignant cancer at his home in the village on Dec. 2nd at the age of 67 years. He came to Illinois at an early age from New York State with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Atkins, who lived for many years on a farm southeast of Raritan and afterward moved into the village. The life of the deceased was, with the exception of a few years lived in the West, was spent in Raritan Township and to vicinity. He married Miss Alice Bigg of Rozetta Township and to this union one son was born, James Atkins of Galesburg, Ill. Mrs. Atkins also survives her husband.
For a term of years immediately preceding his last illness, Mr. Atkins held the position of road commissioner for Raritan Township, an office which he filled creditably and with ability. Funeral services were held at the home with rites at the grave in charge of the Masonic order. Raritan Township officials acted as pall bearers.
OUGHT COUNTY ROADS BE OILED? A few days ago C.R. Pendarvis, Chas. Pendarvis and E.G. Lewis made a business trip to Peoria and these men came home with the idea that the main traveled roads in Henderson County would be greatly helped by being oiled. These men say that any person making the trip from Galesburg to Peoria over the wagon road can certainly appreciate the value of oiled roads. On oiled roads teams, trucks and cars passed over the road like on a pavement; but when the eight miles of unoiled roads were reached, it was a different story. Trucks and cars were running in low speed and teams pulling with all their might. (What was the speed limit in 1921?)
No doubt some people think that we cannot afford to oil our roads at the present time, but would it not be a real economy to have the main traveled roads oiled? Could we not save enough on the wear and tear of cars to more than pay for the oil? Besides, it is certainly worth while when it comes to hauling grain and livestock to market.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. Mary Dixson had the misfortune to trip and fall on her porch dislocating her shoulder. George Annegers remains in critical condition at the Burlington Hospital. Mrs. Eleanor Gibb suffered some severe scalp wounds resulting from a fall which happened at the W. H. White home in the village. Joseph Ivins, a business man of Louisville, Ky., spent several days at the home of his brother, W. C. Ivins of this place. At a meeting of the congregation of the U.P. Church Rev. J.A. Mahaffey of Winfield, Ia. was chosen as pastor of the church. About $60 worth of furs which A. C. Brown of Oquawka had secured by trapping were stolen from a barn in which they had been placed for curing. At the football banquet, Joseph Dixson was elected as captain of the High School team for 1922. Golden Babock, a Carman boy, was chosen as captain of the 1922 Bradley Polytechnic Institute football team eleven.
MARSHALL HOME BURNS: The residence of R.N. Marshall and family located four miles southeast of Stronghurst was consumed by fire. The home was a large two story frame structure and it was entirely destroyed. The fire originated from an overheated flue, the soot in which had taken fire when Mrs. Marshall, who was alone in the house, started a hot fire with cobs in the cook stove for the purpose of baking bread.
She had gone into the sitting room to sew and about 3 o'clock detected the odor of smoke. Investigation revealed that the roof of the house was ablaze around the chimney and that the attic was a mass of flames. She quickly sent an alarm over the telephone line and the neighbors soon responded. Mr. Marshall, who had been at work in a field some distance from the house was also soon on the scene. It was evident that the house was doomed to destruction and the efforts of those who had congregated were directed toward saving the contents. The greater part of the furniture, bedding, clothing, etc. was saved, but it will no doubt require an inventory to determine the exact extent of the loss. Both the house and content were insured, but no amount was known. The loss of their home, especially at this season of the year, will cause Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and family considerable inconvenience.
1896 GRAPHIC: An oil and gas prospecting company was being formed by a gentleman by the name of Wambold who had become interested in the oil and gas prospects in this section through some of the Santa Fe railroad officials. All but a small amount of the $5,000 in stock deemed necessary to finance the project had been subscribed. J. F. Hicks, Santa Fe and Iowa Central agent at Nemo, Ill. was instantly killed and his body ground to pieces on Dec. 7th when a railroad tricycle on which he was returning from Monmouth to Nemo was run down by a train on the Iowa Central tracks. The new Christian Church at Lomax was dedicated on Dec. 6th with Judge Scofield of Carthage being in charge of the services. George Stout of La Harpe and Miss Lucy J. Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Stewart of this vicinity, were married at the home of the bride's parents on the evening of Dec. 2nd. A.H. Mizneer, who had been employed as an implement salesman for several years, was offering his services as an auctioneer.
One of the most sensational fights in prize fighting annals took place at San Francisco between Robert Fitzsimmons and Thomas Sharkey. Although Sharkey was knocked out in the eighth round, he was given the decision by the referee on the ground that Fitsimmons had fouled him with his knee went he went down.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Quite a few of our farmers have finished husking corn crops and some are helping their neighbors. A few have availed themselves of the opportunity to purchase some fine Plymouth Rock cockerels of Mrs. Frank Pearson one mile east of Olena. The box supper in the village was quite well attended and netted about $25 ($297.25 in today's values). The young people put on a very creditable entertainment. The Literary Society which meets at the church postponed their meeting. The next one will feature an old fashioned spelling bell so come prepared. A nominal fee of 5 cents will be charged to defray expenses. Mrs. Gertie Thompson of Middleton, Iowa visited the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs; her husband who has a clerical position in Middleton was badly injured while hunting. Mrs. Maud Davis of New Mexico who was called to Illinois by the death of her father, Mr. Ralph Marshall, is visiting her brother, Oscar, near Danville.
Many of his relatives and neighbors went to help Mr. Frank Hicks gather his corn crop but a steady rain prevented them from giving much aid; they will try again. Mr. Hicks is unable to do much outside work on account of the pitiable condition of his wife who is in a helpless condition.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: The Women's Foreign Missionary met at the home of Mrs. W. D. Colley. The home of James Sandy was placed under quarantine for diphtheria; Ida Ruth is the one who has the disease. William James and Son, Ralph, are doing carpenter work in the Green Bay country in Iowa. John Fryer completed a new garage for his home. Word came that Mr. J.C. Tolman died at his home in Kewanee. Mr. Cartwright and family moved to Burlington. A daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stevenson of Burlington; she will be known by the name of Alice Ruth. The north side sand pit, which has been pumping water for the C.B. & Q at Galesburg, closed down for a few days. The John Mills home east of town is quarantined as there is a case of diptheria. Miss Iona Simpson fell and broke her left arm in Burlington.
Funeral services of Mrs. Anna Cessna, widow of John Cessna, who was killed when his automobile in which he was riding was struck by a train on the branch road July 2, was held at the U. P. Church. She was laid to rest in the Carman Cemetery.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mr. and Mrs. Steven Graham drove to Iowa accompanied by Mrs. Page Rand II and baby. The Presbyterian Missionary Society will be at the home of Mrs. Lyons. Ladies are asked for scraps of material for quilt blocks to be sent to a Freedman's school in the South. They would like material for dolls and clothes which when finished will also be sent to the same school. A meeting was held at the M.E. Church to consider starting a Junior Epworth League; some thirty children were present and a league was organized. Ben Redfern and daughter, Lois were visitors at the home of her father, Mr. Wm. Stevenson.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Thursday evening the High School students served oysters, celery, pickles, coffee and pie in the Community Club rooms, but owing to the very bad weather, they were unable to sell all that they had so the supper was again held Friday evening and the nice neat sum of nearly $50 was made. Thursday evening after supper the boys played basketball with the Seed Company team with the school boys winning 17-10. A young farmer by the name of Mr. Ward Stokes of Barrington, Ill. spent Saturday and Sunday in town looking over the E. G. Lewis Seed Company plant and considering taking over the position as manager.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Miss Gertrude Dowell visited home folks. Mr. John Siegworth has been quite poorly for a few days. Mrs. Anna Mohrling Cisna's remains were laid to rest in the Carman Cemetery. George Bigger has so nearly recovered from his operation that he has been removed to his home from the Burlington Hospital. A little daughter arrived at the John Seins home. Miss Mona Dixon, who has been teaching in Olena, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Dixon.
CLOTHING FOR MOUNTAIN PEOPLE: A shipment of second hand clothing for the people of the mountain region in which Stanton College, Ky. is located is being prepared by the ladies of the Stronghurst U.P. Church. Those who desire to contribute are requested to leave their donations at the residence of either Mrs. W. H. White or Mrs. A.H. Kershaw.
Sheets, hats, underwear, socks, bed clothing, etc. will make acceptable gifts to the people of this region who are having a struggle for existence on account of the partial failure of crops this year and who are now facing the prospect of a hard winter. Threadbare clothes should not be included in the donation as the expense of transportation would probably be greater than the amount of the benefit realized by the recipients. A few good books and red Bible song books have been suggested as gifts.
COUNTY SPELLING CONTEST: The Annual Henderson County Spelling Contest will be held at the Biggsville Township High School on Dec. 17th. Contests are to be held in all townships not later than Dec. 13. All regular pupils of the first eight grades are eligible as contestants including medal winners in previous contests. Winners in township contests will be awarded gold pins and the county contest medals will be given. The winner of the county contest will represent the county in the state contest.
The following teachers will be in charge of contests in their respective townships: Raritan-Lloyd Huff & Susie Voorhees; Media-O.E. Hildebrand & Marquerite Wheeling; Biggsville-E. A. Gady & Gladys Edwards; Rozetta-Virginia Allaman & Ruby Hicks; Bald Bluff-Maida Daymude & Ethel Ditto; Terre Haute-Geo. See & Rhoda Anderson; Stronghurst-C. E. Larson, Emma Wright & Viola Mc Clinton; Gladstone-H. C. Blackstone &Anna Burrus; Oquawka-H. S. Lant & Clara Morris; Bald Bluff fractional-Genevieve Bell & Bertha Mackey; Lomax-W. E. Leach & Virgil Pence; Carman-W.L. Lightner & Earl D. Marsden.