The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The meeting was called to order at 6:57 p.m. with Temporary President Bill Ewing leading the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll was called with all trustees present except Travis Pence who arrived very shortly.
Minutes from the August meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Brian Sterett with Amanda Guyton offering the second. The motion carried.
The treasurer's report was presented and approved by Brian Sterett less the typing error with Nanci making the second. All voted to approve the motion.
Bills were presented with our largest outlay of funds to date as we paid the first installment on the water project of $223,975.19 paid to Laverdiere Construction. The ladies at our local bank donated their typing skills as I can't write small enough for a check of this size. Bills were approved with Brian Sterett making the motion to approve and Travis Pence offering the second. All voted to approve the motion.
New Business - - Kathie, and Sharon Curtiss along with George Torrence attended the meeting to express concern over dogs in their neighborhood. Even though county animal control has been notified and been to the owner's property the problem still exists. President Ewing will talk to our attorney and the county officials to see if some arrangement can be made. All present thought a village property owner should have the right to move about without threats on their physical safety.
Recycling - - - - The recycling center situation has become a constant problem with pickups, and sorting not being done in a timely fashion. At this time Nanci Sterett made the motion to close until further notice our center starting in October. Travis Pence made the second and all voted in favor of the closing.
Security - - It seems a possibility that we could receive a police vehicle for a $1. If this pans out further discussion will follow to see if this would be a viable option for our community.
Maintenance - - - For those who saw the notice in the post office we had a water main break at 10:30 in the evening that was reported by the Henderson County Sheriff's office. Bill Ewing, Kevin Mortimer, Kevin Shauman, and Corey Champagna worked all night fixing the plastic tee that had cracked. I saw them finish at 5 AM when I walked my dog. Most of our citizens never knew that the water had been off. Anytime you see these individuals thank them for a job well done.
The trustees are opening interviews for a maintence person for our village. Anyone interested contact Marilyn Simmons or call 627-2210 and leave name, phone number and address so we can get an application form to you. Applications must be turned in before the 27th of this month so they can be reviewed at the October meeting.
Public Relations - - - Russell Liston was nominated for the position of Grand Marshall for our Heritage Trail Parade. Russell has been a large contributor to this community for a long time and all thought this was a great choice. Friday Sept 27 from 7-10 we will have a street dance prior to the parade on Saturday. The Scout Troops will be serving beverages and the Women's Fire Auxiliary will be serving food.
Water - - Missman, Inc. who is doing the pipeline to Media presented two change orders, one of which was approved for a valve replacement, and one for an increase in funding due to changes in the project that was tabled until it could be reviewed.
A hydrant at the recycling center is leaking and had been scheduled for repair when parts have been purchased.
Zoning - - - It seems that Gale Mudd has reduced our car wash to rubble and will be erecting a pole building to get him out from under his wife's feet. Don't we all wish we were retired?
Drop Box - - - Local locksmiths will be contacted for a drop box that will be secure for payments dropped at the community building. We will notify all when this is done.
Computer - - The board has been looking at buying software and a computer that will enable us to produce water bills when we get meters installed. Cost estimates were presented to the trustees and Bill is looking at local suppliers for comparable items.
Nominations for President - - - In a Village of this size our "mayor" is actually President of the Village. As we had no one run in the last election procedures needed to be followed making any appointment legal. Each trustee was asked if he or she wanted to serve as interim President until the next election. No one accepted the position so Bill Ewing was asked if he would serve. After much discussion he volunteered to serve until the water project was completed. Brian made the motion to nominate Bill, Matt seconded the motion and all voted in favor.
Committees for Trustees - - Travis Pence will be working on Parks and Recreation, Brian Sterett continues with water, Amanda is working as our Zoning Officer, Nanci is our Public Relations person ,and Matt Webber is working with maintenance.
The motion to adjourn was made by Amanda Guyton as 10:04 with many seconds, and all voted in the affirmative.