The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Board of Education of La Harpe Community School District #347 held a regular meeting July 16, 2013 in the school district library.
President Cindy Wear called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Roll Call was answered by Pam Campbell, Dustin Detherage, Mark Irish, Bobi James, and Cindy Wear. Nathan Butler and David Mershon were absent. Supt. Ryan Olson, Prin. Lila McKeown, and Board Sec. Jeanne Clayton were in attendance.
A Moment of Silence was observed.
A motion was made by Irish with second by Campbell to approve the minutes of the open and closed meetings of the May 21, 2013 regular meeting of the La Harpe CSD #347 School Board
as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Supt. Olson gave the financial report and presented district bills.
A motion was made by James with second by Wear to approve the financial report and payment of bills as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Superintendent Olson s report included information about a team-building board workshop the
IASB will provide as a culmination of the new superintendent search process. Dr. Olson reviewed new Illinois conceal-carry law pertaining to schools, Friday workshops provided at the Triple I Board Conference, and mandated Board PERA training. Dr. Olsonpresented results
from the ROE mini-compliance visit for the completed 2013 school year and the FY 2012 ISBE audit of ARRA Funds, Title I, and Title II. Olson mentioned the district hosted a successful girls basketball camp despite having no coach presently employed for the head position. Illini West
Coach Surprenant and La Harpe assistant coach Clover led the camp. 16 Dallas and La Harpe students attended.
Principal McKeown presented samples from 3 consecutive years of ISAT test results pointing out the annually-changed cut-scores and raised bars in an effort to understand the lower test results for the district. The school year 2014 will be the final year for ISATs. In SY 2015, all state testing will be computerized.
Business Items:
Date and Time of FY 2014 Budget Hearing: A motion was made by James with second by Irish to conduct the FY 2014 Budget Hearing for September 17, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. in the School Library. Motion carried 5-0.
Update Student Handbook for FY 2014, Second Reading: A motion was made by Detherage with second by Irish to approve the second reading of the FY 2014 Student Handbook as 07-16-2013 Board Minutes 2 presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Update Faculty Handbook for FY 2014, Second Reading: Wording on page 16 regarding no smoking will be adjusted to include e-cigarettes.
A motion was made by Irish with second by James to approve the second reading of the FY 2014 Faculty Handbook as amended. Motion carried 5-0.
Update Tuition Waiver Memorandum, Second Reading: A motion was made by Detherage with second by Wear to adopt the FY 2014 Tuition Waiver Memorandum as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Update FMLA Policy Wording to Reflect Board Action in August 2010: A motion was made by Detherage with second by Wear to approve the FMLA policy wording to reflect August 2010 action as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
District Internet Use Policy: A motion was made by Irish with second by Campbell to approve District Internet Use Policy as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
District Wellness Policy: A motion was made by Campbell with second by Irish to approve the District Internet Use Policy as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Approve Second Reading of Policy Updates PRESS Issue #81: A motion was made by Irish with second by Detherage to approve school district policy updates as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
District IMRF Agent: A motion was made by James with second by Irish to appoint Laura Claassen, bookkeeper, as IMRF Authorized Agent. Motion carried 5-0.
Verbatim Closed Meeting Records: A motion was made by Campbell with second by Detherage to approve the deletion of verbatim closed meeting recordings made at least 18 months and older, per board policy 2:220. Motion carried 5-0.
Closed Meeting:
A motion was made by Campbell with second by Irish to adjourn to closed meeting on July 16, 2013 at 8:41 p.m. to discuss items per ILCS 120/2(c) listed below:
(1) Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees,
(2) Deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.
(10) Matters relating to individual students.
Motion carried 5-0.
07-16-2013 Board Minutes 3
President Wear called the July 16, 2013 closed meeting to order at 8:41 p.m. board members present: Pam Campbell, Dustin Detherage, Mark Irish, Bobi James, and Cindy Wear. Also present: Supt. Ryan Olson, Princ. Lila McKeown, and Sec. Jeanne Clayton.
Closed meeting included discussion of (2) FY 2014 School Secretary Salary Schedule, (2)
FY 2014 Custodial Salary Schedule (1) FY 2014 Certified Personnel Employment, (1) FY 2014 Ed Support Personnel Employment, (1) FY 2014 Principal Contract (1) Custodial Resignation/Retirement, and (21) Semi-Annual Review of Closed Minutes.
A motion was made by James with second by Irish to return to open meeting at 10:22 p.m. Voice vote confirmed all in favor. Motion carried.
FY 2014 School Secretary Salary Schedule: A motion was made by Irish with second by James to approve the proposed changes to the School Secretary Salary Schedule as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
FY 2014 Custodial Salary Schedule: A motion was made by Irish with second by James to approve the proposed changes to the Custodial Salary Schedule as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
FY 2014 Certified Personnel Employment: A motion was made by James with second by Detherage to approve FY 2014 Certified Personnel Employment as presented in Addendum #1. Motion carried 5-0.
FY 2014 Educational Support Personnel Employment: A motion was made by Irish with second by Wear to approve FY 2014 Educational Support Personnel Employment as presented in Addendum #1. Motion carried 5-0.
FY 2014 Principal Contract: A motion was made by Detherage with second by Campbell to approve contract changes for the principal as presented in Addendum #2. Motion carried 5-0.
Custodial Retirement/Resignation: A motion was made by James with second by Irish to accept with regrets the resignation of Linda Harrington, custodian. Motion carried 5-0.
A motion was made by Detherage with second by Campbell to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m. The voice vote response returned all in favor. None opposed. The meeting adjourned.
Signed by Cindy Wear
Signed by Jeanne Clayton
Board President Board Secretary