The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.


Greetings to ever one in western Illinois and all readers of The Quill. This week has celebrations fer Columbus Day last Monday, National Boss Day this Wednesday, and of course full moon on Friday. I'm not fer sure it is possible to take so much excitement all in one week!

Corn harvest seems to be progressing satisfactorily with terrific yields be'n reported. One farmer reported a yield of over 300 bpa. If "n that is the case, one can assume his yield would make up fer the loss incurred by this fall's lower market prices.

Soybean harvest has begun in earnest with noticeably dusty fields be'n spotted throughout the region.

Yields are frequently be'n reported at 60 plus bpa and one farmer reported a field at 85 bpa. Wonder what that will do to bean prices if'n no one is exaggerate'n on the matter.

Safety and Young'ns

Last week's column mentioned about 150,000 to 200,000 kids are injured on U.S. farms and ranches each year accordin' to the National Children's Safety network. This statistic is often used to try to pass laws outlaw'n involvement of farmers's kids on the farm.

To put things in perspective here is some enterest'n information on sports injuries from the University of Rochester Medical Center:

How frequently do sports injuries occur?

In the U.S. about 30 million children and teens participate in some form of organized sports. More than 3.5 million injuries each year, which cause some loss of time of participation, are experienced by these participants. Almost one-third of all injuries incurred in childhood are sports-related injuries. By far, the most common injuries are sprains and strains.

Obviously, some sports are more dangerous than others. For example, contact sports, such as football, can be expected to result in a higher number of injuries than a non-contact sport, such as swimming. However, all types of sports have a potential for injury, whether from the trauma of contact with other players or from overuse or misuse of a body part.

Injury statistics and incidence rates

The following statistics are from the National SAFE KIDS Campaign and the American Academy of Pediatrics:

Where and when:


Types of sports and recreational activities

Consider these estimated injury statistics for 2009 from the Consumer Product Safety Commission:

Scope of Problem

Additionally, national data further describes the scope of the problem:

More sports-related non-fatal injuries are treated in hospital emergency departments than any other type of unintentional injury.

Approximately 4.3 million sports and recreational-related injuries were treated in hospital emergency departments during July 2000-June 2001. This represents 15.7% of all non-fatal unintentional injuries, across all ages and genders.

Among children aged 10-14 years, 46.3% of all non-fatal unintentional injury ED visits were a result of a sports-or recreational-related injury. Although this percentage was lower among adolescents 15-19 years old (31.4%), sports and recreation related injuries in this age group still represented nearly one-third of all ED visits.

Other national surveys have highlighted the problem of sports injuries among children and adolescents. During the years 1997-1998, an estimated 2.6 million annual ED visits were sports and recreation-related (1997-1998 National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey for people ages 5-24 years.

However, results from the 1997-1999 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), showed that when medical treatment beyond ED visits was included, that figure rose to almost 4.5 million annual sports and recreation-related injuries.

This is supported by prior NHIS data from the 1988 Child Health Supplement that reported nearly 4.4 million children ages 5 to 17 years old suffered a sports and recreation-related injury, representing 35.8% of all injuries to people that age.

Dr. David Geier gives the follow'n sober'n statistics about youth sports and injuries. Dr. Geier is Director of MUSC sports medicine and an orthopedic surgeon. He writes a sports medicine column for the Post and Courier.

More young athletes are playing sports than ever before. The National Council of Youth Sports estimates that 44 million kids play at least one organized sports activity. And while this surge is encouraging for so many reasons, it also has contributed to one worrisome trend, injuries are skyrocketing.

As a sports medicine physician and orthopaedic surgeon, I and others like me, certainly can treat injured athletes. But as I have mentioned previously in my columns, I believe that part of our responsibility to athletes is to try to prevent these injuries in the first place.

Just over one year ago, the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine partnered with many other healthcare and sports organizations to create the STOP Sports Injuries campaign.

When Safe Kids USA, one of the founding organizational supporters of the campaign, asked me to participate in an upcoming event, I enthusiastically agreed.

A short column like this one doesn't give me nearly enough room to discuss all the possible injuries and their ramifications, let alone to offer prevention strategies. Instead, I want to offer some frightening statistics that suggest that we are confronting a real and serious problem.

Illinois legislatures and Governor Quinn are concerned enough about sport injuries that they signed into law an unfunded mandated on our already cash strapped schools effective January 1, 2014 requiring both public and private high schools to have catastrophic-injury insurance for athletics play'in in school-sponsored sports.

Schools are required to have insurance that will cover payments for five years or $3 million in benefits, whichever comes first. Families are eligible after paying the first $50,000 in medical expenses.

Well, thar ya has it then - we need to be more aware of safety fer our young'ns, both on the farm and off the farm.

Be thankful fer our many bless'ns, enjoy family and friends, and diligently practice safety fer our young'ns sake.

See ya in church this week, hopefully.

Keep on Smile'n

Catch ya later