The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

“Fall Harvest, Guess Work, Prices,

Greater Power, Who’s Closer”

The Wisdom Of Barnyard Bruke

Greetings to ever one in western Illinois and all readers of The Quill. Harvest is a come’n along well, with most of the beans harvested. Corn harvest is progress’n satisfactorily with quite a few finished or nearly finished. There remains, however, much corn yet in the fields.

Fall Harvest

The rain last week of 2 1/2 inches or more was a welcome relief. The soil absorbed it quite easily and within two days combines were a roll’n again. Would’ve been sooner, had the sun come out sooner. Once the stalks dried out enough to properly work through the combine machines, the ground was more than firm enough. Maybe by the time ya reads this we’ve even had another rain, or so the weatherman is predict’n.

Guess Work

Last June and early July, agronomists were a say’n there would be two kinds of farmers come next fall. Those that side dressed NH3 and those that wished they had. Additionally, they said that the corn what was planted late May and early June, as well as all replanted corn, would in all probability have significant yield losses.

The exceptionally wet spring was gonna cause shallow root development. When the dry August became reality, no hope was give’n fer good yields this fall.

Well, Golly Gee, the yields I’m a hear’n about this fall don’t seem ta support the “soothsayers” predictions. Even the non-side dressed additional nitrogen farmers are report’n good yields.

It seems in reality, fer this year anyways, there are two kinds of farmers this fall. Those who didn’t waste their money on extra additional nitrogen and those who wish they hadn’t spent their extra cash bet’n fer a better crop. It goes to say a farmer will loose his crop yield three times dure’n the summer before he produces a bumper crop.

Next year, I reckon, it’ll be different, fer each year carries its own peculiarities. It’s oft said, “this year’s mistakes are made on last years lessons”.


The board of trade speculators are a bett’n they can steal your corn now that ya’ve finally raised a good crop. Farmers has extra cash fer the most part from good prices the last few years and the pipeline is nearly empty from the last two years short crop. Not much corn has been sold ahead and farmers are sell’n soybeans rather than corn to obtain some extra cash. Fer now, the farmer has shut his corn bin door tight and wait’n fer a fair return fer his crop. Crop thieves such as grocers manufacturers, and mega corporate livestock folk are really a belly ache’n.

It’ll be enterest’n to see who blinks first, farmer by sell’n or end user by bid’n up. You can bet those mega corporate livestock and poultry feeders are not gonna let their animals go without feed. The same goes fer other end users as well. Grocer manufacturers are make’n too much money to cut back any. Use yer own best judgment in market’n this years crop.

Greater Power

Next year will be a different ball game, ya can bet your trousers on that fact!

All said and done, there is a power greater than mankind that gave us the bless’ns of this good crop. We have much to be thankful fer.

Who’s Closer

Picture in your minds eye, if’n ya will, at the crest of a hill stands a cross, straight and tall. A narrow, wind’n path leads up the hill to the foot of the cross. It’s a steep, rocky trail, but it is the only way to get to the top.

Near the bottom of the hill, the picture shows a man toil’n upward. Beads of sweat flow down his face but can’t hide the joy that pours out from his heart. It’s plan to easily see that the journey is difficult. Ya can even see signs the man has occasionally slipped backward a step or two, but his footprints always point forward. His eyes are closely focused on his goal, and his arms are outstretched in a plea fer help from the Lord of the cross.

Now then, the minds eye pictures another path lead’n away from the cross. It is a wide, paved road with a gentle but ever downward slope. This road ends in a city at the bottom of the hill where all the pleasures and attractions of the world dwell.

Another traveler is shown on this decline’n highway. He is much closer to the cross than the first man. He had obviously been on the upward way, but now his back is turned to the cross, and he is head’n down the hill to where he had come from. This man is also smile’n but it is the empty grin of sinful pleasure, not the full joy of the cross.

So, ya see two men: one far from the cross but earnestly strive’n towards it, the other close to the cross, but casually stroll’n away from it. The thought might come ta mind ask’n the search’n question, Who’s Closer?

How do ya answer that question? Either of the men could choose to change direction, but it is much more difficult ta turn around on the slippery slope of sin than it is ta keep go’n on the reward’n road of righteousness. Ya might safely conclude that the traveler who is turned in the right direction is in a safer position than the other, though he may have further ta go. Which direction do ya suppose our country is a head’n and just as important, which direction are you head’n?

Hope’n to see you’ns in church this week. Where ever ya is, what ever ya be a do’n - BE A GOOD ONE!

Keep on Smile’n

Catch ya later

Barnyard Bruke