The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
On Wednesday, April 17, 2013, the West Central CUSD #235 Board of Education approved the request to purchase four used bus camera systems from Midwest Bus Sales at a price of $995 per bus with installation included.
The cameras will be put on selected buses and will be available for use at the beginning of the 2013-14 school year. It was also the consensus of the board that if these cameras help reduce the number of bus discipline referrals, they would like to add additional camera systems to more buses sometime during the 2013-14 school year.
The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Board President Brent with all board members were present at roll call.
President Brent then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Under good news items the following items were highlighted:
The board approved the agenda as presented.
Under recognition of audience request for presentation, the board heard a brief presentation from three district staff members concerning the WCHS cheerleading squad; remarks from district resident Stephanie Carnes on communication; and comments from Dean Wetzel and Sherri Pulse regarding the WCHS golf team.
The board approved the consent agenda as presented. Items approved under the consent agenda included:
Under financial activity, the board approved payment of all bills as presented. They approved the March 2013 activity accounts for West Central High School, West Central Middle School and West Central Elementary School and the treasurer's report for March 2013 as presented.
Superintendent Grimm reviewed with the board the district's financial report. As of the end of March actual expenditures and revenue to budget should be 75%. It was noted that actual expenditures were 67.62% of budget and actual revenue received was 74.07% of budget as of the end of March 2013.
The board approved a bid for the south campus dishwasher replacement project from Benbow Plumbing and Heating in the amount of $49,779. It is anticipated that the work to replace the dishwasher system will commence this summer as soon as school is out.
They tabled the request to leave the Media facility open for the 2013-14 school year.
A district fund raising protocol document as prepared by Superintendent Grimm was reviewed with the board offering two minor changes that they would like to see made to the documents. Following that discussion, the board approved the document as presented.
A request to advertise for a WCMS assistant principal was tabled.
The board approved a request to extend the lease for the school farm with its current tenant, Darryl Lenz. The extension of the lease is for five years and will begin at the conclusion of the current lease and will run through February 29, 2020.
Reports were heard from Mrs. Lafary, WCES Dean of Students, Mr. Nichols, WCMS Principal and Mr. Schneider, WCHS Principal. In addition, Supt. Grimm gave a verbal report on the district's curriculum. Mrs. Frakes commented on the district's technology and Mrs. Farniok updated the board on the district special education program.
Mrs. Megan Endress gave an update about the Stronghurst Summer Softball-Baseball Association's plans to refurbish the "Little Wrigley" diamond located on the east end of the south campus.
The board reviewed with the building principals their proposed changes to their respective parent/student handbooks. These proposed changes will be brought back for approval at the May 2013 board meeting.
The WCHS golf program, now that Hend Co Hills has been sold and will no longer serve as a public golf course, was discussed. They reviewed some information concerning the possible use of the Monmouth Country Club as a site to conduct practices and meets for the 2013 season. As part of the discussion, several parents of current WCHS golfers expressed an interest in having the district pursue a use arrangement with other possible golf courses. Supt. Grimm will ask district athletic director Roger Kerfoot to gather additional information about these options and report back to the board with a recommendation at the May 2013 board meeting.
The WCHS PE curriculum for the 2013-14 school year was reviewed as well as the numbers of students who have signed up at this time for high school PE classes. As a result of the discussion, Mr. Schneider will review the anticipated staffing needs for the high school PE curriculum for next year.
Under future agenda items, it was noted that the golf program will be discussed again at the May board meeting and the proposed policy revisions that were approved on first reading will also be brought back to the May meeting for second reading and adoption.
The board entered closed session at 9:12 p.m. to discuss matters pertaining to personnel.
The board exited closed session at 10:46 p.m. and took the following action:
The board was reminded that the board's reorganization meeting will be on Thursday, May 2, 2013 beginning at 7 p.m. in the elementary cafeteria.
In addition the board's next regular board meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 15, 2013. This meeting will also be held in the elementary cafeteria and begin at 7 p.m.
There being no other business to come before the board, the board adjourned their meeting at 11:00 p.m.