The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By Elaine Slater Reese
Bun-Bun was not your usual Easter Bunny. He was not a soft fuzzy white or bright pink or mint green. Some might glance at him and see a deformed,ugly creature. His head (about the size of a baseball) and his extremely long rabbit ears appeared to be plopped onto his unusual body. This strange body appeared to be one very long, thick strand of braided heavy burlap. That was it! Maybe he was a bunny with rickets!
But our granddaughter Cami saw Bun-Bun only as her best friend. He had been part of her life from the time she could hold an object in her little hands. In the beginning he was with her twenty-four/seven. Weeks, months, years passed. At times when she was sleeping, the washing machine was set on delicate and Bun-Bun was recycled over and over back to almost his original color. But each washing took a small toll. Little by little strands of Bun-Bun were left in the bottom of the machine.
As the years passed, Bun-Bun stayed on his protected spot in Cami's room. But when she came home from kindergarten, she rushed to see her best friend. And he slept in her arms every night. There were some dire times when Bun-Bun was accidentally left on the airplane from Phoenix. And there was the night Dad had to crawl in the moonlight on the beach to locate Bun-Bun buried in the sand.
It was becoming obvious that some thought Cami was getting too old to be so attached to her Bun-Bun. So once in a while I would suggest, "Now that you have all these other new toys, maybe Bun-Bun would like to come and live with Grandma." Cami would look up at me with those chocolate brown eyes and impish grin and say, "I don't think so, Grandma!"
I tried that again the last time I was with Cami. Same results. But as I put my coat on to leave, she asked me to come up to her room. Very slowly and very carefully, she pulled the bottom half of Bun-Bun out of a cup. Even the delicate setting on the washing machine could not prevent the inevitable. "I love him, Grandma, but I want to share him with you."
The moment I got out the door, the tears flowed down my face. Because she loved me, she had chosen to give me the most precious gift she could. And I was reminded of how God chose to give His most precious gift to me and to you. He gave His Son to be crucified on an old wooden cross to pay for our sins. But it didn't end there. Christ rose again. HE LIVES! And He is my best friend!!