The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe Community School District

#347 Reports On February 19th Meeting

At the February 19, 2013 regular meeting of the La Harpe Board of Education, the board approved the district superintendent contract with Dr. Ryan Olson.

Physical Education teacher Ryan Hopper introduced himself to the board and presented an overview of the many activities he uses in teaching P.E.

Hopper emphasizes active participation and improving individual fitness. He uses warmups as well as pre and post activity assessments with each sport skill and fitness skill practiced, and includes many team building activities.

Hopper utilizes unit tests with study guides and has a fitness day each Thursday emphasizing performance improvement.

Hopper explained his use of fitness stations and how he alters the activities for grade level appropriateness.

The board heard from special education teacher Janet McKoon, who is an advocate of inclusion.

McKoon explained and gave numerous examples how she works with regular classroom teachers to accommodate Special Education students so they may compete side by side with their peers.

She noted that a part of her job is to provide information sheets for all students with health issues for substitute teachers to use.

McKoon explained how students are transitioned to a career path and how she continues communications with former students so she will know what is being presented at the high school level and beyond.

Referring to preparing students for future success. McKoon stated, "You push them to do the most they can do because that's how life is."

Language arts, spelling and Rtl (Response to Intervention) Teacher Carrie Faul created a Prezi presentation for the board utilizing the Promethean Board.

Faul showed the many facets of language arts instruction including grammar, writing, reading novels, drama, and speeches.

She showed examples of reading strategies, types of poetry, books from the Lion's Club, writing examples, and how grammar is presented with T charts and videos.

Faul also detailed speech and drama lessons she uses with Rtl (Response to Intervention) students.

Dr. Jo Campbell's superintendent's report included information about recent State "Take Over" and lottery legislation, and IASA Leadership Week with superintendents and legislators, and an IASB Spring Dinner meeting including a board candidate briefing for individuals running in the April election.

Dr. Campbell highlighted sessions on unfunded mandates, transportation, general state aid, and school construction. Dr. Campbell also noted the recent audit completed by the ISBE.

Principal McKeown gave updates on the progress of each athletic team, the State Spelling Bee, quarterly PBIS celebrations, Jump Rope for Heart, Freshman Orientation, and random lunch seating to promote new social interactions.

Universal Screening has been completed for elementary and junior high.

McKeown gave a progress report on teacher evaluations, staff trainings, and administrative training's completed, and a meeting to update the coop agreement language.

The most recent teachers institute involved a presentation on Domestic Violence and an ISP presentation on active shooters.

The Hancock Sheriff's office also attended the in-service, and trained after hours at La Harpe School.

In other business the La Harpe Board of Eduation:

Anyone wishing to view agendas, news releases an approved minutes, please visit the school board section of the La Harpe Eagles website at

It was announced that the district’s architect was to be present at the Tuesday, March 19th regular board meeting to show plans, artist rendering, and model of the Phase II construction on D Street, to the community members present.