The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Christy Kienast – The Quill
The La Harpe City Council met on Monday, March 11, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the La Harpe City Hall.
All council members were present with the exception of Vicki Burford.
The minutes from last month’s meeting were approved and the treasurer’s report was approved as well.
City engineer Eric Moe stated that the sanitary sewer system study is completed and has been sent to Rural Development. We need to have a heavy rain to try out the overflow at the lift station at Archer street.
They televised selective portions of the sewer. The mains and service connections were all in good shape and no roots were found.
Moe also gave an update on the utilities for the closure of D street by the elementary school.
On Tuesday, March 19th at 7:00 p.m. a meeting with the school board and the architects for the new school will be in the library of the school.
City employee Tim Graves picked up an LED floodlight from Menards for the flagpole on the west side of town that has not been working properly.
This will be installed by Alfred Huston. When the other two lights quit working they will probably be replaced with the same floodlight as the west side.
Graves also gave an update on the water situation. The reservoir is running over and the creek is full.
He also noted that when the EPA was in town for the oil spill out at the railroad they inspected the sewer plant.
In the spring, Graves will need to check the depth of the sludge in the lagoons and check the depth of the sludge in the contact basin.
Also, one of the lift stations has no visible, audible or automatic dialer alarms. Graves ordered this at a cost of $400, since it had to be done.
City employee Wayne Humphrey announced he is ready to patching the streets. Council is looking into getting 3 intersections in town fixed this year. Fourth street, Fifth street and G street are the 3 being looked at.
Dan Gillett announced he will be attending the Economic Summit meeting this month in Carthage.
The council passed an ordinance to vacate a portion of D street between Main street and Archer avenue.
There were more decisions to be made with replacing the windows at City Hall.
Cook’s Glass will come up when the weather is nicer for a better assessment of what is needed.
A grant for the water meters is still being looked into. More discussion was given on the Junior Council Member.
The minutes from last month’s meeting were approved and the treasurer’s report was approved as well.
All council members were present with the exception of Vicki Burford.