The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Meet Your Neighbor

by Christy Kienast, The Quill

Meet your neighbor and Illini West Senior Kaitlin Logan of Lomax.

Kaitlin was born in Keokuk, Iowa on January 23, 1995. She is the daughter of Rusty and Cindy Logan.

Rusty is a truck driver for Industrial Service Corporation in Burlington, IA and Cindy is a personal assistant and works at Peter's Greenhouse in Lomax.

She has two younger brothers. Austin, 15, is a sophomore at Illini West and Marshal is 14 and is a freshman at Illini West.

She is the granddaughter of Steve and Sherry Brown and Eileen Logan.

Her most memorable high school moment was when she was selected to be an All American Cheerleader. She has also been selected for the 2012 All Conference Band, and is the Most Outstanding Drum Major at the 2012 Octoberfest in Quincy.

Kaitlin is currently involved with softball, cheerleading, International Club, SADD, FFA, Student Council, Teen Court, and Junior Chamber members. She is also a Drum Major for the marching band for the last 3 years.

She works at the 1850's Guest House in Dallas City.

She loves to spend time with friends and family. She also likes to babysit, dance, read, and care for her pet rabbit, Chip.

After graduation, she plans to attend Southern Illinois University and pursue a degree in Speech Pathology.