The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Illini West School Board Reorganized
At the regular meeting of the Illini West School Board on Wednesday, April 24, 2013 4) it was approved the election results based on the completion of abstract of votes and the canvassing of election results by Hancock County Clerk, declaring the winners to be Shannon Pence (La Harpe ESD), Beth Pence (Dallas City ESD) and James Whitaker
(Carthage ESD) for four year terms.
The Oath of Office administered by Tracey Anders to the three winners for four year terms.
Recognition of former board members and plaques were presented by Tracey Anders to: R.D. Trout, Mark Burling and Robert Clifton for their years of service.
Officers elected included
- Tracey Anders board president
- Tom Holtslcaw vice president
- Janet Vass secretary
All three were elected for a two-year term by acclamation.
In other business
- approved the regular meeting dates and place as presented.
- approved Kim Deitrich as the treasurer for the school district.
- Established board sommittees as follows:
- Finance Committee: Tracey Anders and James Whitaker
- Transportation Committee: Shannon Pence and John Huston
- Policy Committee: John Huston and Janet Vass
- Building/Lease Committee: Tom Holtsclaw and Beth Pence
- approved the minutes of the regular meeting of March 27,
2013 and executive session minutes of March 27, 2013. Shannon Pence/yes. Motion carried.
- approved payment of bills in the amount of $290,185.33.
- approved the agenda as presented.
- Mr. Dion passed around a thank you note from the Carthage Public Library, thanking Illini West for letting them use the school to host the Spelling Bee. He reviewed the sports highlights and commented on signing day, which is May 1st. He will attend another conference update meeting on April 30th.
- Mr. Gooding reported that Illini West received nearly $15,000.00 from First State Bank, which was generated from people using their Charger
Card. He discussed the common core standards for science and how the teachers have looked over the information and are discussing how they will use it. The 5Essentials survey has come to a close and he and Mrs. Schilson will review the results this summer when they become available.
- Mrs. Schilson discussed the arrangement that she had presented to Vicki
Hardy, Dr. Campbell, Jeanne Clayton and Chris Northup, offering to take over transportation for all of the elementary districts. Carthage Elementary District is not interested at this time. Dallas City and La Harpe districts are taking the plan to their boards and will report back to us.
- passed a motion for the board to take action to take back all concessions, sale of IW apparel and the ham and turkey dinner. The administration is
recommending that the board hire a Fund Raising Coordinator that would be in charge of concessions, apparel and the yearly ham and turkey dinner. The parents of each sport would be asked to help run concessions at different sporting events. Parents and coaches will be asked to
help at the ham and turkey dinner. Funds raised will be used to pay the salary of the coordinator and help support IW athletics. The administration will develop a job description for the new position.
- Mrs. Schilson reported that Memorial Hospital has received its not-for-profit corporation status. IW will lose approximately $33,0000 a year in property taxes starting with the next fiscal year and will begin repayment of property taxes back to the 2009 tax year that were paid in 2010. The County Treasurer will withhold the 2009 taxes from the property taxes to be paid in 2013. Memorial Hospital is also entitled to interest on the refunded property taxes, but has elected to waive any interest to be paid on the refunded moneys.
- Mrs. Schilson discussed a survey that was given to IW by a local citizen and asked that a couple of board members and possibly a couple of teachers help tweak the survey before presenting it to the public. Beth Pence and John Huston volunteered to help with this.
- Mrs. Schilson reported that Mike Carter from Klingner & Associates has offered to look at the district and see where the best rural location would be, taking into consideration utilities and roads. He is offering this service at no charge to Illini West. The board agreed to have Kim pursue this with Mike.
- School Board Training
- Mandatory Training - Mrs. Schilson discussed the requirements and handed out pamphlets.
- ASB Training - The board discussed the options as far as dates for training. The board members will email Mrs. Schilson with dates they are available and she will go from there.
- During recent heavy rain, the basement and around the boiler flooded and the downstairs boys' locker room flooded. Thanks were given to Ethan Neally and Steve Wood who emptied the boys' locker room late that night to avoid damage to student clothes, shoes, etc.
- approved the following consent agenda items.
a. Policy Updates - Adopt
i. 2:20 School Board - Powers and Duties of the School Board
ii. 2:30 School Board - School District Elections
iii. 2:110 School Board - Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board
iv. 2:125 School Board - Board Member Expenses
v. 2:140-E School Board - Exhibit – Guidance for Board Member
Communications, Including Email Use
vi. 2:200 School Board - Types of School Board Meetings
vii. 2:220 School Board - School Board Meeting Procedure
viii. 4:45 Operational Services - Insufficient Fund Checks and Debt
ix. 4:100 Operational Services - Insurance Management
x. 4:110 Operational Services - Transportation
xi. 4:170 Operational Services - Safety
xii. 5:30 General Personnel - Hiring Process and Criteria
xiii. 5:125 General Personnel - Personal Technology and Social
Media; Usage and Conduct Board Minutes April 24, 2013 Page 4
xiv. 6:60 Instruction - Curriculum Content
xv. 6:65 Instruction - Student Social and Emotional Development
xvi. 6:110 Instruction - Programs for Students at Risk of Academic
Failure and/or Dropping Out of School and Graduation cIncentives Program
xvii. 6:210 Instruction - Instructional Materials
b. Approve 2013-2014 Student Handbook
The board entered into Executive Session at 8:04 p.m. to discuss:
a. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)
b. The purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5)
The board returned to the regular meeting at 9:10 p.m. and took the following action:
- accepted resignations from Tim Lafferty as Head Football Coach and Karen Jacquot as FBLA and Junior Chamber Sponsor.
- approved Dana Hendricks as Assistant Volleyball Coach for 2013-2014 school year.
- approved John Hughs as Cross Country Coach
- approved Harold Northup as Golf Coach for 2013-2014 school year.
- approved John Hughs as Boys Head Basketball Coach for 2013-2014 school year.
- approved Tim Lafferty as Boys Basketball Assistant Coach for 2013-2014 school year.
- approved Grant Surprenant as Girls Head Basketball Coach for 2013-2014 school year.
- approved Brent McKinney as Girls Basketball Assistant Coach for 2013-2014 school year.
- approved Steve Wood as Wrestling Coach for 2013-2014 school year.
- approved Lyle Klein as Wrestling Assistant Coach for 2013-2014 school year.
- approved Carol Brooks as Cheerleading Coach for 2013-2014 school year.
- approved the FBLA overnight trip to Anaheim, CA, June 26-28, 2013, as presented.
- approve the One-year Intergovernmental Agreement with West Prairie Community Unit School District No. 103 as presented.
The board adjourned at 9:27 p.m. Those present included: Tracey Anders, Mark Burling, Tom Holtsclaw, John Huston, Beth Pence, R.D. Trout, and Janet Vass