The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe School Board

At the May 21, 2013 regular meeting of the La Harpe Board of Education, the following members were in attendance: President Cindy Wear, Vice President Nathan Butler, Pam Campbell, Dustin Detherage, Bobi James, and David Mershon. Mark Irish was appointed to complete 2 years of Willo Carpenter's Board open seat. Supt. Jo Campbell, Prin. Lila McKeown, and Board Sec. Jeanne Clayton were also present.

Music teacher, Stephanie Mencel, showed video clips of various music lessons on the Promethean board, including sight reading solfege, a piano unit lesson, jump rope and singing with a steady beat, melody up and down, improvising on melody instruments, and many others.

5th grade teacher, Kristen Juarez, presented photos on the Promethean board from the social studies unit on Native American Homes. Models of pueblos, tepees, and longhouses built by students were shown using a variety of materials and colors.

5th grade teacher, Kathy Kendall, expressed her gratitude to the board, and presented on the Promethean board, "A Walk through your National Parksâ" using science, math and spelling. Students chose a park, wrote rough draft papers including geology, wildlife, history, and other information, created a PowerPoint about their selected park, and presented them in class.

Special Ed. Teacher, Melody Hensley, provided a PowerPoint of the K-5 Resource Room with Mrs. Hughes. Hensley's presentation included facts about the students served by the program she teaches and examples of activities such as Flip the Egg Game, Touch Math, Fishing for Sight Words, and an exercise ball to sit on to increase focus and attention. Principal McKeown mentioned that in visiting Hensley's class, she was impressed with the student's manners and encouragement of each other.

Dr. Campbell’s Superintendent’s report included information about the Illinois Association of School Boards website, and how to find and access information such as the Alliance Legislative Reports, Master Board Member Program, and PRESS Policy Services. The semiannual Prairie States Insurance Cooperative meeting in Property Casualty/Worker's comp insurance was reported on as well as a Western Area Schools meeting on health insurance changes. Many changes in health insurance are resulting from the Affordable Care Act.

Principal McKeown mentioned the track team performances at the State meet, required annual fire and evacuation drills, and Spring AIMS web screening for elementary and junior high. The Reading Club, paid for by the Title 1 grant, has wrapped up their meetings for the year. Spring concerts led by Mrs. Mencel were fantastic. McKeown listed the spring field trips, reading incentive trips and PBIS trips scheduled for each grade, and mentioned a presentation made by the Illini West Get R Done Club in honor of Mikhaila Palmer. McKeown mentioned student activities during Nursing Home Week and Teacher Appreciation Week, and thanked board members Bobi James and Dustin Detherage for helping with graduation. Teachers have been actively involved in PBIS core team meetings. Retiring staff will be honored at the last Teacher's Institute Day luncheon. Retirees are Dr. Campbell, Laurie Myers, Kathy Kendall, Sharon Moore, and Bob Dowell. A Common Core Standards K-8 writing workshop will be held for teachers on June 6th, and interviews will be conducted for open teaching positions. McKeown showed a photo of La Harpe teacher Brian Sullivan with seventh-grade students from La Harpe Junior High School from their visit with State Senator John Sullivan (D-Rushville) during their trip to Springfield.

The board approved minutes and bills, appointed committee members, renewed membership with the Illinois Association of School Boards, approved the current and next year's school calendars, and set next year's student fees. The board accepted with regrets Kim Houston's resignation from School Counselor, approved employment for Mary Woollard as School Psychologist/Special Ed Coordinator/School Counselor. The board approved Dallas recommendations for Athletic Coop Coaches, approved Jodelle Eddington's employment as summer custodial help and school year cafeteria clerk/part time central office assistant, approved Kelly Lafferty as summer central office assistant, and Sharon Spangler and Ryan Hopper as summer custodial help. The board moved to abate loans made from Working Cash to the Capital Project the Health Life Safety Fund, and approved substitute applications submitted by Sharon Moore, Felicia Pence, and Claire Finch.

To view agendas, news releases and approved minutes, please visit the school board section of the La Harpe Eagles website at