The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe City Council Discuss Several Topics

The La Harpe city council met on Monday, June 10, 2013 at the La Harpe city hall. First on the agenda for the night was-Kristen Palmer voicing her concerns about the speeding on her road on South C street. She says some people use the railroad tracks as a ramp instead of a speed bump. The local traffic and big heavy traffic, no out of towners, who speed the most. There is only one speed limit sign (25 MPH) on the street right now. The council will see about putting more signs out and asking the county to put signs up on their side of the road.

The Council was advised about the committee meeting with Eric Moe on the storm sewer televising. Moe-believes-the city should finish televising the rest of the sewers. She said it was interesting to see what the sewer pipes looked like, where they were leaking, some sewer hookups were incorrectly installed.

The streets in the cemetery will be graveled, dirt will be held in a pile for the graves that are settling. The contractor for the cemetery will help fill the graves.

With the help of memorial money and possibly other organizations, there is the possibility of getting a map and a legend of the cemetery, so people can find their families in the cemetery.

Councilman Darryl Kraft, along with the rest of the council, asked if we could try to keep our business local here in Hancock County when buying goods for the city, such as lumber, etc. from Homestead Lumber in Carthage.

There is a new business coming to the old Dollar General building in town. An arcade, pawnshop and areas available for people to sell crafts, goods, etc.

Marcia Stiller said that she had gotten a lead to possibly help pay for the windows for the city hall building.

RB's Pitstop liquor license was renewed and the Prevailing Wage Ordinance passed.

The house that houses the Senior Citizens building is part of the Johnson Land, the city is responsible for the maintenance of the building. They are working on whether or not to side the building or repaint the aluminum siding, using money from the Johnson land.

A bid was awarded to Weaver Tree Service for $1100 to take down and clean up, etc. two dying trees on the city's property at 207 South A street.

The next La Harpe City Council meeting will be held on Monday, June 24, 2013 at 7 p.m.