The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Biggsville Board Meeting

The regular meeting of the Village of Biggsville heard during the Sewer Report a motion by Brian Sterett and seconded by Travis Pence to increase the sewer rate by $1 per month.

The action was taken in order to maintain village loans from Rural Development and also to have reserves for possible maintenance issues. The increase will allow the village to do this.

Conducting the July 16th meeting was Board President Bill Ewing with Trustees Presents: Brian and Nanci Sterett, Amanda Guyton, and Travis Pence present, and Clerk Dale Allenbaugh, and Treasurer Marilyn Simmons.

The treasurer's report was presented and all approved, and the bills were presented with state taxes for 2011 and the first quarter of 2012 being paid.

Federal and State taxes are now current plus EPA fees have now been addressed. Brian made the motion to pay all bills with Nanci offering the second. The motion carried with all voting in the affirmative.

Parks- Reverend Johnson has offered his resignation from this committee due to other obligations.

Motion by Brian, seconded by Travis, carried to approve.

Anyone who would want to work with this committee would be more than welcome. For a village of this size we have really nice facilities due to the work of many unnamed citizens.

Public Relations- Barb Reed has volunteered to head the Heritage Trail celebrations for Biggsville.

Anyone who would want to have any information put in the flyer for this event should contact Barb or Bill Ewing before August 1st.

On September 27 from 7 - 10 we will have a Main Street dance with music provided by John Beckenger. John can provide all types of music with a square dance being one of the venues being discussed.

Motion made by Brian, seconded by Amanda, was unanimously voted upon to approve the event..

Other activities during Heritage Trails will include a parade, money scramble, a coaster hill race, and dinner at the Presbyterian Church.

Zoning- Amanda discussed some issues with fencing and will be researching in this area. Any building or other concerns please feel free to contact her or any other trustee.

New Business- Lou Boyer expressed concerns about what the new water bills would do for businesses in the village. Currently, businesses are billed at a higher rate than houses but when the new water comes to the village all will be billed strictly on usage. Smaller households should, at that point, pay less simply because their demand will be less.

A travel trailer which is parked on village right of way was brought to the attention of the board. The owner will be contacted with a certified letter, if it is not moved it will be impounded at the owner's expense.

Motion 516 and 517 were adopted by the board. Ordinance 516 was for the proposed budget for 2013 and Motion 517 stops people from carrying concealed weapons into village property.

Jackson Disposal was approved by the board to pick up trash at our three locations. We will save a lot of money by using this company.

Old Business -

Some citizens have expressed concerns about the speed at which vehicles are being driven down some streets.

The sheriff's department will be stepping up their coverage during our evening hours.

The board also discussed putting speed bumps in the streets where the fastest and most dangerous traffic has been seen.

The meeting was moved for adjournment.